Good times always seem a lot better as times go by.
Christmas Trees:
Growing up in the Delta, our family had a strange tradition. For years. we would drive to Yazoo City to our Aunt & Uncle's house to pick up our scotch pine Christmas tree that the Uncle had picked out for us at the tree lot sponsored by the Boy Scouts. It didn't take my brother and me long to loose interest in this tradition. As we got older, and had gotten our driver's license, our Mom instructed us to go to Indianola to pick up a tree. We had more fun that day, finally deciding on one. Get it home, in the stand and decorated. Turned out that it was one of the most crooked tree trunks on record for a Christmas tree. That sucker must have fallen over 3-4 times during the season. Did not care, it was ours!
Now that I'm older, married. with grown boys, live trees became less special. The last live tree got put into the stand and sat there a day or two before it got decorated. The spousal unit and I decided to get ourselves an artificial, pre-lit tree, a big, tall seven footer! Loved that tree, up and lit in a manner of minutes. The decorating was another matter. Had to go recruit "Baby Jess" to come over and help trim it out. Now that a few years have passed, not so quick to light. Some of the strands have burned out and have been replaced. Last year the spousal unit finally spent hours pulling them all off and manually added the lights. Guess we will see in a few days what the tree plans are for this year.
Holiday Punch:
Years ago, as a young adult, I had the bright idea that the family needed to celebrate the holidays with a festive holiday punch. I found a recipe, bought the ingredients, including a fifth of vodka, and before long, we had ourselves a batch of holiday punch. Only problem was that I was the only one drinking. Next morning, you guess it, the worst hangover ever! My Dad got such a kick out of me and my headache!
Spousal unit spent her first career as a nurse at Woman's Hospital. The hospital employed a man, Mr. Shelvee", that knew how to take care of all the doctors on staff. That man had a recipe for egg nog that was out of this world! Miss it big time.
Christmas Gifts:
Never been good at keeping a secret. Getting better at it.
Growing up, the family went to Greenwood to go shopping. My brother and I had saved up our money and bought our Mother a special gift. In the car, my Mom mentioned that we was gonna need a box or two for wrapping gifts. I let it slip the "your dress is in a box". Whoops! She said, well, at least don't tell me what color. Later she hinted to my Dad that she needed some new shoes. Good ole me-let it slip "get some brown ones". To this day, I still get reminded of this.
In the early years of marriage, the spousal unit often had to work at the hospital during the holidays. One particular one, I waited at home for her to get home so we could enjoy opening our gifts to each other, I decided that we should make a game of it and try to guess what was in the package before we opened it. The spousal unit was very surprised to see that I was batting 1000, up until the last gift. Believe me, it was very hard to keep a straight face. On the last box, I guessed it was a pair of shoes. The spousal unit was in total disbelief! That was until she inspected the packaging and box that she had used for the wrapping. Busted! She soon figured out that while she was at work, I had secretly inspected, even opened the packages to find out what she had gotten me. Best Christmas ever! She now hides them and pulls them out at the last minute.
Christmas Eve:
After moving into our first house, we began attending church at St. Marks. We made plans to go to the Christmas Eve candlelight service, then go out to get ourselves something to eat. The service was wonderful, and was over well after six. We took the ride to I55 to pick out a place to eat, only to discover that most of the restaurants had already closed, and those that were open were either closing or not taking anymore diners. We ended up at the Krystal on Meadowbrook Drive. Best Krystal cheeseburger I ever had!
Package from Santa:
My first overnite Christmas at the In-laws was memorable. I had wrapped up a special gift for the baby sister. In it, I placed some sticks and a ziplock bag full of ashes. It included a note "count the times you have been good this year, and count the number of times you have been bad. Shake the box three times and open it for your surprise! Later found the box and its contents behind the piano. Thirty years later, baby sister now has her own babies. Last Christmas, she looks me in the eye, and says "don't you even thing of doing that to my babies!"
There are many more, may share a few closer to the day for the real reason for the season. Feel free to share some of yours. Happy Holidays everyone!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Time of Thanksgiving
If you spend anytime at all on Facebook, you know that the month of November is the official month to express "30 days of thankfulness". Me, I'm thankful everyday to be alive, well, and able to do things for my family and others less fortunate. I do have a list, like everybody else, here are my top ten:
1. Most important of all, I am thankful for the girl I met and married over 30 years ago. She could have had a lot others, but she said yes to me. Love you LaNelle Leggett Weems!
2. Matthew and Morgan. You are the greatest gifts two parents could ever ask for. We have always told you to follow you dreams and we will be there to support you. May God be with you on the paths that each of you have chosen.
3. Thank you Mississippi. I have had the opportunity to be raised in the Mississippi Delta during better times. I lot of what I experienced is now gone. The small towns scattered throughout the Delta are now shells of their grand pasts. I used to love Saturday's, to see "all the country come to town" Folks, black and white, would come in to town to do their shopping, get their haircuts, sit on a porch, and share a few stories.
