Sunday, June 29, 2014

Loving Me Some Trustmark Park

With the spousal unit out of town, it was time for some guy stuff.  I had gotten some Bass Pro Shop reward points that were burning a hole in my pocket.  Off to Pearl I go!

I had seen a Tervis cup with "flip flop repair shop" on it back in the spring.  Bass Pro rarely marks the good stuff down, so I figured I'd see it again somewhere else.  Nope.  And guess what, nowhere to be found in Bass Pro.  Settled on an igloo marine cooler that was totable.  Get for work and the beach!

On the way out of the parking lot, I noticed the baseball game was in progress over at Trustmark Park.  I pulled of my smartass phone, looked up the schedule, and discovered it had just started.  Winner, winner chicken dinner.

I get to the ticket counter, and ask for a seat "up under" since the sky was threatening to rain, again.  One of the ticket counter ladies spoke up and said "come on down to my window and I'll save you some money!". She got my attention!

Bought six will call tickets for $69 ($11.50 each).  You get the best seat available in the house.  Winner!  My first seat was four rows up behind home plate!

I get to my seat, which is on the end of the row.  Problem.  A woman in the next seat had overlap disease.  It reminded me of a few bad seat experiences on some airplanes!  Ain't happening here!  Next row was pretty much empty, solution found!

I settled in with my big cup beer and two sausage dogs.  Ah, heaven!  Lots of food choices here, but I gotta have my sausage dog.

Three gals one row behind me were really into the game.  One gal asked " what just happened?".  One of the others said "I think the runner just stole second base".  I chuckled, then pointed out that it was a double steal, see the guy on third base?  It was like that the whole time!

I looked down the row, and there they were.  Some had scorebooks, some had laptops, but one one had a radar gun.  The scouts were in full attendance.  Guessing the others were using the pitch speed indicator off the scoreboard.

There were not a lot of folks in attendance for this late Sunday afternoon game.  Some must be at church, others were watching the USA tie Germany in the World Cup.  Those in attendance were kept entertained, with all the " in between innings" games.  There was also the pizza giveaway and the T-shirt shooter.

I finally finished my beer, then got to looking at the cup.  ! I llers 471 has an ad for $3 refills, limit 2, with this 32 oz cup.  What a deal!

Game now in the seventh inning, Braves behind 0-7.  Time to go.  Get to the car, and realize I had left my cup!  Almost cried.  Never fear,  I will be back!  Five more tickets to use!  And surprise, I found a cup in the kitchen cabinet from when son #1 went a few weeks back!

Take time out of your schedule and attend a minor league game.  You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ya Ya Sistahood

Each year around this time I give up my spousal unit so that she can do the "girl thang" with a group of girls that she graduated high school with back in 1979.  They get together several times a year, but this time of year they make their way to Orange Beach for a week of fun in the sun!

For the past twelve months I tried to work my magic on these women so that I might get the opportunity to be the resident Cabana Boy.  I've got all the beach toys:  umbrellas, chairs, umbrella stakes, floats, cup stakes, and the beach cart to tote it all.  I've got two margarita machines at the ready. This year I even found tank tops with monograms for them to wear as cover ups.   I even cooked them cookies and cheese straws for their journey.  But, once again, no luck.  No husbands, children, relatives, or critters allowed at the Ya Ya Sistahood beach retreat!

The tank top cover ups

No one really knows what goes on during these beach retreats, as they have their own sistahood code.  What happens at the beach, stays at the beach.  No sun tanning pictures allowed on Facebook.   I have some idea, since I see the wine and bloody Mary mixes being loaded into the car.  I have an idea about restaurants they will encounter from scouting trips we make on our trips to sun and sand.  One give away are the shopping bags that get unloaded upon their return home. 
They Are looking for Skipper and Gilligan

Everyone needs their time away from the day to day rat race.  It gives you the time to chill, let your hair down, and no makeup required.  I am so glad that my spousal unit has rebonded with these ladies.  Vacation time well deserved!

And there was some physical activity!




Sunday, June 15, 2014

Remember When

As you get older, you begin to look back on your life and the events of the day, and wonder what it would be life to experience some of them all over again.

Remember when you went to the Sonic Drive-In, ordered a drink, and they put one of those little plastic animals on the cup?

Remember the first time you had the Filet o Fish at McDonald's and it cheese on it?  What the heck? But pretty good!

Remember when the State of Mississippi honored Sunday "blue laws" and only essential services were open on any Sunday?

