I grew up in the Mississippi Delta, a place where your personal safety and the security of your possessions were second thought. The door to the house was never locked, and car doors were locked, only if you ventured to the "big city".
To this day, I've never been one for locks, especially in my own driveway, thinking why lock the door, when a thief is just gonna knock out your window to get what he's after. I do lock up when parked away from the house, just as a small deterant to " walk by " thievery.
Yesterday I was headed to Clinton to do some assembly work at Home Depot. Backing up, I noticed that the hatchback light came on. Sometimes the door doesn't get shut all the way. No biggie, I just hopped out and re-shut it. I also stopped at the local Kroger to fill up my tank. It wasn't til I reached my final destination, to find I had been violated during the night. I parked my car, got a shopping cart to my tools, and then opened the hatch. My first look, something looks strange.....
My rolling tool bag was gone. Work table, and everything else was there. Son of a bitch! Got assembly work to do, a big day, and no tools!
Apparently, during the night, some lowlife cruised several neighborhoods looking for treasures. My car has tinted windows, so nothing is exposed to the onlooker, especially at night. They came looking for cars that are unlocked. Bingo! Tool bag! Awesome find! My unlucky day.
I called the spousal unit and told her my misfortune. She placed a call to the Rankin County Sheriff's office for me, since I was in Clinton.
The Deputy took down all the vital info he needed, since I had already made my initial repurchase of tools I needed for the day, I had a very good idea of the cost of the items stolen. I've already exceeded $400 to replace tools, just to do my work for the day.
It appears that the tools are gone forever. According to the Deputy, these crackheads don't bother going to pawn shops anymore. They are easily profiled, so to avoid detection, they just sell the stuff on the street for their quick fix for the day. If somehow they are caught before they dispose of the bounty, this would be the only chance for recovery.
Before the Deputy left, he mentioned that there was another theft in my neighborhood, so far. The case file would remain open for a while, because it is a certainty, there will be more.
I was a bit disappointed that the thief didn't come back for more tools. I've got a nail gun that I wanted to introduce him to. The only comfort that I can find in this, is the Sheriff Department is out there, trying to keep me and the other residents of Rankin County safe.
I hope that the thief got a good price for my stuff so that he could have enough money for a really good fix. I take pleasure in the thought that the theft of my tools have in some way contributed to the distruction of this guy's internal organs and most likely, an early grave.
It is now official, my doors will always be locked, and my garage door will be down. (Son's expensive road bike disappeared a year ago, off the wall, in the corner, out of sight, from passerby's.). I have been violated, and things will never be the same, what a shame.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Fall Ball 2014, That's a Wrap!
Well, except for conference champions and bowl games, the 2014 season has come to an end. Its been quite a year, with both teams exceeding initial expectations. Both will be receiving their rewards for a job well done with a New Years holiday trip to some place warm, whether its outside or in a cozy dome. For that, all fans should be excited and grateful.
For my household, its been a tiring but exciting journey. Trips together to Starkville and Oxford and a couple of "divorced" weekends where we went our separate ways to support our respective teams.
The atmosphere on both campuses has been electric. Tailgating at its best, with all the colors, smells and sounds that just pull you end. Visits by both ESPN Game Day, and SEC Nation to both campuses just added to the excitement.
Seeing both stadiums full to capacity and the noise levels deafening just sends tingles up and down your spine. The roars of "Hotty Toddy" and "HailState" have never been louder! The sounds of clanging cowbells are still ringing in my ears!
The Spousal unit and I shared extended weekends on both campuses this year. We both took in our first "Cowbell Yell” where we learned to " ring responsibly" and how to do the school cheers. My birthday weekend was spent on the Square in Oxford on a Friday night, taking in some awesome meals and visiting with friends who spotted us from a balcony. Old times come back like it was yesterday when you are with the right people.
Game days are like no other. Tents are set up in school colors. TVs are setup with satellite hookups to the latest game on the air and neighbors are openly invited to join the viewing. Every imaginable thing to eat is there, all you need is the appetite, "come on in and have a plate"!
You meet up with friends, old and new. You share stories of games past, brag on your kids, and say " boy, things sure have changed since I was here!". Soon, its game time, and its off to the stadium you go.
The games are now over and the clock is at zero for the last time. Its time to put away all the tailgating gear. Tents, tables, chairs and decor off to storage. Table linens, Chafing dishes are put away, and recipes are sorted and filed away, some are always a favorite, some never to return.
Its funny to see the evolution of tailgating. First, it was out of the trunk of the car, with a blanket and card table or two. Then the portable affordable tent arrived, along with the bag chair. Suddenly ice chests had wheels. Then, small quiet generators found their way, with satellite dishes and flat screen TVs not far behind. With the arrival of restricted parking, now its the foldable collapsable little red and blue wagons in tow, loaded down with all the supplies and goodies for the day! Its got me wondering, OK, what's going to be the next big thing in tailgating.
Me, I'm glad its over, time to recharge. Now we've got eight month of planning to do it all over again. Hotty Toddy and #hailstate! See you next fall!
For my household, its been a tiring but exciting journey. Trips together to Starkville and Oxford and a couple of "divorced" weekends where we went our separate ways to support our respective teams.
The atmosphere on both campuses has been electric. Tailgating at its best, with all the colors, smells and sounds that just pull you end. Visits by both ESPN Game Day, and SEC Nation to both campuses just added to the excitement.
Seeing both stadiums full to capacity and the noise levels deafening just sends tingles up and down your spine. The roars of "Hotty Toddy" and "HailState" have never been louder! The sounds of clanging cowbells are still ringing in my ears!
The Spousal unit and I shared extended weekends on both campuses this year. We both took in our first "Cowbell Yell” where we learned to " ring responsibly" and how to do the school cheers. My birthday weekend was spent on the Square in Oxford on a Friday night, taking in some awesome meals and visiting with friends who spotted us from a balcony. Old times come back like it was yesterday when you are with the right people.
Game days are like no other. Tents are set up in school colors. TVs are setup with satellite hookups to the latest game on the air and neighbors are openly invited to join the viewing. Every imaginable thing to eat is there, all you need is the appetite, "come on in and have a plate"!
You meet up with friends, old and new. You share stories of games past, brag on your kids, and say " boy, things sure have changed since I was here!". Soon, its game time, and its off to the stadium you go.
The games are now over and the clock is at zero for the last time. Its time to put away all the tailgating gear. Tents, tables, chairs and decor off to storage. Table linens, Chafing dishes are put away, and recipes are sorted and filed away, some are always a favorite, some never to return.
Its funny to see the evolution of tailgating. First, it was out of the trunk of the car, with a blanket and card table or two. Then the portable affordable tent arrived, along with the bag chair. Suddenly ice chests had wheels. Then, small quiet generators found their way, with satellite dishes and flat screen TVs not far behind. With the arrival of restricted parking, now its the foldable collapsable little red and blue wagons in tow, loaded down with all the supplies and goodies for the day! Its got me wondering, OK, what's going to be the next big thing in tailgating.
Me, I'm glad its over, time to recharge. Now we've got eight month of planning to do it all over again. Hotty Toddy and #hailstate! See you next fall!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
BWW in the Smokies
Vaca in the Smokies, can't wait to get there. First I20, then I59, with a short ride on I24, and I75 to finally I40. I felt like I was touring the country on top of Lookout mountain on this trip. Traveled Mississippi, then Alabama, before we hit a slice of Georgia before entering Tennessee! Those Georgia folks must feel like they're cut off from the rest of the State sitting up in this northwest corner all boxed in.
Once you leave the interstate, you are welcomed by the sights of the Smokies! Saw the biggest snow flakes I'd ever seen! Of course, they were mounted on all of the light poles. As we made our way, the path was glowing from all the other decorative lighting that had already been put out to welcome the tourists to the winter season in the Smokies!
All checked in to our condo for the remainder of the week, it was getting late, and our dining choices were a bit limited. All voted for a wing stop a BWW just up the road.
As we entered, we discovered that the nightly round of trivia had just concluded. At this late hour, we had our choice of seating. We had the waitress's full attention since there was only one other group.
She began to take our drink order, and the fun began! Son#1 wanted a beer, but took forever to decide. Seems the bar was loaded with craft beer on tap. He made his selection, but was curious about some of the others. After some young people small talk about music, bands, and tattoos, The waitress suggested that he try a sample. OK! She brought a small tasting glass, half full of beer and half full of head. After a sip, she asked if he wanted to sample another? This got me to thinking...
Kiddingly, I asked if a person could have a sample of every craft beer that she had on tap. She wrinkled her forehead a bit, looked around the restaurant a bit, then said "today is your lucky day!". Let the tasting begin! I had one, the spousal unit and girly friend took a sip or two out of several, and son#1 was in beer heaven. Most of these craft beers are a bit too much for me so I stuck with my unsweet tea.
We got to the menu, and it was total confusion. There were way too many sauces to choose from. With my stomach these days, I had to stick with just medium and honey BBQ. The confusing thing, was the units were in " snack, small, medium, and large". We told the waitress, obviously, it had been a while since we had been in BWW. What happened to ordering in units of twelve? She said it is now in increments of 5. Snack 5, small 10, medium 15, large 20. Must be some of that new fangled common core math!
We enjoyed our meal, the beer sampling was fantastic, and the waitress was all smiles from the big tip. As we left, she gave us a shout out "I'm here tomorrow night too!". Just might take her up on it!
Once you leave the interstate, you are welcomed by the sights of the Smokies! Saw the biggest snow flakes I'd ever seen! Of course, they were mounted on all of the light poles. As we made our way, the path was glowing from all the other decorative lighting that had already been put out to welcome the tourists to the winter season in the Smokies!
All checked in to our condo for the remainder of the week, it was getting late, and our dining choices were a bit limited. All voted for a wing stop a BWW just up the road.
As we entered, we discovered that the nightly round of trivia had just concluded. At this late hour, we had our choice of seating. We had the waitress's full attention since there was only one other group.
She began to take our drink order, and the fun began! Son#1 wanted a beer, but took forever to decide. Seems the bar was loaded with craft beer on tap. He made his selection, but was curious about some of the others. After some young people small talk about music, bands, and tattoos, The waitress suggested that he try a sample. OK! She brought a small tasting glass, half full of beer and half full of head. After a sip, she asked if he wanted to sample another? This got me to thinking...
Kiddingly, I asked if a person could have a sample of every craft beer that she had on tap. She wrinkled her forehead a bit, looked around the restaurant a bit, then said "today is your lucky day!". Let the tasting begin! I had one, the spousal unit and girly friend took a sip or two out of several, and son#1 was in beer heaven. Most of these craft beers are a bit too much for me so I stuck with my unsweet tea.
We got to the menu, and it was total confusion. There were way too many sauces to choose from. With my stomach these days, I had to stick with just medium and honey BBQ. The confusing thing, was the units were in " snack, small, medium, and large". We told the waitress, obviously, it had been a while since we had been in BWW. What happened to ordering in units of twelve? She said it is now in increments of 5. Snack 5, small 10, medium 15, large 20. Must be some of that new fangled common core math!
We enjoyed our meal, the beer sampling was fantastic, and the waitress was all smiles from the big tip. As we left, she gave us a shout out "I'm here tomorrow night too!". Just might take her up on it!
Trucker's Paradise on the way to the Smokies!
The vaca to the Smokey Mountains starts out with an eight hour car ride. Its practically all interstate, so there isn't much to entertain yourself along the way, except the stops in between.
Made it past Meridian and into Alabama at the second exit, to the Love Truck Center, this the first of several gravity breaks. It was a truck stop that was humming with this activity, tire shop was taking care of some blow outs, the truck wash was blasting the crud away, the sleeper lot was full of truckers snoring the morning away. The pumps were busy topping off the outgoing rigs, and as I got out of the car, I got to wondering what awaited us inside?
When you entered the station you were welcomed by a little old crusty women yelling "welcome to Love's!". The rest room was buzzing with truckers washing hands and faces, getting ready to continue their trek. For some, the cold water was a wakeup call for the road ahead. For others, it was an attempt to revive those wrinkled, road weary faces that still had a few more miles to travel.
As I paid for my diet dew and snicker, the little old lady continued to yell " welcome to Love's!". You could tell from a close look at her that she had a few stories in her. She was or had been a heavy smoker in her day. I noticed a lot of small tattoos up both her arms, wondering what stories they could tell. She yelled "welcome to Love's" again as more customers came and went. I couldn't resist. I had to ask. "Is this where the Love Train ends or begins?". She burst into laughter, and said " oh thank you sweetie! The stories I could tell you!". "Welcome to Love's!". With that we were on our way!