4. Ain't nuthin' like the south. Growing up down here is a place like no other. You learn your manners early, Saying "Yes Sir, and No Ma'am" comes automatic. Nowadays, people seem to be insulted when you refer to them as "Sir" or Ma'am". This is purely an expression of respect and courtesy. Accept it when offered. Lots of things are taken for granted these days, like holding the door open of those that follow you, returning shopping carts to the store, allowing someone with a handful of items to checkout first.
5. Glad to see churches now offering a contemporary service as an option for those unfamiliar with the ways of the traditional service. I spent over 20 years running the sound board at my local church. Gave me the reason it "get up and get dressed" on many a Sunday that the passion wasn't there. In the early days, the sound system was located in the eagle's nest at the back of the church. You see the world a little different from up there. You can spot the "regulars" that occupy the same seat, year after year, You notice those that come on the major holidays, you get to see who give from the wallet, and I even watch a girl faint at the rail during a youth confirmation service! Now I'm driving the bus on Wednesday's to pick up the "hellions" for choir practice, driving the golf cart for those needing assistance, and working at Stewpot Food Pantry with some other devoted St. Marks members. Yep that old 20/80 rule is still alive and well. Join the 20, you will be glad you did!
6. Glad I learned to cook. Still learning. Love it when a good meal brings a smile to my two boys. Cooking for my tailgating groups in the fall is all pleasure. I try to put a little bit of love, besides the sugar, salt, and pepper, in everything I cook. I'll ask the boys what do you want me to cook and the response is always "don't matter, we love it all", but bacon wrapped chicken livers, not so much!
7. Thankful for all those Facebook friends that read my posts and those that make me break out in laughter from a posting of theirs. My boys say I'm addicted to FB. Maybe so, but hey, its my lifeline to the world of friends current and past. "Getting retired" took me away from the thing I loved the most, the interaction with other people. Get used to it, FB is filling that void. Ain't much on twitter, but I do like Instagram. Thank you social media!
8. Love my road trips. Driving the Spousal Unit on her appointed rounds has given me the opportunity to go places you would not normally venture to. I'm allowed the time to explore to find a bargain or two, eat and meet in some truly unique establishments, and never be bored.
9. Thank you to my Granddad for my Jewish heritage. Without it I would be lost. I just love finding a bargain. I buy them up, and stick them in the "gift closet". Son commented one time, "Dad, does everything have to have a clearance sticker on it?" Can't help it, its in my bones!
10. Thank you God for boxers! I never did like those "tighty whities". And I hate it when my favorite pair all of a sudden fall apart from dry rot. Takes months to break them in, and then all of a sudden, RIP! Other times, you eventually end up in a public restroom, only to discover while getting dress in the dark that morning, I put them on backwards!
1. Most important of all, I am thankful for the girl I met and married over 30 years ago. She could have had a lot others, but she said yes to me. Love you LaNelle Leggett Weems!
2. Matthew and Morgan. You are the greatest gifts two parents could ever ask for. We have always told you to follow you dreams and we will be there to support you. May God be with you on the paths that each of you have chosen.
3. Thank you Mississippi. I have had the opportunity to be raised in the Mississippi Delta during better times. I lot of what I experienced is now gone. The small towns scattered throughout the Delta are now shells of their grand pasts. I used to love Saturday's, to see "all the country come to town" Folks, black and white, would come in to town to do their shopping, get their haircuts, sit on a porch, and share a few stories.
4. Ain't nuthin' like the south. Growing up down here is a place like no other. You learn your manners early, Saying "Yes Sir, and No Ma'am" comes automatic. Nowadays, people seem to be insulted when you refer to them as "Sir" or Ma'am". This is purely an expression of respect and courtesy. Accept it when offered. Lots of things are taken for granted these days, like holding the door open of those that follow you, returning shopping carts to the store, allowing someone with a handful of items to checkout first.
5. Glad to see churches now offering a contemporary service as an option for those unfamiliar with the ways of the traditional service. I spent over 20 years running the sound board at my local church. Gave me the reason it "get up and get dressed" on many a Sunday that the passion wasn't there. In the early days, the sound system was located in the eagle's nest at the back of the church. You see the world a little different from up there. You can spot the "regulars" that occupy the same seat, year after year, You notice those that come on the major holidays, you get to see who give from the wallet, and I even watch a girl faint at the rail during a youth confirmation service! Now I'm driving the bus on Wednesday's to pick up the "hellions" for choir practice, driving the golf cart for those needing assistance, and working at Stewpot Food Pantry with some other devoted St. Marks members. Yep that old 20/80 rule is still alive and well. Join the 20, you will be glad you did!
6. Glad I learned to cook. Still learning. Love it when a good meal brings a smile to my two boys. Cooking for my tailgating groups in the fall is all pleasure. I try to put a little bit of love, besides the sugar, salt, and pepper, in everything I cook. I'll ask the boys what do you want me to cook and the response is always "don't matter, we love it all", but bacon wrapped chicken livers, not so much!
