Back home from the 2015 Egg Bowl, with a few hours rest. I've been reflecting on the "major fails" from this season of football Saturday, and some have made swallowing last night's pill a little easier.
1. Dear MSU defensive player number 11. I didn't even bother to look your name up. It's bad enough that you had all those missed tackles, but to have a little running back from TSUN bowl you over not once, but twice? I commented that at least you were no longer in the game, then all my neighbors said "thank God!"
2. To the man cub's girly friend that announced "oh dear, I seem to have left my student ID back at the house" is BAD, especially when that is your ticket into the game! Thankfully a scalper accepted $10 for an upper deck ticket!
3. To the man cub for forgetting to bring the grill from the house, when grilled brats with onions and peppers was the "food item of the day". God dropping all that rain on you during you return trip with grill in hand was a great explanation point!
4. Spousal unit was a dot of red and blue in a sea of maroon last night. She stood up to shake her red pom pom and was drowned out by the surrounding neighbor seats clanging their cowbell at her! At one point, I had my cowbell tucked under my elbow and firmly planted on my thigh. Turned out that red pom pom was stuck under the bell several times during the game. Neighbor lady said "nice touch"!
5. To all those well intended Grove beer drinkers that had a cooler crash and burn on that little bump in the road, or the ones that bought that cheap Styrofoam cooler with the faulty top, "better luck next time!"
6. To the Ole Miss fan doing 80 mph up hwy 25 in the Blue Toyota 4 Runner with all those magnets on your car. And you wonder why you were the one that got pulled over by MHP???
7. One on me. Had the truck loaded with gear and cart to haul tailgate stuff to the parking lot. I casually set the bag with the chafing dish on top. On the trip up HWY 25, a huge gust of wind rocks me like crazy! I look in the mirror and see the chafing dish bag blowing out of the back, bam! Landing in the middle of the road! Quick uturn, pick it up before oncoming traffic arrives, open the bag, no harm, no foul. WHEW!
8. To the dude preparing the boiled peanuts at MSU, Dude! Add some spice in that pot! Worst goobers ever!
9. To the sound system guy in Starkvegas. You have had two years to fix the muffled PA system when the house is at full capacity. Time to punt and call in a backup!
10. To the casual fan that brings bottle beer without screwtops and doesn't bring an opener, really???
11. To the SEC and TV people that schedule those September games in the heat of the day, kiss my a$$! I've done it in Starkvegas once and Oxford once. These bones are too old for this! Will be passing these up in favor of the shade of a tailgate tent and an ice cold adult beverage of my choice!
12. To the guy buying an ice cream cone in the student union. The look on your face when the scoop of butter pecan fell off your cone onto the floor: priceless! Checkout clerk, replacement cone was a good save!
13. Arriving at the park and ride lot at the Cochran Center 45 minutes too early, was a major fail. But, got to walk off that huge burger from Mugshots! Shuttle ride back had us out and on the highway in no time!
14. As my buddy Kyle will attest, chafing dishes in weather with Temps of 40 and lower will not warm up without at least three or more burners lit under them. Heated crockpot stored in insulated ice chests stay warm for hours!
15. To those "fair weather fans" that are always looking for tickets, support your school, order season tickets or pony up and pay the going rate to resellers! Sold out season ticket allotments and stadiums are a good thing!
That's a wrap for 2015. Bowl games are right around the corner then we begin the eight plus month wait to do it all over again!
Well said. Must look up 11. And where DM will wind up.
Yeah, that chafing dish was a major fail. Nothing like cold seafood gumbo. Should've called it Seafood Gazpacho and tried to get away with it.
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