Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Beach Prep-No Rest for the Weary

Some of you out there may think that this beaching life is a world of rest, relaxation and cups filled with margaritas.  Well, I'm here to tell you, that happens only when you reach with one hour of your destination!

First, locations must be found, and reservations confirmed.  In my case, we do the circuit through the use of timeshare properties.  This is not easy as you might think.  First you have to survive the process of learning how timesharing works.  This is a slow process.  There is the free or discounted trip with the "one hour tour" that quickly can turn into four hours.  Next thing you know, bam!  you are now a proud owner.

All of a sudden you have this power over your on destiny in the vaca world.  You start looking for locations and discover that either the locations are booked up a year in advance or you don't have enough points for the location or size unit you need.  You would have normally gone home and done your research and come up with an educated game plan for your purchase, but the cute little sales girl told you that this offer was for today only!  Now, you have either made a return visit to a sales room on your next vaca or discovered the resale market.  Yes, yes!  I must have more points!  OMG!  The stress is only beginning!

Now that you have secured the points that the sales people told you what you need, its time to start planning.  Alas, you have forgotten that you are married to a spouse that doesn't plan anything three months in advance, much less twelve!  Yep, stress, and now more stress!  After a hard fought battle, you win!  You have finally narrowed her down to a time and location!  Beautiful!  Oh, but wait!  The room size that you want is not available, Well dang!  You have to check in on Saturday instead of Friday or Sunday, well crap!  Yikes! the whole complex isalready booked that week!

Another lesson learned, always have a plan B before starting your reservation search!  And then there is the "What do you mean its not gulf view?  The rooms that they showed us on the tour were gulf view!  What do you mean there is a considerable walk to the beach?" Having fun yet?  You are no where near clicking "confirm your reservation"!

Finally, your reservations are made!  Planning done!  No way Jose!  Restaurants, what about the restaurants???  But honey, earlier you were ok with cooking the meals in the Condo!  Then she hits you with "well, I was talking about breakfast and lunch"!  Oh boy, double or triple the food budget please!  Well, at least I have the Internet to find us a variety of restaurants to pick from.  And there is Yelp for feedback!  Maybe some of our friend have been there before.....

You are now determined to make the best of this trip, even though it is a year away.  Beach bound for certain.  Restaurants narrowed down.  Now its sand time.  If you drive, things are less complicated.  You discover that the beach umbrella and chair setup is $40 and up per day.  Hum....that's around $200 for the week!  Time to be resourceful.  Ah, since you are driving, buy your own chairs and umbrella and take them with you.  If flying, buy something cheap at Wallyworld when you get there and leave it at the complex for another guest to enjoy.

Things don't stop with the chairs and umbrellas.  Gotta have the umbrella stake to sink it into the ground.  These things either rust or break, so you will be replacing them more often than you think.  Don't forget the cup spike.  The spousal unit is going to want one with the name of every  destination you visit.  Beach towels, don't forget the towels! A nice size soft sided cooler bag is a plus.  And with all this stuff you have acquired, how in the hell do you get it all to and from the beach every day?  Wagon, or,  beach stroller card, which will it be?  At least you have two boys that will help, right????Wow! This is way too much to think about, and the trip is still twelve months away!

Funny, isn't it.  You thought all this was easy!  After years of doing it, things do get easier.  You now know all the right destinations.  You know the restaurants and the best times to eat.  Whoops!  Life throws you a curve.  Those kids of yours either don't like your destinations anymore or they want to go with their friends.  But we have this timeshare!  Kids reply, no Dad "you have this timeshare".

Here are a few tips.  See nice chairs at Sam's or the Internet that are on sale or a good price.  Buy them for next year, because chairs do not last.  Same for the umbrella and the anchors.  The sea salt in the air, water and sand plus the wind take their toll on anything metal.  If you are into timesharing, join the timeshare user blogs and Facebook pages, as they are full of information and you might even share some of your thoughts.  These folks loved my story about Ziparitas!

Well, its just the first of July, and I've already booked our first 2016 vaca,  I've also put reminders in my smartass phone to tell me its time to book the others.  Thank God for that phone of mine!  Time to go, just got a lead on another resort to check out!  Happy beaching, 24/7!

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