I love it when the medical profession cures what ails me, but sometimes you just gotta wonder. I've got a great example for ya:
Son#1 was working out when he felt something in his knee go wrong. He went to the premiere guy in Mississippi at the premiere clinic. Xrays, MRI, the whole bit. Dr. says everything looks OK, recommends physical therapy to work on the muscles.
After all the physical therapy sessions are exhausted, son#1 is no better. Same pain from day 1 is still there. Goes back to premiere guy, who is dumb founded. Asks "did we ever do an MRI on you?". Answer, yep, first day I came in here. Dr. Leaves the room, comes back and says " yep, you've got a tear. Let's schedule surgery". Bumfuzzled, son #1 looks at the assistant and asks WTH???
Premiere doctor never looked at the MRI, he relied on the xray guy to read it. You gotta be kidding me! Gets better....
Surgery goes fine. Now physical therapy to get back to square 1. Sorry, you have already used up your allotted visits for the year. All is now out of pocket. Son turns 26. He is now on and individual insurance policy. All knee related stuff is a preexisting condition, all followup is out of pocket. (Pre-Obummer Care).
Son#1 still has issues with knee. Now wearing a brace for physical activity. Back at work doing concert set ups and takedowns. Has an accidental roll back on, you guessed it, the bad knee. Now on workman's comp, with visits to more premiere doctors and yet more physical therapy.
In the meantime, the first premiere doctor retires, goes to UMMC to teach. About time...
Son#1 uses up all the physical therapy visits. All the premiere doctors see nothing wrong on all xrays and MRI's. Son#1 comes back to original premiere clinic for another opinion, something is just not right, same pain, a little worse. More xrays, another MRI. Several premiere doctors look, see nothing. Recommendation from premiere doctors, "go see a pain specialist", nothing more we can do for you.
Pain specialist reviews Son#1's case, and says, " oh, yeah, you are a prime candidate for our treatment protocol. Will do a nerve block, and prescribed a tinge unit to help block the pain, til procedure is performed. Finally, a doctor understands what son#1 is feeling and listened to him!
Nerve block goes off without a hitch. Son#1 feels like a new man! Son is relieved, now on with his life. Momma and Dad are relieved. Girly friend is relieved. Even ole Henry Dog is relieved. We are thankful that it only took 15 months to find the fix, could have been a lifetime of pain.
I like doctors, several are very good friends. Spousal unit is a nurse, as is son#1's girly friend. But in this day and age, you would think it would be a bit more simple. Doctors treat symptoms, there is no magic cure. Some times you just have to find the right specialist, but the getting there can be a long and tough road.
That's why they call it "practicing medicine"!
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