Made it past Meridian and into Alabama at the second exit, to the Love Truck Center, this the first of several gravity breaks. It was a truck stop that was humming with this activity, tire shop was taking care of some blow outs, the truck wash was blasting the crud away, the sleeper lot was full of truckers snoring the morning away. The pumps were busy topping off the outgoing rigs, and as I got out of the car, I got to wondering what awaited us inside?
When you entered the station you were welcomed by a little old crusty women yelling "welcome to Love's!". The rest room was buzzing with truckers washing hands and faces, getting ready to continue their trek. For some, the cold water was a wakeup call for the road ahead. For others, it was an attempt to revive those wrinkled, road weary faces that still had a few more miles to travel.
As I paid for my diet dew and snicker, the little old lady continued to yell " welcome to Love's!". You could tell from a close look at her that she had a few stories in her. She was or had been a heavy smoker in her day. I noticed a lot of small tattoos up both her arms, wondering what stories they could tell. She yelled "welcome to Love's" again as more customers came and went. I couldn't resist. I had to ask. "Is this where the Love Train ends or begins?". She burst into laughter, and said " oh thank you sweetie! The stories I could tell you!". "Welcome to Love's!". With that we were on our way!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Holiday Traditions of Years Past
As the holiday season comes upon us, i got to thinking about some of the things we did growing up:
1. Annual trip for the tree. Most people would pack up and head to the Christmas tree lot to pick out a winner. Not us, we'd load up and head to Yazoo City for the day to pick up a tree that had already been picked out for us by an uncle, on my Dad's side, that we would only see 1-2 times a year. This process went on for years. Then, one year, my mom said, since you have your drivers license, why don't you take your brother and sister and go pick up a tree. What??? Oh, wow! Best tree picking trip ever!
With my boys, we would go down to the fairgrounds to pick our a tree. We fell in love with the Frasier fur. The needles were soft, and they stayed on the tree the longest. The last one was bought, put in the tree, and nobody got excited about decorating it, so there it sat for a day or two.
Next year we got an artificial, pre-strung with a million white lights. We have had to pull the lights off it since most of the strings have burned out. The spousal unit has been bringing in our adopted daughter to trim it out the last few years, till she went off to college. Last year the boys and one girly friend trimmed it. Wonder what this new season will bring???
2. Timber! Back in the old days the only type of tree we knew about was a scotch pine. They all looked so pretty once you got them all decorated. The tree farmers back then would play tricks on you. The best looking trees had trunks so crooked, no ordinary tree stand could hold them! Had one tree that fell over three times before we secured it to the wall.
3. When the boys were little, I would bake gingerbread men and add icing to make them look just right. Their classes at school were rather large, so it became quite a production. As they got older, they both would give me that look, "no, Dad, not again, I'm not going to be seen carrying gingerbread men into school. One day, those gingerbread men will arise again, get ready grand kids!
4. We started this Santa collection as a young married couple. Over the years the collection grew and grew. Last year they didn't make it out of the box. OK boys, something else for you to take over.
5. Gail Pittman used to make gift buying real easy. She had a Christmas pattern where the center of the plate would have a different theme. She would also make a tree ornament with the same design. She also started a tree ornament series designed around the " twelve days of Christmas". We have enough Gail Pittman ornaments to cover a tree! All good things come and go, Gail's ornament factory is no more....
6. Luminaries. My parent's home town of Inverness has an annual tradition of putting out luminaries on Christmas Eve. You fold down the edges of paper bags, add sand in the bottom, then add a lit candle. The effect is a beautiful glow along the bayou. If you're ever in the area, give it a drive by.
We did this in our neighborhood when the boys were small. Now everybody is too busy.
7. Turkey frying. My Dad was a big fan of Justin Wilson, an outdoor cook that could do amazing things with a stove and a deep fryer. He started frying whole turkeys before it became popular. My Dad took up the trade and was frying a dozen birds before he scaled his cooking back. I did it for a few years, then began smoking them covered in Tony C's! Best bird ever!
8. Desserts. My Dad is big on ambrosia. Oranges, coconut, and pineapple. Put a scoop or two of this on a slice of coconut cake, OMG! Occasionally I make some, but nobody enjoys it like I do.
9. My grandmother Weems was the best cook I ever met. She worked in the school cafeteria and would have me special treats when I made my way through. Her homemade rolls were the best. My sister has taken over the task of making these for the holidays. Nothing like a slice of honey baked ham on a homemade roll!
10. Each Christmas Eve, we would attend the candlelight service at our church.
The first year, as a young married couple, we decided to go our to dinner afterwards. Jackson is a big town, right? As we made our way to restaurant row, all the eateries were shutting down. Ended up at the Krystal on State Street!
Another year, we were in our usual spot on our pew. A friend with big hair was two rows in front of us. Son #1 was playing with a rubber band he had with him. He then found a pencil. Next thing I know, a pencil goes flying through the air, and it lands in the middle of that big ole head of hair. We laughed about that many years afterward!
Just a few of my favorite memories. If you've gottem, share!
1. Annual trip for the tree. Most people would pack up and head to the Christmas tree lot to pick out a winner. Not us, we'd load up and head to Yazoo City for the day to pick up a tree that had already been picked out for us by an uncle, on my Dad's side, that we would only see 1-2 times a year. This process went on for years. Then, one year, my mom said, since you have your drivers license, why don't you take your brother and sister and go pick up a tree. What??? Oh, wow! Best tree picking trip ever!
With my boys, we would go down to the fairgrounds to pick our a tree. We fell in love with the Frasier fur. The needles were soft, and they stayed on the tree the longest. The last one was bought, put in the tree, and nobody got excited about decorating it, so there it sat for a day or two.
Next year we got an artificial, pre-strung with a million white lights. We have had to pull the lights off it since most of the strings have burned out. The spousal unit has been bringing in our adopted daughter to trim it out the last few years, till she went off to college. Last year the boys and one girly friend trimmed it. Wonder what this new season will bring???
2. Timber! Back in the old days the only type of tree we knew about was a scotch pine. They all looked so pretty once you got them all decorated. The tree farmers back then would play tricks on you. The best looking trees had trunks so crooked, no ordinary tree stand could hold them! Had one tree that fell over three times before we secured it to the wall.
3. When the boys were little, I would bake gingerbread men and add icing to make them look just right. Their classes at school were rather large, so it became quite a production. As they got older, they both would give me that look, "no, Dad, not again, I'm not going to be seen carrying gingerbread men into school. One day, those gingerbread men will arise again, get ready grand kids!
4. We started this Santa collection as a young married couple. Over the years the collection grew and grew. Last year they didn't make it out of the box. OK boys, something else for you to take over.
5. Gail Pittman used to make gift buying real easy. She had a Christmas pattern where the center of the plate would have a different theme. She would also make a tree ornament with the same design. She also started a tree ornament series designed around the " twelve days of Christmas". We have enough Gail Pittman ornaments to cover a tree! All good things come and go, Gail's ornament factory is no more....
6. Luminaries. My parent's home town of Inverness has an annual tradition of putting out luminaries on Christmas Eve. You fold down the edges of paper bags, add sand in the bottom, then add a lit candle. The effect is a beautiful glow along the bayou. If you're ever in the area, give it a drive by.
We did this in our neighborhood when the boys were small. Now everybody is too busy.
7. Turkey frying. My Dad was a big fan of Justin Wilson, an outdoor cook that could do amazing things with a stove and a deep fryer. He started frying whole turkeys before it became popular. My Dad took up the trade and was frying a dozen birds before he scaled his cooking back. I did it for a few years, then began smoking them covered in Tony C's! Best bird ever!
8. Desserts. My Dad is big on ambrosia. Oranges, coconut, and pineapple. Put a scoop or two of this on a slice of coconut cake, OMG! Occasionally I make some, but nobody enjoys it like I do.
9. My grandmother Weems was the best cook I ever met. She worked in the school cafeteria and would have me special treats when I made my way through. Her homemade rolls were the best. My sister has taken over the task of making these for the holidays. Nothing like a slice of honey baked ham on a homemade roll!
10. Each Christmas Eve, we would attend the candlelight service at our church.
The first year, as a young married couple, we decided to go our to dinner afterwards. Jackson is a big town, right? As we made our way to restaurant row, all the eateries were shutting down. Ended up at the Krystal on State Street!
Another year, we were in our usual spot on our pew. A friend with big hair was two rows in front of us. Son #1 was playing with a rubber band he had with him. He then found a pencil. Next thing I know, a pencil goes flying through the air, and it lands in the middle of that big ole head of hair. We laughed about that many years afterward!
Just a few of my favorite memories. If you've gottem, share!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Nurse Dogs
Yesterday afternoon I felt it coming on. I felt a little warm. Then the chills and the shakes hit. Even though I had not eaten much all day, my stomach had this bloated feeling.
Spousal unit was out of town on a work related trip. Son #1's girly friend, a nurse, was at work doing her all nighter. So, who was gonna step up and nurse me back to health?
Never fear, when three dogs are near!
I decided to ease my discomfort with a soaker in the spa tub. Otis immediately took charge, and took first watch, by climbing and the back of the tub. He stuck by me the whole time. The warm water was very soothing to my chilled bones. It stopped the shakes in no time.
As I was making my way out of the tub, I lot my grip. Splash! Water everywhere. Within seconds, Oscar and Henry appeared, WTH daddyo??? Used a different approach, and I was out of the tub, dried off, but the aches and chills were still there. Temperature time, 100.9. Took some Alieve, and decided to go to bed. It was only 8:00, gonna be a long night....
I crawled into my spot on our king sized bed. I was immediately joined by my three nurse dogs, Oscar, Otis, and Henry. Throughout the night I kept searching for that comfortable spot. My best efforts were pretty much useless. Those three dogs had me hemmed in. Every time I attempted to move, they either held their ground or moved right along with me. I was in no mood for additional body heat. I knew that there had to be a cool spot on that bed somewhere!
There is a country song "sleeping single in a double bed". Well these three nurse dogs had me trying to sleep, single in a king sized bed!
The night passed slowly. Eventually the sun started to show itself, and Henry was ready for their early morning ritual. All done, I rewarded my nursing staff with a rawhide the eat for each.
Usually these three are at each other, arguing, and fighting over a toy or two. But last night, it was all about taking care of me. Best nursing care I've ever had!
Spousal unit was out of town on a work related trip. Son #1's girly friend, a nurse, was at work doing her all nighter. So, who was gonna step up and nurse me back to health?
Never fear, when three dogs are near!
I decided to ease my discomfort with a soaker in the spa tub. Otis immediately took charge, and took first watch, by climbing and the back of the tub. He stuck by me the whole time. The warm water was very soothing to my chilled bones. It stopped the shakes in no time.
As I was making my way out of the tub, I lot my grip. Splash! Water everywhere. Within seconds, Oscar and Henry appeared, WTH daddyo??? Used a different approach, and I was out of the tub, dried off, but the aches and chills were still there. Temperature time, 100.9. Took some Alieve, and decided to go to bed. It was only 8:00, gonna be a long night....
I crawled into my spot on our king sized bed. I was immediately joined by my three nurse dogs, Oscar, Otis, and Henry. Throughout the night I kept searching for that comfortable spot. My best efforts were pretty much useless. Those three dogs had me hemmed in. Every time I attempted to move, they either held their ground or moved right along with me. I was in no mood for additional body heat. I knew that there had to be a cool spot on that bed somewhere!
There is a country song "sleeping single in a double bed". Well these three nurse dogs had me trying to sleep, single in a king sized bed!
The night passed slowly. Eventually the sun started to show itself, and Henry was ready for their early morning ritual. All done, I rewarded my nursing staff with a rawhide the eat for each.
Usually these three are at each other, arguing, and fighting over a toy or two. But last night, it was all about taking care of me. Best nursing care I've ever had!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
On this Morning After
Long day spent in Starkville with the round trip ending around 2:30. After waking up, and reflecting on the day, I've ended up with a list of thangs that I am truly grateful for:
1. Highway 25. Straight shot to Starkville, with only two red lights to work through. Was sure wanting a Diet Dew for the road home though, the two stores close before midnight :-(
2. Strong bladders. Cousin Linda made the trip with me and she held out until we got to Starkville!
3. Man cub and his hot chili recipe. His concoction kept these old bones warm!
4. My Coleman gas fired slow cooker. That thang kept that chili warm all day, and heated up the leftovers lickity split!
5. Tent sidewalls. On this cold day, that wind would cut through you like a knife.
6. Neighbors. The smells of ribs cooking and the DJ playing kept us entertained all day. I'll never understand how they make babies while listening to all that crazy music!
7. Heaters. Those two little fellers kept me nice and toasty. Yep, they'll be making a trip to the Egg Bowl for sure!
8. New battery backup. Had a full charge all day. Beach trips in 2015, look out!
9. North end zone addition. Kept that wind from cutting me in two!
10. padded chair back seats. Good for the tush, and keeps the neighbors in check.
