Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Call Me Old Fashioned, but...

There are a lot of old traditions that seem to be disappearing, but not in my book.....

Open Door Policy:
With the invention of the automatic door openers that have been installed in retail stores, boys, and even men, have forgotten how to open a door for a woman.  Part of the problem is that people are in too big of a hurry.  It is my policy to always take a look behind me when I reach to open a door.  You will never notice the woman pushing the stroller or the older woman with a walker if you don't take a second to look.

A Bridge too Far:
Its funny how you are in need of a particular item in a store and it is on the top shelf, just out of reach.  This is especially true for women that are short in statue.  If you see someone struggling to reach an item on a shelf, take the time to reach for them.  Being an impatient kind of guy, I have been known to grab a stick and just knock it off the shelf!

Hugga Hugga:
This is something that's been hard for me to do.  I grew up in a family atmosphere where you just didn't touch each other.  My youngest makes sure that he gets a big ole hug from me every time we say goodbye.  I'm learning that there are advantages to hugging women.   They smell good, and feel good, especially the ones with all the curves.  I feel like I might break the little petite ones if I squeeze them too hard.

Phone Call:
Nothing I hate worse than my two boys not answering their cell phone.  We pay the bill, answer it.  They, like others of their generation would prefer to text everything.  Me, I want to hear your voice.  You pick up on a lot more by listening to the sound and patterns of the spoken word.  You often ask the question "how are you?"  You can learn a lot about a person just in the way they say the word "fine".

Last Piece:
I have learned the hard way, never, ever, eat the last piece of your spousal unit's birthday cake.  Trust me on this one, it ain't pretty.  When I had my first roommate, it would frustrate me to no end to open up the refrigerator and discover an empty pitcher of Koolaid on the shelf.  Drink the last glass, make a fresh pitcher. 

Church Mouse:
My momma always said, "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all."    I've never been much on small talk, I'll either talk your ear off on a topic of interest, or I'll just sit back and take a listen.  I've even been known to take a seat and "play possum".

Valet Parking:
As we get older, our body parts don't want to work like they used to.  A bottle of Aleve has become my new best friend.  When going to a restaurant, pull up to the curb, and let everyone out at the door, then go find the closest parking spot.  One advantage to this is your name gets put on the seating list a little sooner.

Thank you cards:
I will always remember my high school senior English teacher, Evelyn North.  She told us that as graduating seniors, we would be receiving gifts from friends and relatives.  She stated that is most proper to respond with a thank you card.  She reminded us, that when you are shopping for "thank you cards" remember that the "thank you" belongs inside of the card, not on front! She said to be sure to put something personal in the card, since the "giver" took the time to get you a gift, you in turn should take the time to offer a proper thank you.  I am always finding humor in the thank you cards we do get.  I find it odd that some young married couples don't even bother replying with a card.

Me, I would rather go to the store and buy an item rather than ask a friend or neighbor if I could "borrow" theirs.  When I cook, I always make sure I have all the basic ingredients first.  What's up with borrowing an egg, a cup of sugar or flour?  Are these items ever returned?  Got a sister in law that has been nicknamed the "borrower", because the only time she comes over is to borrow something.  I have come to the conclusion that everything that gets borrowed needs a bungee cord attached so that it comes back in a timely manner.  More often than not, I find myself going to retrieve my stuff.  Must be where that old expression "possession is 9/10th of the law" came from!

Sit and Wait:
Seems like we have become a "hurry up, then wait" society.  You rush to the emergency room, only to wait to be seen.  You run to the next amusement ride, only to find a line with more curves than a water hose.  When I am at a restaurant, waiting for a table, I will give up my seat for a woman, old our young.  Give it a try.  Standing for 10-15 minutes is not a lifetime.

Remember to slow your pace down when you feel you are in a rush.  That traffic light will turn green again.  The elevator door will open again.  Life is good, take the time to enjoy it!


Jeanette said...

Amen! I could not agree with you more!!
Too many people have forgotten that we SHARE this planet, and courtesy is anything but common!
I would like to add, if you don't mind.... It won't make you late if you let a car on the on ramp of the highway! AND... when the person, young or old, comes up behind you at the store with just a few items... Go ahead, make their day! LET THEM GO AHEAD OF YOU and your over-flowing buggy! Thank you,
I love your blog!

Sara said...

This is one of your best! I couldn't agree more!