7. Thankful for all those Facebook friends that read my posts and those that make me break out in laughter from a posting of theirs. My boys say I'm addicted to FB. Maybe so, but hey, its my lifeline to the world of friends current and past. "Getting retired" took me away from the thing I loved the most, the interaction with other people. Get used to it, FB is filling that void. Ain't much on twitter, but I do like Instagram. Thank you social media!
8. Love my road trips. Driving the Spousal Unit on her appointed rounds has given me the opportunity to go places you would not normally venture to. I'm allowed the time to explore to find a bargain or two, eat and meet in some truly unique establishments, and never be bored.
9. Thank you to my Granddad for my Jewish heritage. Without it I would be lost. I just love finding a bargain. I buy them up, and stick them in the "gift closet". Son commented one time, "Dad, does everything have to have a clearance sticker on it?" Can't help it, its in my bones!
10. Thank you God for boxers! I never did like those "tighty whities". And I hate it when my favorite pair all of a sudden fall apart from dry rot. Takes months to break them in, and then all of a sudden, RIP! Other times, you eventually end up in a public restroom, only to discover while getting dress in the dark that morning, I put them on backwards!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Learn It Once
You go through life and learn some valuable lessons along the way. I have reached a point in my life where it is time to share a few:
1. When you make tuna casserole for the first time, be sure to boil the macaroni first. Crunch, crunch.
2. When cooking a turkey for the first time, be sure to remove the neck out of the carcass and pull the innards bag out of the breast area.
3. When burning a trash pile, do not use gasoline. Never laughed so hard when I looked up and saw "run Forest, run"!
4. When you marry a woman, you marry her family.
5. When out with the boys being boys, never stick your head out the window and barf into the wind!
6. Never eat the last slice of your wife's birthday cake, ever!
7. Don't punish your child by always yelling at them. How will they know when you really get angry.
8. Never allow your pre-teen son to "gas up" a two cycle engine. "roar, roar, bam"!
9. When you are in the parking lot waiting for your spousal unit, be sure the headlights are off when listening to the radio.
10. When you loan something to a friend, expect to retrieve it.
11. When the video says "do not try this at home", believe it!
12. When changing the diaper of a baby boy the first time, be sure to cover up the water hose.
13. When installing your first ceiling fan, throw the breaker.
14. During the winter, do not turn the heater on, lock the doors and windows, and fart. This is costly!
15. Hug your children and tell them you love them. Still working on this one. Never too late to start.
16. Always be "a man of your word".
17. Strike up a conversation with the checkout clerks. You never know when you just might brighten up someone's day.
18. You can buy them their books, send them to school, but the learning, they will have to figure that out on their own.
19. Never wake up your neighbor's teenage daughter to come outside to play in the snow. Glad pillows are stuffed with feathers and foam!
20. Never wear a red shirt on a vacation to Orlando during "Gay Pride Week".
21. When your children leave to go play, lock the door before you "go play". still laughing on this one!
22. Never re-light a gas grill with the top down. Boom!
23. When making dog treats at Christmas time, do not add food coloring into the mix. Dog owners freak out when poop changes colors!
24. Tip well. Waiters remember that on return visits.
25. Never sign anything and write a check on the first visit. If the salesman can't wait another day, there's your sign........
1. When you make tuna casserole for the first time, be sure to boil the macaroni first. Crunch, crunch.
2. When cooking a turkey for the first time, be sure to remove the neck out of the carcass and pull the innards bag out of the breast area.
3. When burning a trash pile, do not use gasoline. Never laughed so hard when I looked up and saw "run Forest, run"!
4. When you marry a woman, you marry her family.
5. When out with the boys being boys, never stick your head out the window and barf into the wind!
6. Never eat the last slice of your wife's birthday cake, ever!
7. Don't punish your child by always yelling at them. How will they know when you really get angry.
8. Never allow your pre-teen son to "gas up" a two cycle engine. "roar, roar, bam"!
9. When you are in the parking lot waiting for your spousal unit, be sure the headlights are off when listening to the radio.
10. When you loan something to a friend, expect to retrieve it.
11. When the video says "do not try this at home", believe it!
12. When changing the diaper of a baby boy the first time, be sure to cover up the water hose.
13. When installing your first ceiling fan, throw the breaker.
14. During the winter, do not turn the heater on, lock the doors and windows, and fart. This is costly!
15. Hug your children and tell them you love them. Still working on this one. Never too late to start.
16. Always be "a man of your word".
17. Strike up a conversation with the checkout clerks. You never know when you just might brighten up someone's day.
18. You can buy them their books, send them to school, but the learning, they will have to figure that out on their own.
19. Never wake up your neighbor's teenage daughter to come outside to play in the snow. Glad pillows are stuffed with feathers and foam!
20. Never wear a red shirt on a vacation to Orlando during "Gay Pride Week".
21. When your children leave to go play, lock the door before you "go play". still laughing on this one!
22. Never re-light a gas grill with the top down. Boom!
23. When making dog treats at Christmas time, do not add food coloring into the mix. Dog owners freak out when poop changes colors!
24. Tip well. Waiters remember that on return visits.
25. Never sign anything and write a check on the first visit. If the salesman can't wait another day, there's your sign........