11. Made in the USA cowbells. Them Chinese ripoffs are easy to spot, the clangers sound awful. Poor kid next to me just put his down after a Chinese clang or two. Not sure if he even took it home with him!
12. Thankful the punt fumble guy only had one shot at it last night. Sorry kid, I just hope you are done for the season....
13. Two jumbotrons. Old habits are hard to break, eventually I'll remember to look at the new one!
14. Man cub's disc golf buddies. Thanks guys for sticking around for the tent take down. Life saver for sure!
15. Little grey wagon. amazing what you can strap down on that sucker with a few bungie cords!
16. Oscar and Otis. Had quite a welcome home when I walked through the door!
17. Daylight savings time. Waking up and its still morning, awesome!
18. My bed. There is just something about climbing into your own warm bed in the wee hours of the night.
19. The W. It was ugly, bur we'll take it!
20. Readers like you. Gives me reason to continue the blog.
Til next time!
1. Highway 25. Straight shot to Starkville, with only two red lights to work through. Was sure wanting a Diet Dew for the road home though, the two stores close before midnight :-(
2. Strong bladders. Cousin Linda made the trip with me and she held out until we got to Starkville!
3. Man cub and his hot chili recipe. His concoction kept these old bones warm!
4. My Coleman gas fired slow cooker. That thang kept that chili warm all day, and heated up the leftovers lickity split!
5. Tent sidewalls. On this cold day, that wind would cut through you like a knife.
6. Neighbors. The smells of ribs cooking and the DJ playing kept us entertained all day. I'll never understand how they make babies while listening to all that crazy music!
7. Heaters. Those two little fellers kept me nice and toasty. Yep, they'll be making a trip to the Egg Bowl for sure!
8. New battery backup. Had a full charge all day. Beach trips in 2015, look out!
9. North end zone addition. Kept that wind from cutting me in two!
10. padded chair back seats. Good for the tush, and keeps the neighbors in check.
11. Made in the USA cowbells. Them Chinese ripoffs are easy to spot, the clangers sound awful. Poor kid next to me just put his down after a Chinese clang or two. Not sure if he even took it home with him!
12. Thankful the punt fumble guy only had one shot at it last night. Sorry kid, I just hope you are done for the season....
13. Two jumbotrons. Old habits are hard to break, eventually I'll remember to look at the new one!
14. Man cub's disc golf buddies. Thanks guys for sticking around for the tent take down. Life saver for sure!
15. Little grey wagon. amazing what you can strap down on that sucker with a few bungie cords!
16. Oscar and Otis. Had quite a welcome home when I walked through the door!
17. Daylight savings time. Waking up and its still morning, awesome!
18. My bed. There is just something about climbing into your own warm bed in the wee hours of the night.
19. The W. It was ugly, bur we'll take it!
20. Readers like you. Gives me reason to continue the blog.
Til next time!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Fall Beaching
Spousal unit had a conference on the coast this past week. A friend also invited us to finish the week with her at her condo in Gulf Shores. Definite winner!
In my haste to get all packed, loaded and roaring, I committed a fatal error. A thing called sometimers disease kicked in. Ole Otis Dog wanted to play, as always, and I didn't quite get everything packed, as in parts to the CPAP machine. Boy did I pay for that oversight!
The conference was for the Mississippi Nurses Association, held at the Gulf Coast Convention Center. As expected, most stayed at the Beau Rivage, using the special room discount. Sucked those gals right in, into the casino and those all you can eat buffets!
The spousal unit usually stays at the beach Hampton, for its location and most importantly, for the hotel points. As we were checking in, the hotel lobby was buzzing with activity from a large group of seniors. Apparently they were in town for a reunion. They were talking about this and that. One couple said they couldn't find a certain restaurant from a visit in years past, even after trying that dang GPS that their kids had given them. Kept saying "you have arrived at your destination", a strip club parking lot!
One thing about a crowd of seniors in a hotel lobby, it ain't like being in the library. With all of them making conversation at the same time, you could barely hear your self think. If they had their hearing aids in you couldn't tell it. No conversation in this crowd was private. Everybody talking at the top of their vocal range. It was so loud you would thought they were a bunch of drunk college kids on spring break! My future was unfolding before my eyes, of my!!!
While the spousal unit was busy doing that nursing thang of hers, I made a roadie trip back home for the rest of the parts to my air machine. Yep, that sometimers disease is a bitch! Next day, all rested up, I did my usual exploring routine. Picked up some supplies for yet another ice chest cooler box build, then made my way to the SHED, for some Q. Seafood is a wonderful thang, but you can only do the Bubba Gump thing for just so many meals. BBQ is the next best thing! Cracks me up to be there and watch and listen to first time visitors. My recommendation, split the combo plate on your first visit, as this gives you a taste of everythang coming off their smoker!
That night we went to our favorite chain burger joint, Steak & Shake. Yep! We got one on the coast! Its in Harrah's. The only down side, its a shrunk down version, and you have to go through the casino to get to it. Then, your conversations are drowned out a bit from all the bells and chimes going off around you from the slot machines. And then there is the smell and tastes of all that cigarette smoke. Yeah, its a Steak & Shake, but it just ain't the same :-(.
Convention over, and we're off to Gulf Shores! Mobile tunnel no problem this time of year. Saw peanuts being harvested, and cabbage and other cold weather crops being planted. And it seems like the antique stores and junk shops are multiplying!
We stopped for a late lunch at the Shrimp Basket, since that urge for shrimps had hit us again. Got a kick out of watching our waitress come and go. She was a little thang, but she was about in her seventh or eighth month. Her apron wasn't in the usual spot, since that youngin in the oven was occupying most of the available space. The apron was tied in the back, barely hanging off her butt, and the front was well protected from the elements, all tucked in up under! She couldn't see a thang in the apron, having most of her stuff to one side or the other. I'm still chuckling about it as I type!
Stopped for some cooking supplies before heading to the Condo. The last grocery store, on the right, has been taken over and remodeled on the inside by a grocery store out of Louisiana called Rouses. Highly recommend it!
Condo is 20 stories high, with the first three floors being parking garage. I knew it was high rent district when I noticed the glassed in room surrounding the elevator doors had its own a/c unit. The eighteenth floor has some awesome views, til you look down!
Next day we made our way to the surf and sand. This being a short trip, I didn't bring all of my beaching toys, just two chairs, one umbrella, one umbrella anchor, two cup holders, and of course my handy dandy smartass phone, for bird watching and such.
The weather was just right for those that can't take the summer heat. The surf was inviting, until you stuck your toes in it, good God it was cold! Not a whole lot of folks on the beach this time of year. In fact, I only saw two birds and they both had feathers on them! I recorded a video of the waves crashing on the beach and posted it on FB and captioned it as my version of "roll tide", since this was football Saturday. It wasn't five minutes later, a gust of wind came up, and blew over somebody's umbrella (not anchored), with its Alabama Crimson Tide letter A on it. That umbrella went tumbling down the beach, with a tramp stamped mother of four giving it chase. Could not help it, had to let out a big belly laugh, and forgot all about taking a pic!
Made it back to the room in time to groom up for the Dawgs and Rebs games of the day. I had cooked a pot of red beans and rice with sausage simmering in the mix, and what a fine meal it was on this cool day. Keeping up with my tradition from the MSU vs Texas A&M game, the drawers went on backwards. The tradition will continue as long as the win streak continues. Dawgs won!
The Rebellion game came on as the Dawgs were wrapping up. They were playing their bitter rival, those corn dog smelling LSU tigers! It seems the ladies of the condo crowd had been saving up their energies through the Dawg contest. In no time flat they were yelling and screaming at their Quarterback, Bo Wallace. Hate for that boy to be dating one of their daughters.....
As the game was coming to a close, I was fearful for my own life. The spousal unit had already hit me with couch pillows in her excitement over the game. Those tigers had gone ahead 10-7, with less than two minutes to go. Words cannot describe the moment in the room when Bo's last pass was intercepted at the one yard line! So much for the rest of the night......
Next day, rise and shine. One of our companions had gone to the beach for a walk. I noticed the light switch wasn't working in the bathroom, hummm, must a thrown a breaker. Nope, electricity was out all along the beach. We are on the eighteenth floor. Guess what, no water pressured either! In about 30 minutes the generator had the essentials working, especially the elevator and water pumps. Interesting note, the maintenance men are not allowed on the elevators during a power outage, just in case they have to respond to an emergency, then its 20 floors of stairs for them!
Power back on, all cleaned up, it was time to pack up and head home. Late October is a wonderful time for a beach trip. Just don't be the lone wolf in a room watching SEC football with a bunch of women not totally familar with the rules of college football. Painfull!
In my haste to get all packed, loaded and roaring, I committed a fatal error. A thing called sometimers disease kicked in. Ole Otis Dog wanted to play, as always, and I didn't quite get everything packed, as in parts to the CPAP machine. Boy did I pay for that oversight!
The conference was for the Mississippi Nurses Association, held at the Gulf Coast Convention Center. As expected, most stayed at the Beau Rivage, using the special room discount. Sucked those gals right in, into the casino and those all you can eat buffets!
The spousal unit usually stays at the beach Hampton, for its location and most importantly, for the hotel points. As we were checking in, the hotel lobby was buzzing with activity from a large group of seniors. Apparently they were in town for a reunion. They were talking about this and that. One couple said they couldn't find a certain restaurant from a visit in years past, even after trying that dang GPS that their kids had given them. Kept saying "you have arrived at your destination", a strip club parking lot!
One thing about a crowd of seniors in a hotel lobby, it ain't like being in the library. With all of them making conversation at the same time, you could barely hear your self think. If they had their hearing aids in you couldn't tell it. No conversation in this crowd was private. Everybody talking at the top of their vocal range. It was so loud you would thought they were a bunch of drunk college kids on spring break! My future was unfolding before my eyes, of my!!!
While the spousal unit was busy doing that nursing thang of hers, I made a roadie trip back home for the rest of the parts to my air machine. Yep, that sometimers disease is a bitch! Next day, all rested up, I did my usual exploring routine. Picked up some supplies for yet another ice chest cooler box build, then made my way to the SHED, for some Q. Seafood is a wonderful thang, but you can only do the Bubba Gump thing for just so many meals. BBQ is the next best thing! Cracks me up to be there and watch and listen to first time visitors. My recommendation, split the combo plate on your first visit, as this gives you a taste of everythang coming off their smoker!
That night we went to our favorite chain burger joint, Steak & Shake. Yep! We got one on the coast! Its in Harrah's. The only down side, its a shrunk down version, and you have to go through the casino to get to it. Then, your conversations are drowned out a bit from all the bells and chimes going off around you from the slot machines. And then there is the smell and tastes of all that cigarette smoke. Yeah, its a Steak & Shake, but it just ain't the same :-(.
Convention over, and we're off to Gulf Shores! Mobile tunnel no problem this time of year. Saw peanuts being harvested, and cabbage and other cold weather crops being planted. And it seems like the antique stores and junk shops are multiplying!
We stopped for a late lunch at the Shrimp Basket, since that urge for shrimps had hit us again. Got a kick out of watching our waitress come and go. She was a little thang, but she was about in her seventh or eighth month. Her apron wasn't in the usual spot, since that youngin in the oven was occupying most of the available space. The apron was tied in the back, barely hanging off her butt, and the front was well protected from the elements, all tucked in up under! She couldn't see a thang in the apron, having most of her stuff to one side or the other. I'm still chuckling about it as I type!
Stopped for some cooking supplies before heading to the Condo. The last grocery store, on the right, has been taken over and remodeled on the inside by a grocery store out of Louisiana called Rouses. Highly recommend it!
Condo is 20 stories high, with the first three floors being parking garage. I knew it was high rent district when I noticed the glassed in room surrounding the elevator doors had its own a/c unit. The eighteenth floor has some awesome views, til you look down!
Next day we made our way to the surf and sand. This being a short trip, I didn't bring all of my beaching toys, just two chairs, one umbrella, one umbrella anchor, two cup holders, and of course my handy dandy smartass phone, for bird watching and such.
The weather was just right for those that can't take the summer heat. The surf was inviting, until you stuck your toes in it, good God it was cold! Not a whole lot of folks on the beach this time of year. In fact, I only saw two birds and they both had feathers on them! I recorded a video of the waves crashing on the beach and posted it on FB and captioned it as my version of "roll tide", since this was football Saturday. It wasn't five minutes later, a gust of wind came up, and blew over somebody's umbrella (not anchored), with its Alabama Crimson Tide letter A on it. That umbrella went tumbling down the beach, with a tramp stamped mother of four giving it chase. Could not help it, had to let out a big belly laugh, and forgot all about taking a pic!
