Junction tailgate setup start time is 4:00. Off we go to get there by 3:00 to help the Man Cub with the tents. Plan two was to go downtown, eat early, enjoy the pep rally, then take in our first Cowbell Yell! Always, I mean always, have a backup plan.....
The Queen of our Condo does an end run. Man Cub obligated himself to a last minute trip to Columbus. No problem, the spousal unit and I can handle this, been doing it for years on the Select Soccer circuit, in Rebellion land, etc. We take up our spot, waiting for the Chapel chimes and the countdown guy to let us loose!
This vacant space was soon to be filled to capacity. Great spot. If hell freezes over, we have the Chapel behind us. Straight ahead is the student union for restroom runs and severe weather. To the right is the Junction and to the left is Wade Davis Stadium.
In three minutes flat, tents up, on a hill, under a tree, and near a parking lot. Notice the spousal unit, doing the Vanna White thing, a true Rebellion Fan in Dawg Country! Note, tent bags suspended to tent frame, covers inside the bag! With potential onset of heavy rain coming, cover frame in the morning. There was a lot of tent damage discovered the next morning from the rain.
Side trip to the MSU cheese stop. Notes on the door announce, big and bold, no valligret cheese, all sold out. Never fear, thankful for some cheddar and Edam. Benefits of this here cow college. And the ice cream, OMG!
Headed downtown for early dinner, with plans to take in the pep rally and other activities at the street party. The streets were blocked off, then the bottom fell out of the sky. Well poop! There is always a plan B!
Headed to the Veranda, with the first table seating at 5:00. Man Cub was able to join us on his return trip from Columbus. Condo Queen had other plans.... Dessert, OMG, the maroon and white cake (red velvet)!
Next stop, our first Cowbell Yell! Make it back to campus. Many thanks to the Man Cub for his driving skills. Lots of traffic, congestion from the ESPN Game Day setup, and we end up with an awesome parking spot. The line, it zigged and zagged for blocks.
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Cowbells at the ready! |
Made our way into the stadium. Only two gates were open, side by side. Ironic, to be at an Ag college and feel like cattle being herded through the gates!
Into the student section we went. The crowd was so big, it began to overflow into other sections. Fans of all ages, quite a mix. Told the spousal unit I was ready to go back to school just for the student activities! All my Facebook friends were wanting updates on the announcement of the ESPN guest speaker, surely it would come tonight!
We entered the stadium at 9:00, thirty minutes early. The cowbell ringing began! The MSU Band marched in and took their spot. More cowbell ringing! Arms were getting heavy, with still twenty minutes to go!
Cowbells are now sagging to our waist. It's time! We practiced ringing our cowbells responsibly. Yes there are rules. Once the center is over the bell, stop. Once the quarterback has the ball, shake it like crazy! Learned to listen to the announce say "first down 'Bulldawgs"! We follow it with #HAILSTATE! Got a lesson on " Pyscho Defense" from the coach, wow! Learned the " Hey" song. Students love the "and we're gonna beat the hell outa you" part. All this Had to be a sign.... Oh, and no guest picker announcement, rats!
Man Cub spent time packing the car before we all crashed. Thank God, we overslept! Finished loading up, off we went. First stop, ice. Only 6 bags left in the cooler at 7:30 in the morning! Had to be another sign.....
We work our way through campus, roads starting to close. We beg to be let through, making it all the way to parking lot by our spot. Another sign......
Had our site up and running in no I time flat. That vacant space from the day before now was now overflowing. Pays to be early! Tents were up, tables were being set, satellite dishes were being tuned and charcoal was now ablaze. Time to take in some of the sights!
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The Little Red Wagon that Did! |
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Grill masters! With 18 slabs! |
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Best seat in the house! |
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OK, wires hooked up, dish pointed up, where's that damn signal???? |
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