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Bottle Tree
A few years ago my mom and pop blessed me with a bottle tree. I woke up one morning to find a rebar bottle tree in my front yard, a birthday present surprise from you know who!
I scratched my head on this one for a bit. Decided to make a flowerbed around it in the back yard. Got some retaining wall bricks and presto! Instant flower bed! Decided to go with multicolored bottle arrangememt. Problem was, the liquor store only had a few choice colors. Finally ordered some blue and red and depended on the neighborhood winers for the rest.
I dug a trench and ran an extension cord through some PVC pipe to give it some juice. Bottle collection was ready, bought some string lights And in no time the tree was complete. I added a timer and been enjoying it ever since.
Eventually the strings of lights would burn out and I'd be out there restringing. Two years ago I got smart and upgraded to LED lights. More expensive,($100) but should last a lot longer. Well, two years later, only one strand is still burning. Figured the fuses had done popped so I found some this season. I open up the little fuse box to discover the fuses had not blown.
Now I'm stumped. Got to looking and discover that the wires had been cut. Figuring it had to be those damn squirrels I've been hauling off! After a few choice curse words, decided to go back to the cheap strings.
I scratched my head on this one for a bit. Decided to make a flowerbed around it in the back yard. Got some retaining wall bricks and presto! Instant flower bed! Decided to go with multicolored bottle arrangememt. Problem was, the liquor store only had a few choice colors. Finally ordered some blue and red and depended on the neighborhood winers for the rest.
I dug a trench and ran an extension cord through some PVC pipe to give it some juice. Bottle collection was ready, bought some string lights And in no time the tree was complete. I added a timer and been enjoying it ever since.

Now I'm stumped. Got to looking and discover that the wires had been cut. Figuring it had to be those damn squirrels I've been hauling off! After a few choice curse words, decided to go back to the cheap strings.
Hoping the next squirrel to take a bite gets a nice jolt!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Things Learned Over a Wedding Weekend
What a joyous occasion it was this past weekend with the marriage of Chase and Tara. A great time was had by all, and I truly enjoyed the time spent with family and friends.
There are always lessons to be learned from these occasions and this weekend was no exception.
1. Brother Jim has had his iPhone for quite some time. Taught him how to delete all those unwanted icons off his phone that he has somehow accumulated.
2. Nephew taught his Dad how to turn on the cargo light on the truck that he has had for four years.
3. Learned having three old male dogs in the house results in a dog pissing contest. Good God, can those dogs hike a leg! (Maid coming today!)
4. Ok, cousin BBK, keep this a secret. " BBK to TPB: you gotta hear this!"
5. Ex sista in law is getting older but her clientele is getting younger.
6. Always handy having a triple head nurse in the family. Never know when a bridesmaid will go into a seizure!
7. Have a set of booster cables handy. Two cars DOA in the parking lot. Flashlight for hooking up the cables in the dark will keep you from blowing up a battery also!
8. Know the address of the venue before you call 911 for EMT's and an ambulance. They will get there a lot quicker.
9. Don't wear pencil thin high heels to a wedding with a slag gravel parking lot.
10. Make sure you know the grill works before having a party of thirty or more. Nice to have a full tank of gas and some lighting to avoid food poisoning from under cooled meat.
11. Show the love with a hug instead of a shake. Glad I learned this one before it was too late.
12. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Don't tell that to 15 year old Dwezzel. He does like my dog treats!
13. Don't wait to be asked to help. Just jump right on in there. They will be glad you did.
14. Blogging is great. Just heard two more confessions from women that said "now don't be posting this on FB or that blog”!
Life is good. Looking forward to the next series of life lessons that the world has to offer!
There are always lessons to be learned from these occasions and this weekend was no exception.
1. Brother Jim has had his iPhone for quite some time. Taught him how to delete all those unwanted icons off his phone that he has somehow accumulated.
2. Nephew taught his Dad how to turn on the cargo light on the truck that he has had for four years.
3. Learned having three old male dogs in the house results in a dog pissing contest. Good God, can those dogs hike a leg! (Maid coming today!)
4. Ok, cousin BBK, keep this a secret. " BBK to TPB: you gotta hear this!"
5. Ex sista in law is getting older but her clientele is getting younger.
6. Always handy having a triple head nurse in the family. Never know when a bridesmaid will go into a seizure!
7. Have a set of booster cables handy. Two cars DOA in the parking lot. Flashlight for hooking up the cables in the dark will keep you from blowing up a battery also!
8. Know the address of the venue before you call 911 for EMT's and an ambulance. They will get there a lot quicker.
9. Don't wear pencil thin high heels to a wedding with a slag gravel parking lot.
10. Make sure you know the grill works before having a party of thirty or more. Nice to have a full tank of gas and some lighting to avoid food poisoning from under cooled meat.
11. Show the love with a hug instead of a shake. Glad I learned this one before it was too late.
12. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Don't tell that to 15 year old Dwezzel. He does like my dog treats!
