Several months ago, one of my Facebook buddies, Chris Kennedy, posted a rant about he and his wife trying to have a romantic dinner one night, only for the occasion to be interrupted by the sound of a baby screaming at the top of its lungs! To add fuel to the fire it has occurred over and over again. Chris lives over in the Atlanta area, so the odds of occurrences are much greater for him.
I got a good laugh at Chris' rant, thinking that doesn't happen to me very often. Yeah right! All of a sudden, these screaming babies are everywhere! I look at the spousal unit, and give her that look if mine, and I calmly say, "its the Chris restaurant curse"! Eventually the kid is either picked up, or fed the right combination of food items, but rarely do these parents pick the kid up and take them outside to calm them down!
Its bad enough that these babies are a disruption, But now I am noticing everything! There is always that guy at the table next door that is significantly louder than his companions. And this guy, happens to be an expert at everything discussed during their 1.5 hour meal!
Then there was the waitress at Cracker Barrel last night. The restaurant had some specials, for a limited time. They called two of them "camp fire" meals, chicken or beef, with veggies, wrapped up in foil and slow roasted. I ordered the chicken one. She comes back from the kitchen, "we're all out". Ok, I'll have the beef. She comes back from the kitchen, "we're all out of that too." She then asks "what else would you like to try?" I looked at her and noticed something was missing. I replied "why don't we start with a menu????" She gives me that look, huh??? Then she realizes she doesn't have that either! Eventually I order something that they do have, but during our meal, I'm over hearing the same conversation I had, and its happening to other diners with different waiters!
Today at the Shed Barbecue, the cashier asked for my name for the ticket. I told her "Bill Bill" for first and last name. Waitstaff calls out "Bill!" I answer "here!" She asks "what's your last name?" I reply, "my name's Bill Bill!" Gal looks at me, then she looks at the ticket, and says "oh, yeah! Cool!" Finally I won a round! Maybe this restaurant curse is broken! (fingers crossed!)
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