Made it back to the room in time to groom up for the Dawgs and Rebs games of the day. I had cooked a pot of red beans and rice with sausage simmering in the mix, and what a fine meal it was on this cool day. Keeping up with my tradition from the MSU vs Texas A&M game, the drawers went on backwards. The tradition will continue as long as the win streak continues. Dawgs won!
The Rebellion game came on as the Dawgs were wrapping up. They were playing their bitter rival, those corn dog smelling LSU tigers! It seems the ladies of the condo crowd had been saving up their energies through the Dawg contest. In no time flat they were yelling and screaming at their Quarterback, Bo Wallace. Hate for that boy to be dating one of their daughters.....
As the game was coming to a close, I was fearful for my own life. The spousal unit had already hit me with couch pillows in her excitement over the game. Those tigers had gone ahead 10-7, with less than two minutes to go. Words cannot describe the moment in the room when Bo's last pass was intercepted at the one yard line! So much for the rest of the night......
Next day, rise and shine. One of our companions had gone to the beach for a walk. I noticed the light switch wasn't working in the bathroom, hummm, must a thrown a breaker. Nope, electricity was out all along the beach. We are on the eighteenth floor. Guess what, no water pressured either! In about 30 minutes the generator had the essentials working, especially the elevator and water pumps. Interesting note, the maintenance men are not allowed on the elevators during a power outage, just in case they have to respond to an emergency, then its 20 floors of stairs for them!
Power back on, all cleaned up, it was time to pack up and head home. Late October is a wonderful time for a beach trip. Just don't be the lone wolf in a room watching SEC football with a bunch of women not totally familar with the rules of college football. Painfull!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Game Day Notes - Oxford
A few notes and observations from Game Day Oxford:
1. Short dresses and knee high boots are all the rage at the Grove. Remember, that "cool outfit" will be even cooler when the sun goes down.
2. Sorry honey, that cute dress you decided to wear today, all white, in mid October will have the sorority fashion police on you lickety split. Probably why you were sitting home alone on bid day.
3. Some of these dresses you girls are wearing to games are totally engineered wrong. When you are walking up those stadium steps, tugging on that short hemline to keep it down, yes your boobies are gonna pop out the top! And the reverse is true! I almost missed a play or two because of you!
4. Those short sleeve dry fit shirts come in handy in the heat of the afternoon. Those night cool breezes start cutting right through you by the 4th quarter.
5. To the lady that was so confused, she couldn't locate her seat, Section 1, row F, seat 29, is not located in section F, row 29, seat 29. You are not seated on the home side 30 yard line. My dear you are on the opposite end of the stadium, in the bowl, diagonal to the corner of the end zone. How did you ever make it to Oxford????
6. Reaction of Tennessee fans busted for carrying a case of beer: "what do you mean I've got to pop every top and pour it all out???? . Welcome to the number one party school of the South. You must research the rules of a foreign land before entering!
7. Why does the guy and his pal sitting behind me have to sound so much like "Gary and Vern" the entire game? Each of your knee jerk reactions to plays on the field that lead you to make stupid off base commentary got real old after the first quarter. {Announcer said "2nd and 15 yards to go." Incomplete pass. Announcer says "3rd and 14." Yard marker has not moved. You say "how did they gain a yard?". Must be that common core math.....
8. To Ole Miss Concessions: you need to rotate cup colors. The student section is killing yourcubeiness by bringing in last week's refillable cup!
9. Hello Rebel fans with those igloo rolling cube coolers: retire it soon. It is too top heavy when loaded down with ice and beer. Soon at you hit the curb with it, over it goes, spilling the contents out into the street, right in front of the University PoPo. Yes, you will have to empty the contents. Seen it way too many times already.
10. Where in the hell is Elvis????? Last year somebody hired him for every game. This year, nothing. Rumor has it that he works at the Oxford Walmart as his day job. Somebody, hire him!
1. Short dresses and knee high boots are all the rage at the Grove. Remember, that "cool outfit" will be even cooler when the sun goes down.
2. Sorry honey, that cute dress you decided to wear today, all white, in mid October will have the sorority fashion police on you lickety split. Probably why you were sitting home alone on bid day.
3. Some of these dresses you girls are wearing to games are totally engineered wrong. When you are walking up those stadium steps, tugging on that short hemline to keep it down, yes your boobies are gonna pop out the top! And the reverse is true! I almost missed a play or two because of you!
4. Those short sleeve dry fit shirts come in handy in the heat of the afternoon. Those night cool breezes start cutting right through you by the 4th quarter.
5. To the lady that was so confused, she couldn't locate her seat, Section 1, row F, seat 29, is not located in section F, row 29, seat 29. You are not seated on the home side 30 yard line. My dear you are on the opposite end of the stadium, in the bowl, diagonal to the corner of the end zone. How did you ever make it to Oxford????
6. Reaction of Tennessee fans busted for carrying a case of beer: "what do you mean I've got to pop every top and pour it all out???? . Welcome to the number one party school of the South. You must research the rules of a foreign land before entering!
7. Why does the guy and his pal sitting behind me have to sound so much like "Gary and Vern" the entire game? Each of your knee jerk reactions to plays on the field that lead you to make stupid off base commentary got real old after the first quarter. {Announcer said "2nd and 15 yards to go." Incomplete pass. Announcer says "3rd and 14." Yard marker has not moved. You say "how did they gain a yard?". Must be that common core math.....
8. To Ole Miss Concessions: you need to rotate cup colors. The student section is killing yourcubeiness by bringing in last week's refillable cup!
9. Hello Rebel fans with those igloo rolling cube coolers: retire it soon. It is too top heavy when loaded down with ice and beer. Soon at you hit the curb with it, over it goes, spilling the contents out into the street, right in front of the University PoPo. Yes, you will have to empty the contents. Seen it way too many times already.
10. Where in the hell is Elvis????? Last year somebody hired him for every game. This year, nothing. Rumor has it that he works at the Oxford Walmart as his day job. Somebody, hire him!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Got a Fever, Hope its Catching!
The signs were all there. The spousal unit said were going to StarkVegas on Friday night because of the crowd that's going to be there. Remember, she's a Rebel. Well then, might as well go early!
Junction tailgate setup start time is 4:00. Off we go to get there by 3:00 to help the Man Cub with the tents. Plan two was to go downtown, eat early, enjoy the pep rally, then take in our first Cowbell Yell! Always, I mean always, have a backup plan.....
The Queen of our Condo does an end run. Man Cub obligated himself to a last minute trip to Columbus. No problem, the spousal unit and I can handle this, been doing it for years on the Select Soccer circuit, in Rebellion land, etc. We take up our spot, waiting for the Chapel chimes and the countdown guy to let us loose!
This vacant space was soon to be filled to capacity. Great spot. If hell freezes over, we have the Chapel behind us. Straight ahead is the student union for restroom runs and severe weather. To the right is the Junction and to the left is Wade Davis Stadium.
In three minutes flat, tents up, on a hill, under a tree, and near a parking lot. Notice the spousal unit, doing the Vanna White thing, a true Rebellion Fan in Dawg Country! Note, tent bags suspended to tent frame, covers inside the bag! With potential onset of heavy rain coming, cover frame in the morning. There was a lot of tent damage discovered the next morning from the rain.
Side trip to the MSU cheese stop. Notes on the door announce, big and bold, no valligret cheese, all sold out. Never fear, thankful for some cheddar and Edam. Benefits of this here cow college. And the ice cream, OMG!
Headed downtown for early dinner, with plans to take in the pep rally and other activities at the street party. The streets were blocked off, then the bottom fell out of the sky. Well poop! There is always a plan B!
Headed to the Veranda, with the first table seating at 5:00. Man Cub was able to join us on his return trip from Columbus. Condo Queen had other plans.... Dessert, OMG, the maroon and white cake (red velvet)!
Next stop, our first Cowbell Yell! Make it back to campus. Many thanks to the Man Cub for his driving skills. Lots of traffic, congestion from the ESPN Game Day setup, and we end up with an awesome parking spot. The line, it zigged and zagged for blocks.
Junction tailgate setup start time is 4:00. Off we go to get there by 3:00 to help the Man Cub with the tents. Plan two was to go downtown, eat early, enjoy the pep rally, then take in our first Cowbell Yell! Always, I mean always, have a backup plan.....
The Queen of our Condo does an end run. Man Cub obligated himself to a last minute trip to Columbus. No problem, the spousal unit and I can handle this, been doing it for years on the Select Soccer circuit, in Rebellion land, etc. We take up our spot, waiting for the Chapel chimes and the countdown guy to let us loose!
This vacant space was soon to be filled to capacity. Great spot. If hell freezes over, we have the Chapel behind us. Straight ahead is the student union for restroom runs and severe weather. To the right is the Junction and to the left is Wade Davis Stadium.
In three minutes flat, tents up, on a hill, under a tree, and near a parking lot. Notice the spousal unit, doing the Vanna White thing, a true Rebellion Fan in Dawg Country! Note, tent bags suspended to tent frame, covers inside the bag! With potential onset of heavy rain coming, cover frame in the morning. There was a lot of tent damage discovered the next morning from the rain.
Side trip to the MSU cheese stop. Notes on the door announce, big and bold, no valligret cheese, all sold out. Never fear, thankful for some cheddar and Edam. Benefits of this here cow college. And the ice cream, OMG!
Headed downtown for early dinner, with plans to take in the pep rally and other activities at the street party. The streets were blocked off, then the bottom fell out of the sky. Well poop! There is always a plan B!
Headed to the Veranda, with the first table seating at 5:00. Man Cub was able to join us on his return trip from Columbus. Condo Queen had other plans.... Dessert, OMG, the maroon and white cake (red velvet)!
Next stop, our first Cowbell Yell! Make it back to campus. Many thanks to the Man Cub for his driving skills. Lots of traffic, congestion from the ESPN Game Day setup, and we end up with an awesome parking spot. The line, it zigged and zagged for blocks.
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Cowbells at the ready! |
Made our way into the stadium. Only two gates were open, side by side. Ironic, to be at an Ag college and feel like cattle being herded through the gates!
Into the student section we went. The crowd was so big, it began to overflow into other sections. Fans of all ages, quite a mix. Told the spousal unit I was ready to go back to school just for the student activities! All my Facebook friends were wanting updates on the announcement of the ESPN guest speaker, surely it would come tonight!
We entered the stadium at 9:00, thirty minutes early. The cowbell ringing began! The MSU Band marched in and took their spot. More cowbell ringing! Arms were getting heavy, with still twenty minutes to go!
Cowbells are now sagging to our waist. It's time! We practiced ringing our cowbells responsibly. Yes there are rules. Once the center is over the bell, stop. Once the quarterback has the ball, shake it like crazy! Learned to listen to the announce say "first down 'Bulldawgs"! We follow it with #HAILSTATE! Got a lesson on " Pyscho Defense" from the coach, wow! Learned the " Hey" song. Students love the "and we're gonna beat the hell outa you" part. All this Had to be a sign.... Oh, and no guest picker announcement, rats!
Man Cub spent time packing the car before we all crashed. Thank God, we overslept! Finished loading up, off we went. First stop, ice. Only 6 bags left in the cooler at 7:30 in the morning! Had to be another sign.....
We work our way through campus, roads starting to close. We beg to be let through, making it all the way to parking lot by our spot. Another sign......
Had our site up and running in no I time flat. That vacant space from the day before now was now overflowing. Pays to be early! Tents were up, tables were being set, satellite dishes were being tuned and charcoal was now ablaze. Time to take in some of the sights!
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The Little Red Wagon that Did! |
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Grill masters! With 18 slabs! |
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Best seat in the house! |
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OK, wires hooked up, dish pointed up, where's that damn signal???? |
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Game Day, #HailState
What a day in Starkville, Mississippi!
The excitement had begun to build long begin long before Saturday. SEC Nation was coming to town. The weather was gonna be awesome. Only problem, somebody decided to schedule this game at 11:00!
OK, make the adjustments, no problem. Food prep day the day before. Pack the car the night before. Set the alarm clock for 4, then hope for the best. Sausage balls cooked, cooler packed, I'm off!
The man cub did his part, arriving well ahead of 4 hours before kickoff to drop off the supplies. A college student up by 5 after a night of Bulldog Bash, amazing! I found my "pay and park" spot, loaded up my trusty ole collapsible wagon and off I went.
We had the grill going in no time. Deer sausage and man cub drop biscuits, awesome with a cold beer at 8 in the morning!? We looked at each other, agreed, skip the beer, water will do!