13. Don't wait to be asked to help. Just jump right on in there. They will be glad you did.
14. Blogging is great. Just heard two more confessions from women that said "now don't be posting this on FB or that blog”!
Life is good. Looking forward to the next series of life lessons that the world has to offer!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Ole Henry Dog
Been a while since Ole Henry has paid us a visit. His momma brought him to town for a visit while she takes care of some personal business.
Henry got here around 11:00 last night. Soon as the door opened, he hit the ground running! Right off the bat he was jumping and shaking and giving love. Oscar dog wasn't having any of this. His hair was standing up on his backside and the growling and barking began. Wasn't long before he was begging for treats!

I had almost forgotten what an Ole Henry Dog visit was like since it has been over six months since his move to Nashville. Ole Henry Dog didn't forget!
About 6:00 this morning, here he comes! Jumping into my bed, barking and licking, wanting me to get my butt up! Oscar got into the act, barking and carrying on. Up we go.
First thing, outside we go. First day of frost and of course he wants me out there too! Burrrrr. First thing, Henry is running around, into the bushes looking. He has not forgotten about the squirrels and the trap. Get back inside, and its like, OK, where are the treats? Oscar is not about to miss out on anything and he is now along side Henry, begging and waiting.
Henry does his tricks for his treats, Oscar just gives me that look. I give them both some of my homemade dog treats, but they aren't satisfied. I had cooked down some beef bacon for more treats and they both are digging this special treat.
As I am making up some treats for a customer, there they both are, waiting for the leftover dog treat dough. Their diligence was rewarded.
Henry went back outside to say hello to all the neighbor dogs. They gather at the back fence and bark and growl at each other to the point where it sounds like a major dog fight going on! Wonder what would happen if the fence fell down.
Dog boys have settled in for a nap. Oscar in his dog bed, and Ole Henry Dog at his appointed watch station, on the back of the chair by the window.
Guess I'll get back to making more dog treats in the calm. May have to make a run to the ice cream store for these boys later.
Welcome back Henry!
Henry got here around 11:00 last night. Soon as the door opened, he hit the ground running! Right off the bat he was jumping and shaking and giving love. Oscar dog wasn't having any of this. His hair was standing up on his backside and the growling and barking began. Wasn't long before he was begging for treats!

I had almost forgotten what an Ole Henry Dog visit was like since it has been over six months since his move to Nashville. Ole Henry Dog didn't forget!
About 6:00 this morning, here he comes! Jumping into my bed, barking and licking, wanting me to get my butt up! Oscar got into the act, barking and carrying on. Up we go.
First thing, outside we go. First day of frost and of course he wants me out there too! Burrrrr. First thing, Henry is running around, into the bushes looking. He has not forgotten about the squirrels and the trap. Get back inside, and its like, OK, where are the treats? Oscar is not about to miss out on anything and he is now along side Henry, begging and waiting.
Henry does his tricks for his treats, Oscar just gives me that look. I give them both some of my homemade dog treats, but they aren't satisfied. I had cooked down some beef bacon for more treats and they both are digging this special treat.
As I am making up some treats for a customer, there they both are, waiting for the leftover dog treat dough. Their diligence was rewarded.
Henry went back outside to say hello to all the neighbor dogs. They gather at the back fence and bark and growl at each other to the point where it sounds like a major dog fight going on! Wonder what would happen if the fence fell down.
Dog boys have settled in for a nap. Oscar in his dog bed, and Ole Henry Dog at his appointed watch station, on the back of the chair by the window.
Guess I'll get back to making more dog treats in the calm. May have to make a run to the ice cream store for these boys later.
Welcome back Henry!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Feared and Dreaded Moments
There are a few times in your life when you have to come face to face with your most feared and dreaded moments. They come early and life and they continue to follow you throughout your life, up to the point where you ultimately get the call to meet the maker.
I had one yesterday, but here are a few that I'm sure all the boys and men have either encountered, or will eventually meet:
1. That first belt whipping. You dread it, you know its coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Running away or hiding are not the answer, because you will be found. Then it comes, it hurts, but when its over, you think, gee, the anticipation was a whole lot worse than the punishment.
2. That first time to whip your child. You dread it, you know that it is the only option. You have to get his attention, hoping it will be the first and last. Once you get past the first lick, the rest come easy. And, somehow, you know when to stop. Matthew must have told Morgan about it, because I was never given the opportunity to do it again.
3. That first kiss. You have always been pecked on growing up as a child. You get to pre-teen and discover that girls don't just play with dolls. Wow, they grow up too! You find out that the other guys in the class have actually kissed a girl, on the mouth! You finally get the courage, find the right girls, the right moment, and bam! You've done it! But, you aren't really sure what you did! She runs away threatening to tell somebody, and then you get the fear of that dreaded whipping again!
