Well, I've reached the magic age of almost 60 and my boys are now full fledged adults . "one day" they too will be called Dad!
One day, the woman in your life will surprise you with the words "you're gonna be a Daddy". These are magical words because suddenly, with those five words your whole outlook on life just changed. You will watch her tummy grow, and before long, you will feel and see movement coming from inside of her. Together ya'll made this happen and both of you will be welcoming one of God's gifts into this crazy world we live in.
One day your life will be full of new firsts. You will welcome your newborn to this world. You most likely will hear the first cry at delivery. The first diaper change won't be far behind. You will now be responsible for three lives, not just your own. The responsibilities are only beginning!
One day you will discover the first tooth.
One day you will help with those first steps.
One day you will remember swearing you would never enter a McDonalds again. You will be in the parking lot, about to revisit your own childhood with your first adult purchase of a happy meal!
One day you will be dropping off and picking up at daycare. Then, there is the first day at real school. Momma's aren't the only ones to shed a tear as you drive off, leaving your precious cargo in someone else's care.
One day you will be that T-ball and soccer coach. You will learn from a kid's perspective, that running through the tunnel after the game and enjoying snack time are the best parts about sports.
One day you will be there to make bobos all better. They will fall down, and you will be there to pick them up, The hardest part is when its time to let them pick themselves up.
One day you will be there for the first date, the first dance, and the first curfew.
One day you will be there when your precious one graduates from high school and is about to move off to college. You will hope and pray that you have taught all the right life lessons along the way and that your precious one remembers them.
One day your life as a college parent will end, and your precious one has become that new adult with the world waiting on them to make a difference.
One day you too, will be sitting at home, waiting for that special phone call, or visit, from the one that calls you "Dad". It will be your turn to reminisce and wonder where all the time went. You will wonder, "did I give it my all?" For me, there are no regrets, no wishes for second chances.
I was there for you every step of the way. Hopefullywe both learned a lot, some things for the first time, and others as reminders of those life lessons that came our way.
My "One Day" has been every day of your young life. It is my hope that you have at least half as much fun in life on your "One Day" as I've had in mine.
Life is good, 'One Day" at a time.......
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