My nephew needed to borrow one of my chafing dishes. Seems he had brought a breakfast casserole that needed to stay warm. He shows up for the pickup, first thing I see, he's got on his Maroon shirt, the color for the day. Then I see he is wearing shorts. Now, the weather has taken a bit of a dip. I left my flippers and shorts at home, too damn cool. Nephew Chase is wearing those shorts of his, but those dang things were PINK! I gave him a hard time about his choice of breakfast foods and his attire and he took it well!
Had some walkup company that took one look, and said "y'all seem to know what you're doing, we need some help. Can you drop us some clues on how to do this tailgating thing?"
Freshmen parents that just drove in from Memphis. They had to make several trips to the car, in the parking lot, half a mile away. How do you get all this stuff in and out of here without killing yourself? Man cub and I looked at each other, chuckled a bit, then looked at him and we both said "get here early and stay late". Freshmen parents have to learn the " 4 hour before kickoff rule" the hard way. Tents and tables dropped off the night before, securing some stuff to the tree. Grill comes from the apartment or condo you will have for the next few years. The rest of it, you just figure out on your own!
Lots of noise and excitement was coming from the Junction with SEC Nation in the middle of it all. Alumni of years past will remember "malfunction junction" where five roads intersected near the stadium. The roads are all gone, now replaced with an open space reserved for party tents and the hoards of Bulldog faithful to gather.
The stadium opened early. The students filled there section in no time flat. First come first served seating. I took my seat an hour early to take it all in. Team warm ups were in full swing! I'm sitting on the visitors side. The sun has not yet overcome the top of the stadium. Sitting in that shade was some kinda chilly. Thankfully I had my multipurpose jacket with me!
Stadium filled up, crowd began to warm up and the cowbells began to clang! The A&M team has been here before with Johnny Football. That was before the new enclosed end of the stadium. The visitors dressing rooms were moved, and are now under the student section in their corner of the end zone. Stomping on that concrete during halftime, a new tradition at Wade Davis Stadium!
A&M went in for a score on their first possession with ease. Oh shit, Johnny Football all over again.... State responded in kind. A&M player ejected for targeting. Head Referee caught with a live microphone cussing at himself on a screwup. Could these be good signs of things to come??? Yes indeed! Defense put on a show! Dak Attack and company was impressive!
Halftime arrived. Cousin Linda was my companion for the day. She had to leave her seat for a bit. We looked at each other and laughed! We had not put our cowbells down the entire first half. What was she to do? In order to not break the luck, I kept mine in hand, the whole game. Neighbor offered to fetch cold drinks for me to keep the luck running. Dawgs win, in a big way!
The crowd was the loudest I've ever participated in. Could not hear the referee or any of the anounncements throughout the game. Hardly anyone left for concessions or gravity runs. Had me thinking, how can a woman watch a football game for three straight hours without a gravity run, but yet, have to stop every hour on a road trip to pee????
Had a few people in the crowd that had their cowbells malfunction. During a big score, their cowbell clapper got the clap and froze up, no clanger dinging at all! Mighty frustrating indeed. More cowbell needs more WD40!
The amazing thing to me, I was able to post updates to Facebook all game. Video feeds were a bust, but what the hell. I finally figured out why. Folks in the stadium, with all the excitement, could not drink their drink, ring their bell, and text at the same time! Me, I just put my cup between my knees and began updating away!
I didn't leave the stadium the whole game. Before and after, I'd been digging for my friend threw my drawers and couldn't find him. Finally did the submarine routine as a last second call. Much later in the day, I finally discover my drawers are on backwards! Another tradition to keep the winning streak going. Whatever it takes!
After the game it was back to tailgating. Friends stopping by to bask in the reflections of the success of the day. Grill was fired back up, time for burger sliders and cold beer! Then it got interesting. Lots of the TV's were now on the TSUN game. Mostly curious, mostly its all about football. Even the TV's in the student union were showing that game. Man cub and I stopped to catch the last six minutes, out of respect for his mother and her side of the family, of course.
Ole Miss wins and they invade the field and tear down the goal posts. MSU wins, and we go about our way, leaving the field and stadium intact. There will probably be fines on both schools, for field distruction and excessive cowbell noise. In my book, both are well worth writing the check!
#HailState and HYDR!
The excitement had begun to build long begin long before Saturday. SEC Nation was coming to town. The weather was gonna be awesome. Only problem, somebody decided to schedule this game at 11:00!
OK, make the adjustments, no problem. Food prep day the day before. Pack the car the night before. Set the alarm clock for 4, then hope for the best. Sausage balls cooked, cooler packed, I'm off!
The man cub did his part, arriving well ahead of 4 hours before kickoff to drop off the supplies. A college student up by 5 after a night of Bulldog Bash, amazing! I found my "pay and park" spot, loaded up my trusty ole collapsible wagon and off I went.
We had the grill going in no time. Deer sausage and man cub drop biscuits, awesome with a cold beer at 8 in the morning!? We looked at each other, agreed, skip the beer, water will do!
My nephew needed to borrow one of my chafing dishes. Seems he had brought a breakfast casserole that needed to stay warm. He shows up for the pickup, first thing I see, he's got on his Maroon shirt, the color for the day. Then I see he is wearing shorts. Now, the weather has taken a bit of a dip. I left my flippers and shorts at home, too damn cool. Nephew Chase is wearing those shorts of his, but those dang things were PINK! I gave him a hard time about his choice of breakfast foods and his attire and he took it well!
Had some walkup company that took one look, and said "y'all seem to know what you're doing, we need some help. Can you drop us some clues on how to do this tailgating thing?"
Freshmen parents that just drove in from Memphis. They had to make several trips to the car, in the parking lot, half a mile away. How do you get all this stuff in and out of here without killing yourself? Man cub and I looked at each other, chuckled a bit, then looked at him and we both said "get here early and stay late". Freshmen parents have to learn the " 4 hour before kickoff rule" the hard way. Tents and tables dropped off the night before, securing some stuff to the tree. Grill comes from the apartment or condo you will have for the next few years. The rest of it, you just figure out on your own!
Lots of noise and excitement was coming from the Junction with SEC Nation in the middle of it all. Alumni of years past will remember "malfunction junction" where five roads intersected near the stadium. The roads are all gone, now replaced with an open space reserved for party tents and the hoards of Bulldog faithful to gather.
The stadium opened early. The students filled there section in no time flat. First come first served seating. I took my seat an hour early to take it all in. Team warm ups were in full swing! I'm sitting on the visitors side. The sun has not yet overcome the top of the stadium. Sitting in that shade was some kinda chilly. Thankfully I had my multipurpose jacket with me!
Stadium filled up, crowd began to warm up and the cowbells began to clang! The A&M team has been here before with Johnny Football. That was before the new enclosed end of the stadium. The visitors dressing rooms were moved, and are now under the student section in their corner of the end zone. Stomping on that concrete during halftime, a new tradition at Wade Davis Stadium!
A&M went in for a score on their first possession with ease. Oh shit, Johnny Football all over again.... State responded in kind. A&M player ejected for targeting. Head Referee caught with a live microphone cussing at himself on a screwup. Could these be good signs of things to come??? Yes indeed! Defense put on a show! Dak Attack and company was impressive!
Halftime arrived. Cousin Linda was my companion for the day. She had to leave her seat for a bit. We looked at each other and laughed! We had not put our cowbells down the entire first half. What was she to do? In order to not break the luck, I kept mine in hand, the whole game. Neighbor offered to fetch cold drinks for me to keep the luck running. Dawgs win, in a big way!
The crowd was the loudest I've ever participated in. Could not hear the referee or any of the anounncements throughout the game. Hardly anyone left for concessions or gravity runs. Had me thinking, how can a woman watch a football game for three straight hours without a gravity run, but yet, have to stop every hour on a road trip to pee????
Had a few people in the crowd that had their cowbells malfunction. During a big score, their cowbell clapper got the clap and froze up, no clanger dinging at all! Mighty frustrating indeed. More cowbell needs more WD40!
The amazing thing to me, I was able to post updates to Facebook all game. Video feeds were a bust, but what the hell. I finally figured out why. Folks in the stadium, with all the excitement, could not drink their drink, ring their bell, and text at the same time! Me, I just put my cup between my knees and began updating away!
I didn't leave the stadium the whole game. Before and after, I'd been digging for my friend threw my drawers and couldn't find him. Finally did the submarine routine as a last second call. Much later in the day, I finally discover my drawers are on backwards! Another tradition to keep the winning streak going. Whatever it takes!
After the game it was back to tailgating. Friends stopping by to bask in the reflections of the success of the day. Grill was fired back up, time for burger sliders and cold beer! Then it got interesting. Lots of the TV's were now on the TSUN game. Mostly curious, mostly its all about football. Even the TV's in the student union were showing that game. Man cub and I stopped to catch the last six minutes, out of respect for his mother and her side of the family, of course.
Ole Miss wins and they invade the field and tear down the goal posts. MSU wins, and we go about our way, leaving the field and stadium intact. There will probably be fines on both schools, for field distruction and excessive cowbell noise. In my book, both are well worth writing the check!
#HailState and HYDR!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Game Day Oxford, Damn Rookies!
This ole blog of mine is a view of life through my eyes. What I see and hear on any given day will eventually make it to here. Some days are slower than others, but not yesterday's football Saturday in Oxford. Here are some of the sightings:
1. Everybody that walks by the Popo tent with an exposed package of beer will be popping the tops and pouring the contents down the drain. Its a given, see it every game day. But, if you are going to bring a rolling cooler, with a lock, be sure that the top is gonna stay on it when you hit a bump. Having the contents spill out right in front of the Popo is a sure fire way to ruin the rest of your day!
2. When arriving to set up your tailgate, be smart enough to bring the right containers and equipment. You can buy yourself a copy cat little red collapsible wagon to carry your stuff. Breakables should be wrapped properly to avoid breakage. Your crab, shrimp, and artichoke dips should be in spill proof containers. You are not gonna be happy when that big ole plastic tub without a lid is dropped in the middle of the road, contents spilling out everywhere and your favorite piece of McCarty is now in 30 pieces!
3. When you bring your little man cub to the game without your spousal unit, expect the unexpected. When he gets a bobo on his finger and sees a little drop of blood, his is gonna cry. Putting said finger in your mouth ain't gonna do the trick. Glad I was able to remind you about Band-Aids at the first aid station and the snow cone to cure those tears. Lesson learned to you!
4. If you plan to party hardy, have several airplane barf bags handy. Having two of your former best friends walk you to the car three hours before kickoff is not cool. Projectile vomiting in front of the PoPo is even worse! And no, the bicycle taxi guy is not going to take you anywhere at the risk of more spillage!
5. Hey Memphis off duty cops, that badge in your back pocket is not going to give you a free pass on the open container ordinances on this campus. You will pour it out or you will get a free ride to the local pokey courtesy of our friend Glenn and his other copsters!
6. If you are going to wear that short dress to the game, do not take the lead walking up the stairs. That gets very distracting to the folks like me that sit on the end of the row!
7. As you are leaving the area on a golf cart it is not a good idea to pull your little blue wagon behind. Those curves and turns are funny to me and my crew, but not to the passersby you almost wipe out!
8. When hiring these kids to work in the concession stand, make sure they can add up the cost of six items in their head. Waiting in line with 30 other people while they pull out their calculator is a littler irritating.
9. To the two dudes sitting behind me. Keep your ignorance of the game of football to yourselves. Yelling B.S. at the referees from 30 rows up, then hearing the ruling explained, then say, "oh, my bad" all game gets old after the first quarter. I'm gonna bring my own flag with me next game and penalize you for being stupid. No wonder you only bring man dates to the game!
10. To the makers of all these red and blue game day dresses. Could y'all get together and pick several kinds of material to use. They are all beginning to look like uniforms!
11. Ladies, do like my friends Emily and Janice. They bring a minimum of four outfits and three pairs of shoes to each game. You must be prepared for hot, cold, wet, and muggy weather. Walking back after the game barefoot is not how your momma taught you!
12. For all you Rebellion fans, have your spousal unit or date double check your tickets before leaving the house. Ross Bjork announced in his three things to remember that you must bring the bar code portion of your ticket with you in order to be able to enter the game. Having the date, section, row, and seat number is not enough information to be allowed into the stadium. The attendant has to have that bar code in order to scan your ticket for you to get in. They ain't paperless yet, and explaining to your spouse why she can't shake her fanny like a cheerleader wantabe today is not gonna be good for your health!
13. And where the hell is Elvis? Dude! You have missed two home games already!
14. To the concessionaires. The $8 refillable cup is a great idea. But, remember to rotate the color of the cup each week. People like my friend Hart will bring last week's cup for free drinks all season.
15. To the CSpire crew sitting in front of me. Nice chatting with you about the fails of two weeks of beta testing the wireless network. I was glad to give you feedback other than its a P.O.S. Don't think two weeks of beta testing are gonna cut it. Those that tried it said it sucked and there is no way they are going to pay $5 next week to use it. Your CSpire customers will be happy because they will be the only ones on it!