4. First official date, driving, dinner & a movie and back. My first solo adventure with someone I barely knew was in community college. It was a red head. It was something about that red hair. Nobody warned me about what comes with the hair. She lived in another town, so I picked a weekend when I knew she would be home. I tried doing all the "right things". I sent her flowers, a dozen roses. I asked her if she got them, response was "yep, they came in a box, still had thorns on them and the wires were just laying in the box". Still, there was that red hair. I picked her up to take her to dinner. She hugged the passenger door. Got to the restaurant, boy could that girl eat, the most expensive thing on the menu! But still, there was that red hair! Went to a move, an action flick, on the screen, no where else.... Time to take her home, stuck the key into the ignition upside down. Took forever to get it unstuck. But still, there was that red hair. I'm guessing her patience was running thin. That red hair bled into her face, and the out of her mouth, "take me home". Yes ma'm!
Needless to say, I did not even have to reach for the door handle. She was at her front door faster that I could get out the words "let me walk....).
5. Will you marry me. These are not the four most dreaded words, they anticipation of the answer is by far the biggest fear in a man's life. What if she says NO? I thought about it, and thought about it. Funny thing, I knew she was the one for me after the first date. To test the waters, I even visited her mom a few times at her work and took her a flower. Finally, I had a plan. I waited until she was a bit distracted. She was doing cross stitch project for a gift. While she was stitching, I stood up, fearing that needle, and hit her with "will you marry me"? Without missing a stitch, she said "yes" and continued on. She was and is one cool cookie!
6. Babies. You find out you are gonna be a Daddy. Got to be honest, I actually had sympathy symptoms during the whole first pregnancy. LaNelle got put to bed because of her blood pressure weeks before the due date, and the worry meter went even higher. I was making a homemade pizza the night she went into labor, and haven't made one since.
7. Dad, I need to talk to you. Oh great, "I hope it is something penicillin can cure" goes through your mind. Son spent his junior and senior high school years at the Mississippi School for Math and Science. He is a senior. The friend girl is a junior. "Dad, she wants to live together when we get to MSU". I look at him. Son: Your freshman year at MSU you are required to life in the dorm. Your sophomore year she will be required to live in the dorm, So, we don't even need to be having this conversation until you are a junior. Guess what, he is now a junior.......
8. "Retirement". Been working at a job I'd been enjoying for 15 years. It was a little like family. You work hard and you play hard. You know about each others families. Then things change. New guy in town. You begin to hate going to work. You can't eat, you can't sleep. You go to the doctor for a magic pill. Communication is nonexistent. Finally, after several years of this, you wake up to the realization that you are in a depression . You decide that you have reached a point in your life where you need to make a change. Soon as busy season is over, job market here I come. Then one Friday afternoon, you find out that you are "retired". Wow. This happens to other people, not me. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I suddenly realize somebody just did me a favor. Almost wish I could have said thank you.
9. What do you do now? Got to admit , was not sure about this one. Eventually, I began volunteering at my church, took up several hobbies, began looking for part time work, and still looking. Blessed with a supportive soul mate and two wonderful boys. Can't complain one bit!
10. What does the future hold? I'm not sure. I'm still looking for that one thing to help occupy my time. Enjoying life and hoping the money holds out.
FDR once said, "the only thing to fear, is fear itself." He was right. Enjoy what you do. Life is far too short to live it any other way!
I had one yesterday, but here are a few that I'm sure all the boys and men have either encountered, or will eventually meet:
1. That first belt whipping. You dread it, you know its coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Running away or hiding are not the answer, because you will be found. Then it comes, it hurts, but when its over, you think, gee, the anticipation was a whole lot worse than the punishment.
2. That first time to whip your child. You dread it, you know that it is the only option. You have to get his attention, hoping it will be the first and last. Once you get past the first lick, the rest come easy. And, somehow, you know when to stop. Matthew must have told Morgan about it, because I was never given the opportunity to do it again.
3. That first kiss. You have always been pecked on growing up as a child. You get to pre-teen and discover that girls don't just play with dolls. Wow, they grow up too! You find out that the other guys in the class have actually kissed a girl, on the mouth! You finally get the courage, find the right girls, the right moment, and bam! You've done it! But, you aren't really sure what you did! She runs away threatening to tell somebody, and then you get the fear of that dreaded whipping again!
4. First official date, driving, dinner & a movie and back. My first solo adventure with someone I barely knew was in community college. It was a red head. It was something about that red hair. Nobody warned me about what comes with the hair. She lived in another town, so I picked a weekend when I knew she would be home. I tried doing all the "right things". I sent her flowers, a dozen roses. I asked her if she got them, response was "yep, they came in a box, still had thorns on them and the wires were just laying in the box". Still, there was that red hair. I picked her up to take her to dinner. She hugged the passenger door. Got to the restaurant, boy could that girl eat, the most expensive thing on the menu! But still, there was that red hair! Went to a move, an action flick, on the screen, no where else.... Time to take her home, stuck the key into the ignition upside down. Took forever to get it unstuck. But still, there was that red hair. I'm guessing her patience was running thin. That red hair bled into her face, and the out of her mouth, "take me home". Yes ma'm!
Needless to say, I did not even have to reach for the door handle. She was at her front door faster that I could get out the words "let me walk....).
