My youngest born, the man cub, is now in the home stretch of his college years, now a senior EE student at MSU. Got the oldest educated a few years back with a degree at USM.
Seems like it was yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital with our bundles of joy, both weighed in at 6 pounds 12 ounces and we're 20.25 inches long. The pictures that were made of them at Olan Mills looked identical, except for the date they were taken in.the bottom corner.
Seems like it was yesterday that we were tball parents, then soccer parents. Always at the ready with the snacks and drinks after every game.
Seems like it was yesterday when we were teaching them to drive their mom's BMW Z3 stick shift. The rights of passage.
Seems like it was yesterday when they both turned 21. We made a big deal of it, afterall, it only happens once in your life. Both now have driver's licenses on the horizontal instead of the vertical.
Seems like it was yesterday that there were no girls to steal their hearts away from me. It's been a struggle and I'm getting better every accepting that.
Seems like it was yesterday when both said "enough with these trips to Orlando". Now we're going back because the girl friends have never been.
Seems like it was yesterday when a trip for sushi with the spousal unit was a mere $50. Now, good luck with that.
So, now what? Been involved in their daily routines all their lives. Both are close to that fork in the road of life that they must choose a different path than the one we have been on for so long. I have always allowed them to fall down and pick themselves back up with me just an arms length away.
So now what? Will these girls be forever a part of "us" or does the chosen path take the boys further away? Time is no longer on my side and the decision making is now in their hands.
So now what? So many questions, so few answers. We've bought them the books and we've sent them to school. Hoping that they have learned all the right lessons. Hoping their new paths will pass our way. Hoping to be their for them as they experience adulthood as we did.
So now what? Got my fingers crossed and away we go!
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