Next weekend the spousal unit and I are splitting up. She'll be in Oxford and I'm headed to Starkville. I don't think the Rebellion is ready to be "Roll Tided" after last nights performance against Memphis. And the kicker getting tossed for fighting???? He is the kick safety valve for God's sake!!!
1. Everybody that walks by the Popo tent with an exposed package of beer will be popping the tops and pouring the contents down the drain. Its a given, see it every game day. But, if you are going to bring a rolling cooler, with a lock, be sure that the top is gonna stay on it when you hit a bump. Having the contents spill out right in front of the Popo is a sure fire way to ruin the rest of your day!
2. When arriving to set up your tailgate, be smart enough to bring the right containers and equipment. You can buy yourself a copy cat little red collapsible wagon to carry your stuff. Breakables should be wrapped properly to avoid breakage. Your crab, shrimp, and artichoke dips should be in spill proof containers. You are not gonna be happy when that big ole plastic tub without a lid is dropped in the middle of the road, contents spilling out everywhere and your favorite piece of McCarty is now in 30 pieces!
3. When you bring your little man cub to the game without your spousal unit, expect the unexpected. When he gets a bobo on his finger and sees a little drop of blood, his is gonna cry. Putting said finger in your mouth ain't gonna do the trick. Glad I was able to remind you about Band-Aids at the first aid station and the snow cone to cure those tears. Lesson learned to you!
4. If you plan to party hardy, have several airplane barf bags handy. Having two of your former best friends walk you to the car three hours before kickoff is not cool. Projectile vomiting in front of the PoPo is even worse! And no, the bicycle taxi guy is not going to take you anywhere at the risk of more spillage!
5. Hey Memphis off duty cops, that badge in your back pocket is not going to give you a free pass on the open container ordinances on this campus. You will pour it out or you will get a free ride to the local pokey courtesy of our friend Glenn and his other copsters!
6. If you are going to wear that short dress to the game, do not take the lead walking up the stairs. That gets very distracting to the folks like me that sit on the end of the row!
7. As you are leaving the area on a golf cart it is not a good idea to pull your little blue wagon behind. Those curves and turns are funny to me and my crew, but not to the passersby you almost wipe out!
8. When hiring these kids to work in the concession stand, make sure they can add up the cost of six items in their head. Waiting in line with 30 other people while they pull out their calculator is a littler irritating.
9. To the two dudes sitting behind me. Keep your ignorance of the game of football to yourselves. Yelling B.S. at the referees from 30 rows up, then hearing the ruling explained, then say, "oh, my bad" all game gets old after the first quarter. I'm gonna bring my own flag with me next game and penalize you for being stupid. No wonder you only bring man dates to the game!
10. To the makers of all these red and blue game day dresses. Could y'all get together and pick several kinds of material to use. They are all beginning to look like uniforms!
11. Ladies, do like my friends Emily and Janice. They bring a minimum of four outfits and three pairs of shoes to each game. You must be prepared for hot, cold, wet, and muggy weather. Walking back after the game barefoot is not how your momma taught you!
12. For all you Rebellion fans, have your spousal unit or date double check your tickets before leaving the house. Ross Bjork announced in his three things to remember that you must bring the bar code portion of your ticket with you in order to be able to enter the game. Having the date, section, row, and seat number is not enough information to be allowed into the stadium. The attendant has to have that bar code in order to scan your ticket for you to get in. They ain't paperless yet, and explaining to your spouse why she can't shake her fanny like a cheerleader wantabe today is not gonna be good for your health!
13. And where the hell is Elvis? Dude! You have missed two home games already!
14. To the concessionaires. The $8 refillable cup is a great idea. But, remember to rotate the color of the cup each week. People like my friend Hart will bring last week's cup for free drinks all season.
15. To the CSpire crew sitting in front of me. Nice chatting with you about the fails of two weeks of beta testing the wireless network. I was glad to give you feedback other than its a P.O.S. Don't think two weeks of beta testing are gonna cut it. Those that tried it said it sucked and there is no way they are going to pay $5 next week to use it. Your CSpire customers will be happy because they will be the only ones on it!
Next weekend the spousal unit and I are splitting up. She'll be in Oxford and I'm headed to Starkville. I don't think the Rebellion is ready to be "Roll Tided" after last nights performance against Memphis. And the kicker getting tossed for fighting???? He is the kick safety valve for God's sake!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Got a wild hair and decided to spend a birthday weekend night in the spousal unit's piece of heaven, Oxford. Spent some time on the pc last weekend and found us a room at the Hampton on hwy 7. Surprise number one, rooms were available. Surprise number two, no two night minimum. Surprise number three, nightly rate was $329. Luckily we had enough reward points for a freebe!
Now, where does a big ole boy like me go to eat in a town full of rebellion alumni on a football weekend. City Grocery and Ajax have been on the eatery list for quite some time. City Grocery's reservation list was booked up for Friday and Saturday night. Surprise number four, I got a spot for lunch. Tailgating buddies will have to get it started without me. Hopefully busting those beer case toters will wait till my arrival. I get such a kick outta watching those poor souls have to pour that liquid gold on the ground.
Had a close call checking in the hotel. The clerk couldn't find our paperwork. My heart done skipped a beat or two. Fear not, it was on the bottom. I asked that since it was my birthday weekend they had reserved my the presidential suite. The clerk said IF they had one it would be all mine! They loaded us up with bottled water, cokes, and a snack or two, prizes for being gold members!
The spousal unit requested a stop at her favorite shopping hole, Rebel Rags. Weird name, ain't no rags in the place, nothing but a sea of red and blue. After a quick walk through, I took my seat outside to observe the bird watching opportunities. This town does not disappoint. Blondes from 16 to 62 came and went, all exiting with a bag with something they could not do without. I just love seeing these older women sporting hair styles and clothing attire more befitting the younger generation. Then I see the younger ones, wearing it as short and tight as it will fit. No wonder the high school boys lose their hearts to this place so quickly!
Spousal unit spent over 30 minutes in there and came out with nothing. I mentioned that they had one of those round tailgating tables in there. Off she went, back into that sea of red and blue. A few minutes later she pops out with a table and a tshirt. Is magical how that happens!
Shopping done, it was time to head to the square. As we made our way, I noticed that most of the parking lots, including the church lots, we're blocked off, all reserved for those that had paid for football season parking. Even the churches are squeezing the alumni on parking, just like the TN university! A few weeks ago the city decided to get in on the act by putting in parking meters throughout the square. Knowing that we would be there longer than an hour, I found a freebee by a church. As we walked you could see the meters just a flashing their green signal that it was time for another dollar or a ticket, which ever came first!
We made our way around the Square, making note were the hot spots were located. Bars and restaurants are in the same spots, but the names keep changing. Found Ajax, in we went. Young friend of ours, Ryan, was working in the kitchen, and we were able to say hello. If you want comfort food, this is the place!
Decided to walk off our meal with a walk around to take in some more sites. We begin to cross the street when we hear a male voice yell "LANelle!" Friends Becky and David Jordan were up on the balcony at Roosters. Time for a beer and catch up on life!
The balcony is a great spot to take in the town. It's not like NOLA with beads and bare beasts being flashed. You see and speak to old friends of years past, you flirt with the waitress that just started the job today, and you make and listen to the commentary regarding those passing by below. Trust me, the women are as bad as us men on the play by play and they point out things the guys don't need to miss!
Glad we are early. Everybody else was hanging out, drinking, waiting for their text message that their table was ready. Can't imagine the lines on a big SEC weekend, it's just Memphis this go round.
Time to get ready for my much anticipated lunch at City Grocery, then off to tailgate with my rebellion friends. Ain't nothing like a football weekend up here in Oxford, in spite of the sea of red and blue!
It's a fact, they never lose a party up here!
Now, where does a big ole boy like me go to eat in a town full of rebellion alumni on a football weekend. City Grocery and Ajax have been on the eatery list for quite some time. City Grocery's reservation list was booked up for Friday and Saturday night. Surprise number four, I got a spot for lunch. Tailgating buddies will have to get it started without me. Hopefully busting those beer case toters will wait till my arrival. I get such a kick outta watching those poor souls have to pour that liquid gold on the ground.
Had a close call checking in the hotel. The clerk couldn't find our paperwork. My heart done skipped a beat or two. Fear not, it was on the bottom. I asked that since it was my birthday weekend they had reserved my the presidential suite. The clerk said IF they had one it would be all mine! They loaded us up with bottled water, cokes, and a snack or two, prizes for being gold members!
The spousal unit requested a stop at her favorite shopping hole, Rebel Rags. Weird name, ain't no rags in the place, nothing but a sea of red and blue. After a quick walk through, I took my seat outside to observe the bird watching opportunities. This town does not disappoint. Blondes from 16 to 62 came and went, all exiting with a bag with something they could not do without. I just love seeing these older women sporting hair styles and clothing attire more befitting the younger generation. Then I see the younger ones, wearing it as short and tight as it will fit. No wonder the high school boys lose their hearts to this place so quickly!
Spousal unit spent over 30 minutes in there and came out with nothing. I mentioned that they had one of those round tailgating tables in there. Off she went, back into that sea of red and blue. A few minutes later she pops out with a table and a tshirt. Is magical how that happens!
Shopping done, it was time to head to the square. As we made our way, I noticed that most of the parking lots, including the church lots, we're blocked off, all reserved for those that had paid for football season parking. Even the churches are squeezing the alumni on parking, just like the TN university! A few weeks ago the city decided to get in on the act by putting in parking meters throughout the square. Knowing that we would be there longer than an hour, I found a freebee by a church. As we walked you could see the meters just a flashing their green signal that it was time for another dollar or a ticket, which ever came first!
We made our way around the Square, making note were the hot spots were located. Bars and restaurants are in the same spots, but the names keep changing. Found Ajax, in we went. Young friend of ours, Ryan, was working in the kitchen, and we were able to say hello. If you want comfort food, this is the place!
Decided to walk off our meal with a walk around to take in some more sites. We begin to cross the street when we hear a male voice yell "LANelle!" Friends Becky and David Jordan were up on the balcony at Roosters. Time for a beer and catch up on life!
The balcony is a great spot to take in the town. It's not like NOLA with beads and bare beasts being flashed. You see and speak to old friends of years past, you flirt with the waitress that just started the job today, and you make and listen to the commentary regarding those passing by below. Trust me, the women are as bad as us men on the play by play and they point out things the guys don't need to miss!
Glad we are early. Everybody else was hanging out, drinking, waiting for their text message that their table was ready. Can't imagine the lines on a big SEC weekend, it's just Memphis this go round.
Time to get ready for my much anticipated lunch at City Grocery, then off to tailgate with my rebellion friends. Ain't nothing like a football weekend up here in Oxford, in spite of the sea of red and blue!
It's a fact, they never lose a party up here!
Friday, September 19, 2014
I Want to be like Barbie
Last night I joined the spousal unit and ventured into the world of Barbie Bassett wantabes by attending one of their group "join us" meetings. The attendees were encouraged to bring their spouses so that they could hear her story from her husband's perspective.
The company is Rodan and Fields, and the product focus is skin care products sold and promoted through direct marketing. Barbie is the top dog for our area and she recently retired from her meteorologist position with a local TV station to promote this business full time.
Before things got started, all the buzz was about Barbie's successes with Rodan and Fields. She is a mother of three, she home schools her children, she now does this full time, she drives a company Lexis, she's making a million dollars, and now her husband has retired to join her full time. Hum, OK........
The meeting got started, and Barbie went into her spill. She was approached about Rodan and Fields early in the kickoff of their direct selling strategy. She is a pubic figure in the Mississippi market, good game plan.
I've heard it all before. Sell to your circle around you. First, to family, then to friends and neighbors, then branch out just a bit to expand your network. Sell these folks on the business model that it can work for them, and before you know it, you have your own Rodan and Fields network!
Sounds fine. You buy in. Small investment of money, big investment of your time. No inventory to stock, everything is ordered online. Bring on the Lexis! Look out family, neighbors, and friends, here I come!
When Barbie finished her presentation, she introduced her husband, who presented his story from a spousal unit's perspective. OK, I'm all in!
From his point of view, OK, Barbie, give this a shot. She wanted this, and she was willing to put in the effort to make a go of it, along with being a mother of three, home schooling them, TV job, author, and public speaker. He quickly discovered that this new venture was pulling his wife away from family time and couple time. Whoa! She was now spending a considerable amount of time away from home. He would have to pick up the slack on the home front. Whoops! He didn't plan on that, back up, time to organize the family calendar so he could grasp what this was going to cost him! Sound familiar????