5. Will you marry me. These are not the four most dreaded words, they anticipation of the answer is by far the biggest fear in a man's life. What if she says NO? I thought about it, and thought about it. Funny thing, I knew she was the one for me after the first date. To test the waters, I even visited her mom a few times at her work and took her a flower. Finally, I had a plan. I waited until she was a bit distracted. She was doing cross stitch project for a gift. While she was stitching, I stood up, fearing that needle, and hit her with "will you marry me"? Without missing a stitch, she said "yes" and continued on. She was and is one cool cookie!
6. Babies. You find out you are gonna be a Daddy. Got to be honest, I actually had sympathy symptoms during the whole first pregnancy. LaNelle got put to bed because of her blood pressure weeks before the due date, and the worry meter went even higher. I was making a homemade pizza the night she went into labor, and haven't made one since.
7. Dad, I need to talk to you. Oh great, "I hope it is something penicillin can cure" goes through your mind. Son spent his junior and senior high school years at the Mississippi School for Math and Science. He is a senior. The friend girl is a junior. "Dad, she wants to live together when we get to MSU". I look at him. Son: Your freshman year at MSU you are required to life in the dorm. Your sophomore year she will be required to live in the dorm, So, we don't even need to be having this conversation until you are a junior. Guess what, he is now a junior.......
8. "Retirement". Been working at a job I'd been enjoying for 15 years. It was a little like family. You work hard and you play hard. You know about each others families. Then things change. New guy in town. You begin to hate going to work. You can't eat, you can't sleep. You go to the doctor for a magic pill. Communication is nonexistent. Finally, after several years of this, you wake up to the realization that you are in a depression . You decide that you have reached a point in your life where you need to make a change. Soon as busy season is over, job market here I come. Then one Friday afternoon, you find out that you are "retired". Wow. This happens to other people, not me. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I suddenly realize somebody just did me a favor. Almost wish I could have said thank you.
9. What do you do now? Got to admit , was not sure about this one. Eventually, I began volunteering at my church, took up several hobbies, began looking for part time work, and still looking. Blessed with a supportive soul mate and two wonderful boys. Can't complain one bit!
10. What does the future hold? I'm not sure. I'm still looking for that one thing to help occupy my time. Enjoying life and hoping the money holds out.
FDR once said, "the only thing to fear, is fear itself." He was right. Enjoy what you do. Life is far too short to live it any other way!
Friday, November 8, 2013
God has blessed us with the four seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter. I love to watch everything turn green in the spring. It is amazing to watch seeds that have germinated suddenly jump out of cracks in the ground and grow into full mature plants. Flip flop wearing is in full swing and all of my shorts and Hawaiian shirts now get to feel the sunshine. As spring turns into summer, excitement grows for trips to the beach. As summer starts to cool off a bit, you begin to faintly see different shades of color begin to appear in the trees. Then all of a sudden, the cold snaps hit you like a ton of bricks! Why I hate winter:
1. Too damn cold!
2. Toes get cold in desperate attempts to continue wearing flip flops
3. When I get up in the morning, nothing I hate worse then sliding into my leather recliner and get that cold sensation running up my spine as I attempt to sit down. Worse than entering an ice cold swimming pool
4. The toilet seat is too cold!
5. The dew that settles in on my windshield turns to ice.
6. Grocery stores are emptied at the first threat of an ice storm that is gone in 2 days
7. At the first sign of winter it is clear that college football is winding down
8. All the pretty girls finally put on clothes
9. All my buddies have headed for the woods, me, too damn cold!
10. Spousal unit yells "get those cold feet away from me"!
1. Too damn cold!
2. Toes get cold in desperate attempts to continue wearing flip flops
3. When I get up in the morning, nothing I hate worse then sliding into my leather recliner and get that cold sensation running up my spine as I attempt to sit down. Worse than entering an ice cold swimming pool
4. The toilet seat is too cold!
5. The dew that settles in on my windshield turns to ice.
6. Grocery stores are emptied at the first threat of an ice storm that is gone in 2 days
7. At the first sign of winter it is clear that college football is winding down
8. All the pretty girls finally put on clothes
9. All my buddies have headed for the woods, me, too damn cold!
10. Spousal unit yells "get those cold feet away from me"!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Road Tripping Through Corinth
Spousal unit had a scheduled trip to Corinth, MS to teach an all day class, so being the chauffeur that I am, off we go!
Corinth is not a town you go "through". You have to go to there, up hwy 25 to Starkville, then over to hwy 45 up to Tupelo and then to your final destination of Corinth.
Russell Beef House:
Before checking into the hotel, we made a dinner detour to Russell's Beef House, known for their "world famous salad bar", according to the digital advertising sign out from.
After walking in to Russell's you get your choice of seating. Right off you see the fire pit where literally everything is cooked except for French fries and the aforementioned salad bar. Note above the grill stated "watch out for flying taters! We decided to sit in the back corner in case one of those taters took flight.
Menu was pretty simple, a one sided sheet, beef being the most prominent food item. Decided on the sirloin fer two. That " world famous salad bar" was hardly the attraction advertised out front. But, that was not why we were there! We ordered it mediim, got to remember to say medium rare in the future. That sucker was 32 ounces of sirloin, with the biggest piece of grilled beef fat on the side. My Pops would be envious!