Remember when you had a TV antenna on your roof that you had to go up and turn after a big wind storm?  If you were a big shot you had a tower with a rotating antenna connected to an electric motor.  There were only three TV stations at the time, plus PBS.

Remember when soft drinks were only sold in bottles.  You could pour a pack of peanuts into a coke and have quite a treat.

Remember driving to every McDonald's you can find to collect the next latest mini beanie baby!

Remember houses without air conditioning?  Most had an attic fans that would pull bugs right through the window screen!

Remember riding your bicycle in the fog behind the skeeter truck and hoped you wouldn't run into a parked car?

Remember going to Jackson, Mississippi with your Mom for some shopping at the Sears store? You could ride the escalator up and down both floors while she shopped.

Remember when you actually answered calls on your land line telephone, or when you had one?

Remember when the only tattooed woman you ever saw worked at the carnival?

Remember staying up on Saturday night watching for the announcement of the Sunflower weekly cash drawing, right after the weather report with Mr. Bob and Ready Kilowatt?

Remember playing travel bingo on long road trips?  Or taking along a TV with built in VHS player?

Remember when, after a young bride got married, the elder ladies of the church would start counting the months before the birth of your first child?

Remember buying your first bicycle, baseball bat and glove at the local Western Auto?

Remember all the little knick knacks at the Ben Franklin Store?  Bought my first girlfriend a ring there!

Bet there are thousands more!  Those were the days, but I still prefer my nice, cool, air conditioned house!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Lab Work

Gotta love that time of year when your annual physical comes around.  This usually includes a "fasting lab" where nothing is consumed after midnight the night before.  This was the case last night.

Since I had to be in Hattiesburg today, I decided to go to the Medical clinic early.  Since Ole Henry Dog and I are early risers, we both go out into the fresh air, walk around, and make sure a bush or two has been properly watered.

I get to the clinic, and there is a sign, "if you are here for lab work, take a number".  There was only one worker behind the desk, and my recollections of her from past visits, meant I was here a bit early, but so were the five ahead of me, and nothing was gonna be happening until more troops arrived..  We all sat and waited.  About thirty minutes later, the front desk was now manned by five ladies.  They took their time signing in, primping, and chatting, before calling the first number.

I have been going to this clinic for years.  One more time, they ask me for my driver's license and insurance card.  They already have that.  She then gives me a stack of papers to fill out before I come back for my checkup.  They already have that.  She mentioned that "they" have just switched to a new system.  Why on green earth can't they just transfer the information that was in the "old" system.
Finally, I have what I need to go to the lab!

Get to the lab, and guess what, "take a number"!  We go through the formalities, and now its time to go get stuck.  Once in the stick room, I take my seat.  I notice an old blood donor couch in the room.  I ask "do ya'll have patients that use that?"  She says "all the time, mostly men that can't handle the needle and the sight of blood".  She asks which arm, and I tell her to stick the left, since most can't hit my veins on the right side.  She must have thought I was a pin cushion.  She missed the vein, pulled back a bit, then wiggled the needle in search of a vein.  In it went!

Now time to go fill up the cup.  I go into the restroom across the hall.  Door shut, time to wake up the unit and turn it on.  One problem.  That earlier session with Ole Henry Dog.  As hard as I tried, nothing.  I am now in full concentration.  I am interrupted by the opening and slamming of the portal door where you put your deposit.  Sorry lady, I ain't done yet, and that did not help!  Somebody then opened the restroom door and went whoops, further inhibiting my ability to concentrate!  Now I'm really frustrated.  There are no cups to take a drink, nothing to inspire the unit to get into the mood.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door!  Its the blood sucker from earlier.  "Mr. Weems, you still in there?"  Yes Ma'm!  Ok.  The thought of having to come back enters my mind.  I gotta go, to Hattiesburg, and this ain't helping!  Again, she says "Mr. Weems"!  Suddenly the unit woke up, and the yellow fluid began to flow!  Thank you Jesus!  I made my deposit into the portal and I was on my way!

Wonder what the Wednesday appointment has in store for me!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Obstacle Course

Today was one of those days where I was so busy, and so hot, anything to laugh at was a welcome sight.  I was assigned to work at the Brandon Home Depot location.  This store has the highest sales volume in its region.  They really push volume through that store.

I knew it was going to be a busy day, with Father's Day just around the corner.  All the stores are doing a build up on a new grill for that weekend.  I knew there would be a ton of stuff dropped, waiting on me.  I got there at 6:30 to get a head start.