Well, Barbie, being a public figure, has the right kind of circle that can make this work. She has put in the time that it takes to make it work. She is making a good living, and she is driving that Lexis. Good for her!
Now, step back, analyze this. Barbie is successful at this because she put in the time and effort to make it work. It cut into family time. It cut into husband time. The Lexis, its a car allowance, and her name is on the lease for it for three years. She is not making a million dollars. She has joined the million dollar sales team. Her cut, commission wise is 15 to 30 percent. A rough estimate would be $250,000 to $300,000 a year, after investing three years of her time. The husband did not retire, he cut his full time work back to two days a week. Why? He loves what he does, plus, most likely, he is still working to provide his family medical coverage through his employer.
OK, time to step back in closer. Products are great, but at a higher cost. Why? Highest quality without a prescription. And, somebody has to pay all those levels of commission to all the lucky folks that are above you in the foods chain. Heard it before, hearing it again.
So, if you want to be like Barbie, more power to you. Just remember, it ain't easy, its gonna take a major commitment of your time, so either go all in or not at all. This applies to all of these direct selling opportunities that are out there today. Worse case, you make enough to cover the cost of the product you use.
Is it worth the time and effort? Time will tell...
The company is Rodan and Fields, and the product focus is skin care products sold and promoted through direct marketing. Barbie is the top dog for our area and she recently retired from her meteorologist position with a local TV station to promote this business full time.
Before things got started, all the buzz was about Barbie's successes with Rodan and Fields. She is a mother of three, she home schools her children, she now does this full time, she drives a company Lexis, she's making a million dollars, and now her husband has retired to join her full time. Hum, OK........
The meeting got started, and Barbie went into her spill. She was approached about Rodan and Fields early in the kickoff of their direct selling strategy. She is a pubic figure in the Mississippi market, good game plan.
I've heard it all before. Sell to your circle around you. First, to family, then to friends and neighbors, then branch out just a bit to expand your network. Sell these folks on the business model that it can work for them, and before you know it, you have your own Rodan and Fields network!
Sounds fine. You buy in. Small investment of money, big investment of your time. No inventory to stock, everything is ordered online. Bring on the Lexis! Look out family, neighbors, and friends, here I come!
When Barbie finished her presentation, she introduced her husband, who presented his story from a spousal unit's perspective. OK, I'm all in!
From his point of view, OK, Barbie, give this a shot. She wanted this, and she was willing to put in the effort to make a go of it, along with being a mother of three, home schooling them, TV job, author, and public speaker. He quickly discovered that this new venture was pulling his wife away from family time and couple time. Whoa! She was now spending a considerable amount of time away from home. He would have to pick up the slack on the home front. Whoops! He didn't plan on that, back up, time to organize the family calendar so he could grasp what this was going to cost him! Sound familiar????
Well, Barbie, being a public figure, has the right kind of circle that can make this work. She has put in the time that it takes to make it work. She is making a good living, and she is driving that Lexis. Good for her!
Now, step back, analyze this. Barbie is successful at this because she put in the time and effort to make it work. It cut into family time. It cut into husband time. The Lexis, its a car allowance, and her name is on the lease for it for three years. She is not making a million dollars. She has joined the million dollar sales team. Her cut, commission wise is 15 to 30 percent. A rough estimate would be $250,000 to $300,000 a year, after investing three years of her time. The husband did not retire, he cut his full time work back to two days a week. Why? He loves what he does, plus, most likely, he is still working to provide his family medical coverage through his employer.
OK, time to step back in closer. Products are great, but at a higher cost. Why? Highest quality without a prescription. And, somebody has to pay all those levels of commission to all the lucky folks that are above you in the foods chain. Heard it before, hearing it again.
So, if you want to be like Barbie, more power to you. Just remember, it ain't easy, its gonna take a major commitment of your time, so either go all in or not at all. This applies to all of these direct selling opportunities that are out there today. Worse case, you make enough to cover the cost of the product you use.
Is it worth the time and effort? Time will tell...
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Post Game Day Notes-Oxford
You've gotta love game day on any campus, but especially in the south. Here are a few takeaways from yesterday's visit to Oxford:
1. Al Gore was a little off on his global warming. When in Oxford in September, pack additional clothing: Shorts and t-shirts, rain gear, boots of all kinds, and now cold weather gear. With the wind, it was COLD!
2. Regardless of your color choice for your top, your bottoms on game day must be white! Navy Blue was the color for the day, along with a sea of white britches!
3. Have your female companion pack some small cups for the stadium. Then buy one "bottomless drink" for $8 and share. Get free refills during the game. Do like my friend Hart, after the third home game, bring along all of the bottomless drink cup colors for free refills the rest of the season!
4. Do not argue with the Popo about having to pour out your twelve pack of beer mini-cans. They have bracelets, one size fits all....
5. Do not let your drunk date walk in the street after the game. doing drum beats on passing cars is a definite No No!
6. Enjoy the game. But, keep your sideline reporting to yourself, or at least in a soft tone during the whole game. Your stadium neighbor will appreciate it.
7. Don't yell at Bo Wallace for a bad pass when he is on the sideline and a sub is in the game. Either memorize the uniform numbers or buy yourself a damn program. Armchair quarterbacks, geeze!!
8. Nike, Adidas, and Reebok need to come out with some game day sneaker heels. Too many coeds are breaking heels, twisting ankles or walking barefoot after showing up in 3 inch pencil heeled shoes!
9. Want to confuse occasional visitors to campus? Install not one or two, but three "round abouts" on Old Taylor Road. Sit and watch the cars go round and round......
10. Elvis, where in the hell were you???? Missed your sweet voice big guy!
1. Al Gore was a little off on his global warming. When in Oxford in September, pack additional clothing: Shorts and t-shirts, rain gear, boots of all kinds, and now cold weather gear. With the wind, it was COLD!
2. Regardless of your color choice for your top, your bottoms on game day must be white! Navy Blue was the color for the day, along with a sea of white britches!
3. Have your female companion pack some small cups for the stadium. Then buy one "bottomless drink" for $8 and share. Get free refills during the game. Do like my friend Hart, after the third home game, bring along all of the bottomless drink cup colors for free refills the rest of the season!
4. Do not argue with the Popo about having to pour out your twelve pack of beer mini-cans. They have bracelets, one size fits all....
5. Do not let your drunk date walk in the street after the game. doing drum beats on passing cars is a definite No No!
6. Enjoy the game. But, keep your sideline reporting to yourself, or at least in a soft tone during the whole game. Your stadium neighbor will appreciate it.
7. Don't yell at Bo Wallace for a bad pass when he is on the sideline and a sub is in the game. Either memorize the uniform numbers or buy yourself a damn program. Armchair quarterbacks, geeze!!
8. Nike, Adidas, and Reebok need to come out with some game day sneaker heels. Too many coeds are breaking heels, twisting ankles or walking barefoot after showing up in 3 inch pencil heeled shoes!
9. Want to confuse occasional visitors to campus? Install not one or two, but three "round abouts" on Old Taylor Road. Sit and watch the cars go round and round......
10. Elvis, where in the hell were you???? Missed your sweet voice big guy!
Game Day in Rebel Land
Early start today with a road trip to Oxford to see the Spousal Unit's Rebels play. Kinda funny, we've made two trips to Starkville already and its like dragging a sack of taters outa the bed. Today, the Spousal Unit is up bright and early at 5:00 a.m. Guess I need to change her calendar for the next Bully game to make her think we are headed to Oxford!
We had the car smelling some kinda fine as we pulled out of the driveway. We had pork butt all foiled up, fresh off the fire, smoking spicy sausage cheese balls, and the aroma of the Spousal Unit's fancy hot ham and cheese fancy sammaches filling the air. Had to make a quick stop at Kroger for the ice and slider buns before hitting the highway.
As I was making my way back to the car in the parking lot, I heard this older fella say "are you ready"? Since I was wearing red and blue (payback for some cowbell fun last weekend) I'm guessing he thought I was one of his fellow Rebel Fans. Rather than give him the customary "Hell Yeah" reply, my quick bulldog wit came up with "yep, car is packed and ready to roll, just needed a bag of ice"! I thought I'd thrown him for a loop with that one. Nope, he worked his way over to the car.
From just one look, I could tell he has been to his fair share of Rebel football games. He was extremely proud of his straw hat, which was covered in buttons that you just don't see every day. Some were quite faded, but you could tell that each had quite a few stories to tell. Some dated back to the sixties, and of course one of the oldest said "Go to Hell LSU"!
He was one of those die hard Ole Miss Fans that never attended the first class on the campus in Oxford. Being from south Mississippi, his Daddy sent him to Southern Miss, or as he called it "Hardy Street Elementary"! He has a canvas banner that says "Go to Hell LSU" that he puts up in his car window. He gets the biggest kick out of young LSU coeds that shoot him the finger as they pass him in the highway. My kinda football fan!
Had the strangest sighting as we began the trek east on Highway 6. As we passes the Marathon gas station on the right, we noticed that the Rebel Trailer that sells all the Rebel goods was not in the parking lot. I cannot remember ever driving by and not seeing that red trailer, up front and center!
We make it to Oxford, and I took the Old Taylor Road exit. You would think that you were in another country. They have added one of those loopty loop round-a-bouts on both sides of Highway 6. That's in addition to the one you ride through on the edge of campus. It almost felt like a carnival ride!
I pulled up to the edge of the grove to unload all the goodies for the day, and when I opened the door, the rush of cold air hits me! Its freaking 61 degrees! I was wearing my flippers for God's sake! Fortunately I had packed some socks and shoes for the walk to the stadiums.
I like to get set up early so that I can enjoy the sights of the day. To my surprise, there was only one poor fellow to get busted for toting a multipack of beer. This guy had the misfortune to get busted with a multipack of 8 oz cans of Coors Light. What male buys 8 oz cans????
On this day, the designated color was navy blue. I swear, I have never seen so many women wearing the same color dress, in all the designer styles! So many of them were short and sheer. I had a mental picture of all of them taking their seat on those cold metal bleachers, all at the same time, and coming up with a new Ole Miss cheer "ooooh that's COLD"!
I made my trademark sugar cookies that are cut out in the shape o the State of Mississippi. Since today was designated navy blue day, I iced them in navy royal icing. It took three bottles of food coloring to get the desired deep blue color. I was cracking up each time someone took a bite of these cookies. Every time they would smile or begin to talk, all you could see was blue teeth and blue tongues! Probably be seeing something else blue tomorrow!
Ole Miss and CSpire teamed up to provide game day wifi access at the stadium and today was the first day of beta testing. I brought my Nexis tablet to do a little beta testing myself. I took a selfie and one of the spousal unit shaking her "thang one" red pom pom. It took about five minutes for each of them to upload through Facebook.
The beta test went ok until the second quarter. I think that it either got overloaded or the powers that be just disconnected it. Never could get connected after that! They got a long way to go if they think non-CSpire users are gonna pay $5 for that. They have one more game of testing before it goes live.
As the first half was coming to a close, four women took a seat on the row in front of us. I mention to one of them that they must be Mom's of freshmen on the Rebelette cheer squad. They looked at me and said "why yes, we are. how can you tell??" I've been sitting in these seats for quite a few years, and believe me, you can just tell!
Game over, and the exodus from the stadium begins. The freshmen coeds have a long way to go to keep up with the upper classmen. They were the ones walking bare footed, with a drink in one hand, and their three inch heels in the other!
As the Grove began to clear out, and the packup crews began to arrive to dismantle things, it was time for us to pack up for the hike to the parking lot. My friend Kyle, in from Kansas, had rented a house for the weekend. His buddies had cancelled out on him at the last minute. Before we left the tailgate for the game, he had no takers for the other bedrooms. By the time we are packing up, Kyle had four female house guest in tow. Atta boy Kyle!
Two weeks until the next home game. Hoping Mother Nature doesn't have anymore surprises in store for us. Stay tuned......
We had the car smelling some kinda fine as we pulled out of the driveway. We had pork butt all foiled up, fresh off the fire, smoking spicy sausage cheese balls, and the aroma of the Spousal Unit's fancy hot ham and cheese fancy sammaches filling the air. Had to make a quick stop at Kroger for the ice and slider buns before hitting the highway.
As I was making my way back to the car in the parking lot, I heard this older fella say "are you ready"? Since I was wearing red and blue (payback for some cowbell fun last weekend) I'm guessing he thought I was one of his fellow Rebel Fans. Rather than give him the customary "Hell Yeah" reply, my quick bulldog wit came up with "yep, car is packed and ready to roll, just needed a bag of ice"! I thought I'd thrown him for a loop with that one. Nope, he worked his way over to the car.
