Remember that credit card commercial where the card holder dials up customer service and they get "Peggy"? Ole Peggy is a scruffy male eastern european impersonating a cute little telephone operator.
I get a few friend requests from time to time that I think are a lot like Peggy. The friend request will come from someone you don't know. You do a quick look to find that most of the account is locked from view. You see that you have several mutual friends. You then look to see that all the mutual friends are male. Hum....
Sometimes Peggy has a picture posted that you find enticing. Your curiosity gets the best of you. You click add a friend. Minutes later you get an instant message from Peggy telling you hello. She asks what kind of music do you like. She would like to learn more about you. Maybe send you some pictures. What's your cell number? You send it to " her", no harm, no foul.
Well, Peggy now has you. You would be amazed what can happen to your cell phone account. It gets hacked. You get a call from your cell provider informing you that your data plan is over the limit, or all kind of strange charges are now on your account.
Turns out Peggy isn't real. Peggy is part of a criminal element out there fishing FB for people like you. They suck you in, then bleed you dry.
Peggy will work her way through your contact list, looking for another you. She will also Clone your account and try to befriend all of your contacts in hopes of finding personal information, phone numbers, email addresses, and even credit card numbers.
Next time you get a strange friend request, be careful, it just might be Peggy!
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