Saturday, April 26, 2014

That Dreaded Conversation Between Father and Son

Children grow up to be adults, then they become parents, and eventually they get to have conversations with their own children that they dreaded when they were young.

My neighbor Kevin, has a simple rule about the circle of life.  He calls it the "five finger rule"  First you graduate from high school, then college.  You get a nice job, then find a nice girl/boy and get married.  After all this, you finally get around to the fifth finger, and have children.  The circle of life is now complete and is repeated with the next generation.

When my last born son reached the 10th grade, he made the decision to attend the Mississippi School for Math and Science, in Columbus, MS.  That decision was in his best interest, as he was not being challenged at his local high school.  During the spring semester of his senior year, I went over to help with the junior enrollment for the fall semester.  During a walk, last born son, looks over at me and says, "We need to talk".

Well, a lot of things can go through your mind before this conversation gets started.  I quickly covered at least 30 topics in my mind, most of them not good.  Last born son starts off by saying, "Dad, as you know, I've been dating my girlfriend (who is a junior) for quite some time.  The list in my head just got narrowed down to a handful of possibilities.

Last Born son then says"  my girl friend wants to share an apartment with me when we both get to MSU."  My head goes, whew!  I can handle this!  Couple of deep breaths and now its my turn.  i start off by saying "ok, number one, as far as your Mother is concerned, we did not have this conversation!"  Number two, your freshmen year you are required to live in the dorm."  Number three, her freshman year she is required to live in the dorm."  "So, number four, we don't need to even discuss this until your junior year at MSU!"  The discussion ended with that point and we moved on to other topics!

Last Born son made it in the dorm his freshman year just fine.  His sophomore year he did the smart thing and roomed with three upper class men.  Grades were excellent, two years of college with all A's and one B.  First semester of his junior year, we move him into a condo, since he will be adding a fifth year to his education to do the Co-op program inn electrical engineering.  A roommate cuts the monthly costs in half.  End of the semester, all A's and lots of academic recognition!

Last Born son is scheduled to work  through the Co-op program.  His work schedule is 4 ten hour days with a three day weekend with a company in Columbus.  He is making enough money to put half of his paycheck into a savings account.  Life is Good for the parents of this college junior!

Then it happens! During a visit to Starkville to see Last Born son, he says "Mom, Dad, we need to talk".  Again, lots of topics enter my head, just like several years before!.  He starts "well, my girl friend's apartment lease comes up for renewal in August, and she wants to move in with me".  Rut row, I'm now having flashbacks to that earlier conversation!

The last few months, we have noticed some changes.  Window treatments a man would never pick.  Leather couch replaced, shower curtain changed, and a Kureg Coffee pot in the kitchen.  I was informed this weekend that the roommate will be moving out at the end of the semester.  Said girlfriend's remaining belongings will be coming in.

I guess things could be worse.  Life will go on.  Overnight tailgate visits next fall can be altered, and State/Ole Miss scheduling conflicts will be revisited. Of Course, I haven't gotten my new seat assignments yet either.  And, its only for two more years, then he will be leaving for a new job and the girlfriend will be going to vet school.  (Fingers and toes crossed :-))

Life is still good, for the majority of the time.  I will learn to adapt, won't like it, but I will do whatever it takes to be a positive influence in both boys lives, till the day I die.

1 comment:

Karlene Strayer said...

I think all is well...we have to pick our battles and last-born son and girlfriend are doing just fine! Love your blog, always!