This is just a sample of what was on the floor when I got there.  These boxes were in the spot where we usually do the assembly, because it is usually shady.  Not today.

As I entered the parking lot, you could see that they had begun repaving the parking lot.  After I got settled in, at a spot that I thought might be cool, the asphalt grinder entered the back parking lot.  Those machines make a ton of noise, but they also throw off a ton of heat!  Between them and the sun, I was getting baked.  I went through my supply of water in no time.

The store began filling up the aisles with tons of merchandise, getting ready for a big weekend, with an even bigger one coming up, Father's Day.  I had to assemble the first boxes I'd come to so I could make a clear path.  As I made progress, the trash began to pile up.  I had it all stacked up on push carts to dispose of later in the day.

Between the pile of boxes to be assembled, my work station, the trash, and the completed grills, I had built and surrounded myself with a pretty good obstacle course for any customers that might attempt to come by.  But some, would not be put off!

One women squeezed through to look at some stepping stones.  A guy zigged and zagged to look at some wheel barrows (he could have used another aisle!)  One woman, with teenage son, and wheelchair bound father pushed the assembled grills and flat carts with trash out of the way, then asked me "where them raised beds at".  I took great joy in telling her "I don't work here!"

The last guy was looking at a dump cart, still in the box.  I was too busy and tired to tell him that assembly is free.  He looked at me, then looked at one of the push carts I was using.  He said "you mind?"  Not at all.

I got to thinking, what if I stacked those boxes and the trash all the way across the aisle?  Gotta believe one of Home Depot's fine customers would give it a shot!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That's Why They Call It Practicing Medicine

I love it when the medical profession cures what ails me, but sometimes you just gotta wonder.  I've got a great example for ya:

Son#1 was working out when he felt something in his knee go wrong.  He went to the premiere guy in Mississippi at the premiere clinic.  Xrays, MRI, the whole bit.  Dr. says everything looks OK, recommends physical therapy to work on the muscles.

After all the physical therapy sessions are exhausted, son#1 is no better.  Same pain from day 1 is still there.  Goes back to premiere guy, who is dumb founded.  Asks "did we ever do an MRI on you?".  Answer, yep, first day I came in here.  Dr.  Leaves the room, comes back and says " yep, you've got a tear.  Let's schedule surgery".  Bumfuzzled, son #1 looks at the assistant and asks WTH???

Premiere doctor never looked at the MRI, he relied on the xray guy to read it.  You gotta be kidding me!  Gets better....

Surgery goes fine.  Now physical therapy to get back to square 1.  Sorry, you have already used up your allotted visits for the year.  All is now out of pocket.  Son turns 26.  He is now on and individual insurance policy.  All knee related stuff is a preexisting condition, all followup is out of pocket. (Pre-Obummer Care).

Son#1 still has issues with knee.  Now wearing a brace for physical activity.  Back at work doing concert set ups and takedowns.  Has an accidental roll back on, you guessed it, the bad knee.  Now on workman's comp, with visits to more premiere doctors and yet more physical therapy.

In the meantime, the first premiere doctor retires, goes to UMMC to teach.  About time...

Son#1 uses up all the physical therapy visits.  All the premiere doctors see nothing wrong on all xrays and MRI's.  Son#1 comes back to original premiere clinic for another opinion, something is just not right, same pain, a little worse.  More xrays, another MRI.  Several premiere doctors look, see nothing.  Recommendation from premiere doctors, "go see a pain specialist", nothing more we can do for you.

Pain specialist reviews Son#1's case, and says, " oh, yeah, you are a prime candidate for our treatment protocol.  Will do a nerve block, and prescribed a tinge unit to help block the pain, til procedure is performed.  Finally, a doctor understands what son#1 is feeling and listened to him!

Nerve block goes off without a hitch.  Son#1 feels like a new man!  Son is relieved, now on with his life.  Momma and Dad are relieved.  Girly friend is relieved.  Even ole Henry Dog is relieved.  We are thankful that it only took 15 months to find the fix, could have been a lifetime of pain.

I like doctors, several are very good friends.  Spousal unit is a nurse, as is son#1's girly friend.  But in this day and age, you would think it would be a bit more simple.  Doctors treat symptoms, there is no magic cure.  Some times you just have to find the right specialist, but the getting there can be a long and tough road.

That's why they call it "practicing medicine"!