From just one look, I could tell he has been to his fair share of Rebel football games. He was extremely proud of his straw hat, which was covered in buttons that you just don't see every day. Some were quite faded, but you could tell that each had quite a few stories to tell. Some dated back to the sixties, and of course one of the oldest said "Go to Hell LSU"!
He was one of those die hard Ole Miss Fans that never attended the first class on the campus in Oxford. Being from south Mississippi, his Daddy sent him to Southern Miss, or as he called it "Hardy Street Elementary"! He has a canvas banner that says "Go to Hell LSU" that he puts up in his car window. He gets the biggest kick out of young LSU coeds that shoot him the finger as they pass him in the highway. My kinda football fan!
Had the strangest sighting as we began the trek east on Highway 6. As we passes the Marathon gas station on the right, we noticed that the Rebel Trailer that sells all the Rebel goods was not in the parking lot. I cannot remember ever driving by and not seeing that red trailer, up front and center!
We make it to Oxford, and I took the Old Taylor Road exit. You would think that you were in another country. They have added one of those loopty loop round-a-bouts on both sides of Highway 6. That's in addition to the one you ride through on the edge of campus. It almost felt like a carnival ride!
I pulled up to the edge of the grove to unload all the goodies for the day, and when I opened the door, the rush of cold air hits me! Its freaking 61 degrees! I was wearing my flippers for God's sake! Fortunately I had packed some socks and shoes for the walk to the stadiums.
I like to get set up early so that I can enjoy the sights of the day. To my surprise, there was only one poor fellow to get busted for toting a multipack of beer. This guy had the misfortune to get busted with a multipack of 8 oz cans of Coors Light. What male buys 8 oz cans????
On this day, the designated color was navy blue. I swear, I have never seen so many women wearing the same color dress, in all the designer styles! So many of them were short and sheer. I had a mental picture of all of them taking their seat on those cold metal bleachers, all at the same time, and coming up with a new Ole Miss cheer "ooooh that's COLD"!
I made my trademark sugar cookies that are cut out in the shape o the State of Mississippi. Since today was designated navy blue day, I iced them in navy royal icing. It took three bottles of food coloring to get the desired deep blue color. I was cracking up each time someone took a bite of these cookies. Every time they would smile or begin to talk, all you could see was blue teeth and blue tongues! Probably be seeing something else blue tomorrow!
Ole Miss and CSpire teamed up to provide game day wifi access at the stadium and today was the first day of beta testing. I brought my Nexis tablet to do a little beta testing myself. I took a selfie and one of the spousal unit shaking her "thang one" red pom pom. It took about five minutes for each of them to upload through Facebook.
The beta test went ok until the second quarter. I think that it either got overloaded or the powers that be just disconnected it. Never could get connected after that! They got a long way to go if they think non-CSpire users are gonna pay $5 for that. They have one more game of testing before it goes live.
As the first half was coming to a close, four women took a seat on the row in front of us. I mention to one of them that they must be Mom's of freshmen on the Rebelette cheer squad. They looked at me and said "why yes, we are. how can you tell??" I've been sitting in these seats for quite a few years, and believe me, you can just tell!
Game over, and the exodus from the stadium begins. The freshmen coeds have a long way to go to keep up with the upper classmen. They were the ones walking bare footed, with a drink in one hand, and their three inch heels in the other!
As the Grove began to clear out, and the packup crews began to arrive to dismantle things, it was time for us to pack up for the hike to the parking lot. My friend Kyle, in from Kansas, had rented a house for the weekend. His buddies had cancelled out on him at the last minute. Before we left the tailgate for the game, he had no takers for the other bedrooms. By the time we are packing up, Kyle had four female house guest in tow. Atta boy Kyle!
Two weeks until the next home game. Hoping Mother Nature doesn't have anymore surprises in store for us. Stay tuned......
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Dental Virgin
Well, I had to go to Dr. Vic this morning. He used to call me his "dental virgin" because all he could get out of me were some x-rays and a cleaning twice a year. I got my first filling at the age of forty, and its been down hill ever since. My teeth have never been pretty, but they have been healthy.
Today I went in for a follow up to some receding gum issues and two fillings. Fillings now are to fix the wear and tear of all the good eating I've done in my adult life. Still no crowns, just a few fillings and a wisdom tooth extraction years ago.
The best thing, or only good thing about going to see Dr. Vic, are his dental Hygienists. If you aren't blonde and pretty, you won't be working here! Its hilarious to be lying in the dental chair, looking up at those eyes, then having them say something to you and all can do is say argggggle! Today during the cleaning, the hygienist was up close and personal. She was just cleaning away and talking to me, and I hear this huge growl! At first I thought it was me, because she just kept talking and working away. Finally, when she took a breath, I asked her, "was that your stomach???" She said, "yeah, I didn't eat supper last night, and I was gonna eat my breakfast after I finished up with you. Kinda sounded like a bear, didn't it!" Yep it did!
Her work all done, it was time for Dr. Vic. I was moved to a different chair, where Miss Brenda was waiting. She had this cute little thing with her. I said "rut row, we gotta trainee today??" The young assistant said "yes". I asked how long had she been working. Her answer was "this is my first day". I yelled "OMG! Dr. Vic, you're using a rookie on me????" He said "she's got to learn it sometime, so why not do it on the worst patients!" I asked her where she went to school, "Hinds" was the reply. I said, "Oh my, not UMC???? Miss Brenda spoke up "I went to Hinds". I then asked "well today they say "see you at Hinds", what did they say back in your day?" Dr. Vic interjected "probably good bye!" I asked are you making all A's? She shly said "some A's, and lots of B's".
I told her, "If you can survive me today you'll be ok. Dr. Vic said "Bill's an asshole that kids around a lot. Its the assholes that aren't kidding that you have to worry about!"
Dr. Vic applied his magic potions and the needle and before long my mouth was completely numb. He got started, then was barking out orders, and things weren't going exactly the way he wanted. It wasn't long before Dr. Vic asked Miss Brenda to step in. I felt like I was in a scene from M.A.S.H. and the top dog assistant was called in. Miss Brenda is no Hot Lips Houlihan! Dr. Vic was working me over to get these two fillings done. I held my big ole mouth open as far as I could get it, thinking I was gonna have a muscle cramp any minute! He was finally done. The rookie assistant stepped back in to do the wipe down and clean up. Maybe she will have a better experience with the next patient.
Well, ole Dr. Vic doesn't refer to me as his "dental virgin" anymore, now that he has taken care of fire fillings over the past ten years. Next appointment in December. Hopefully no more fillings or other dental work for a while!
Today I went in for a follow up to some receding gum issues and two fillings. Fillings now are to fix the wear and tear of all the good eating I've done in my adult life. Still no crowns, just a few fillings and a wisdom tooth extraction years ago.
The best thing, or only good thing about going to see Dr. Vic, are his dental Hygienists. If you aren't blonde and pretty, you won't be working here! Its hilarious to be lying in the dental chair, looking up at those eyes, then having them say something to you and all can do is say argggggle! Today during the cleaning, the hygienist was up close and personal. She was just cleaning away and talking to me, and I hear this huge growl! At first I thought it was me, because she just kept talking and working away. Finally, when she took a breath, I asked her, "was that your stomach???" She said, "yeah, I didn't eat supper last night, and I was gonna eat my breakfast after I finished up with you. Kinda sounded like a bear, didn't it!" Yep it did!
Her work all done, it was time for Dr. Vic. I was moved to a different chair, where Miss Brenda was waiting. She had this cute little thing with her. I said "rut row, we gotta trainee today??" The young assistant said "yes". I asked how long had she been working. Her answer was "this is my first day". I yelled "OMG! Dr. Vic, you're using a rookie on me????" He said "she's got to learn it sometime, so why not do it on the worst patients!" I asked her where she went to school, "Hinds" was the reply. I said, "Oh my, not UMC???? Miss Brenda spoke up "I went to Hinds". I then asked "well today they say "see you at Hinds", what did they say back in your day?" Dr. Vic interjected "probably good bye!" I asked are you making all A's? She shly said "some A's, and lots of B's".
I told her, "If you can survive me today you'll be ok. Dr. Vic said "Bill's an asshole that kids around a lot. Its the assholes that aren't kidding that you have to worry about!"
Dr. Vic applied his magic potions and the needle and before long my mouth was completely numb. He got started, then was barking out orders, and things weren't going exactly the way he wanted. It wasn't long before Dr. Vic asked Miss Brenda to step in. I felt like I was in a scene from M.A.S.H. and the top dog assistant was called in. Miss Brenda is no Hot Lips Houlihan! Dr. Vic was working me over to get these two fillings done. I held my big ole mouth open as far as I could get it, thinking I was gonna have a muscle cramp any minute! He was finally done. The rookie assistant stepped back in to do the wipe down and clean up. Maybe she will have a better experience with the next patient.
Well, ole Dr. Vic doesn't refer to me as his "dental virgin" anymore, now that he has taken care of fire fillings over the past ten years. Next appointment in December. Hopefully no more fillings or other dental work for a while!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Getting Too Old for This!
I think this aging thing is starting to catch up with me a bit. A full day yesterday has officially caught up with me.
Football Saturday in Starkville. Cooked two butts overnight, so an early rise to get all packed up. Did not arrive on campus early enough by 15 minutes (4 hours before kickoff) and the whole campus gets shut down, so no easy drop off, bummer. Luckily, I packed light and everything fit in my handy dandy wagon. Not so lucky, parked in the village parking lot, at the bottom of long slope. Wagons ho! but needed a man cub mule! Getting too old for this....
Man cub had not arrived early either (five minutes away) so tables, chairs and such had to be toted the distance too. Thank you Derrick and my handy dandy wagon! Getting too old for this....
Tailgating spot is close to the stadium entrance, so that's an easy walk. Sitting in 90 degree heat was another matter. Lasted a quarter and a half. Looked in the zone and had to take pity on those freshman frat boys wearing dressy clothes. Never did it in my day, and thankfully don't do it now. The heat, getting too old for this....
We stopped by the spousal unit's parent's house in Greenwood for a break before heading to the family wedding in Inverness, and change clothes. The rebellion game was on, and the paw-in-law didn't have his hearing aids in. He had the volume up so loud, it felt like we were in the middle of the student section in an overflow crowd . Getting too old for this.....
Made it to Oakhurst, parking close to the road with a nice little walk ahead. Spousal unit took the golf cart ride with a young buck driver. I was in hot pursuit by foot. Getting too old for this.....
Wedding reception is in full swing. Wonderful people, amazing food, limitless bar, with a band playing too. In my younger years I would lapped it all up. One beer limit, check. Tara doing the bump and grind on my butt took care of the dance steps. Getting too old for this.....
Ride home was uneventful, till I missed the Natchez Trace turnoff. How in the heck did I do that???? Oh well, there is always the County Line Road exit. Getting too old for this.
Well, guess what? The Rebellion will be in Oxford this coming weekend, and the and the spousal unit will be in the middle of it! I'm getting too old for this, NOT!!!!
Football Saturday in Starkville. Cooked two butts overnight, so an early rise to get all packed up. Did not arrive on campus early enough by 15 minutes (4 hours before kickoff) and the whole campus gets shut down, so no easy drop off, bummer. Luckily, I packed light and everything fit in my handy dandy wagon. Not so lucky, parked in the village parking lot, at the bottom of long slope. Wagons ho! but needed a man cub mule! Getting too old for this....
Man cub had not arrived early either (five minutes away) so tables, chairs and such had to be toted the distance too. Thank you Derrick and my handy dandy wagon! Getting too old for this....
Tailgating spot is close to the stadium entrance, so that's an easy walk. Sitting in 90 degree heat was another matter. Lasted a quarter and a half. Looked in the zone and had to take pity on those freshman frat boys wearing dressy clothes. Never did it in my day, and thankfully don't do it now. The heat, getting too old for this....
We stopped by the spousal unit's parent's house in Greenwood for a break before heading to the family wedding in Inverness, and change clothes. The rebellion game was on, and the paw-in-law didn't have his hearing aids in. He had the volume up so loud, it felt like we were in the middle of the student section in an overflow crowd . Getting too old for this.....
Made it to Oakhurst, parking close to the road with a nice little walk ahead. Spousal unit took the golf cart ride with a young buck driver. I was in hot pursuit by foot. Getting too old for this.....
Wedding reception is in full swing. Wonderful people, amazing food, limitless bar, with a band playing too. In my younger years I would lapped it all up. One beer limit, check. Tara doing the bump and grind on my butt took care of the dance steps. Getting too old for this.....
Ride home was uneventful, till I missed the Natchez Trace turnoff. How in the heck did I do that???? Oh well, there is always the County Line Road exit. Getting too old for this.
Well, guess what? The Rebellion will be in Oxford this coming weekend, and the and the spousal unit will be in the middle of it! I'm getting too old for this, NOT!!!!
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