Steak was a bit overdone, but still, very tasty. Spousal unit dipped her bites into two sauces on the table, one being that flavor killer called Heinz 57. Done, off to the hotel we went.
Hampton Inn:
Just love being a Hilton Gold Card member, comes from that timeshare purchase years ago. Membership gets you free internet, a snack and a drink at check in. Good bed, hot shower and of course that complementary breakfast in the morning.
Went for a quick bite before dropping the spousal unit off at her seminar site. Finished eating my cereal, when the kitchen lady approached our table and said "I'll take your bawl" if you're done with it. I was like, huh, then she said "bowl"! Got a good laugh out of that. They sure do speak a different language up here in NE Mississippi!
Friend Debbie at the next table mentioned a place called "Babe's that had famous biscuits. She quickly corrected me and said it was Abe's. I was already hooked, had to go there next!
Super KMart:
Last KMart I was in was I Gulfport and it was in the last stages of closure. This one was hot for the picking! Picked up two Halloween costumes 70% off for me and my buddy Kelly. Kelly has a preacher permit, and we figured that with the two Monk priest outfits I got for $6, we could set up a storage she'll behind St. Marks and start their 4th ministry, flip flops required for admission!
Abe's Grill:
Abe's is one of those places you would find on "Diners, Drive ins and Dives". The outside is covered in so Mich memorabilia, it just invites you to come I'm. Its a small place with counter seating and a one seater unisex bathroom. The door at the end of the counter leads to the walk on cooler, where everything is stored. The grill probably had am inch of baked on grease on it that gives everything its unique grilled on flavor.
Abe asked me what'll I have? Said I wanted one of his world famous biscuits. He said, with his back to me "no, two!" While holding up two fingers! "Whatcha want on it"? I hesitated, he said "OK, ham it will be". Lady asked "whatcha drinking"? I said water. She gave me iced tea! I have officially fallen in love with the place!
Next customer asked for a breakfast plate. Abe says "I'm done with breakfast, pick something else. They decide on a BBQ sammich. Next customer comes in and gets a breakfast plate. Abe says they phoned their order in from Memphis. Still not sure there was actually a phone in there. Boy, felt lucky to get my biscuit(s) (plus ham and sweet tea!)
Wood Carver:
While riding up and down hwy 72 looking for some distraction, I came across a shed labeled "Wood Carvings". There were all sizes of tree trunks scattered on the grounds. A work in progress was a bear, standing, with a cub at its side. I couldn't help but think it was gonna be a statue for "the school up north_ in honor of their new team mascot, the Black Bear!
They always say, when in a new town, eat what the
Locals eat. The spousal unit had mentioned the local food item was a "slugburger" and there was even a festival named after it. Before hitting the sack, i did my research, using that free internet. It is supposed to be ground beef, with a filler, that is deep fried.
While riding around, I found the "Slugburger Cafe". I entered the building and immediately was in a stare down with three of the wait staff. Guessing they smelled Abe's Grill on me. I sat down and said "I'm here for a slugburger". Waitress says, "OK, comes with mustard, pickle and onion". Said OK, but drop the pickle, add cheese, fries and a diet coke. Felt like I was taking the order. Again, must a been the smell from Abe's!
Slugburger is nothing to write home about, 99% fried filler. Funny thing is, everyone that walked thru the door was ordering them. And you guessed it, they got the friendly smile treatment that somehow I had missed out on-Abe's!
While I struggled to get that slugburger down with my canned diet coke, I began to listen. One feller mentioned that the plant had just finished putting in an electric fence. Said "them boys that drink beer after work on the back lot got a rude awakening coming". Visual: Bubba peeing over in the corner, accidentally hitting that electric fence!
On the other side was a lady talking about receiving a debit card for her to get to fer 401k retirement. Said she gets charged $2 on every transaction, and when she called customer service, the representative one the lone didn't speak English! All she wanted was to put cash into her checking account, but the card kept rejecting every time she tried to transfer the money. She had me cracking up with every sentence. I kept my composure, but was real tempted to ask her if she had signed up for Obummercare!
Corinth is not a town you go "through". You have to go to there, up hwy 25 to Starkville, then over to hwy 45 up to Tupelo and then to your final destination of Corinth.
Russell Beef House:
Before checking into the hotel, we made a dinner detour to Russell's Beef House, known for their "world famous salad bar", according to the digital advertising sign out from.
After walking in to Russell's you get your choice of seating. Right off you see the fire pit where literally everything is cooked except for French fries and the aforementioned salad bar. Note above the grill stated "watch out for flying taters! We decided to sit in the back corner in case one of those taters took flight.
Menu was pretty simple, a one sided sheet, beef being the most prominent food item. Decided on the sirloin fer two. That " world famous salad bar" was hardly the attraction advertised out front. But, that was not why we were there! We ordered it mediim, got to remember to say medium rare in the future. That sucker was 32 ounces of sirloin, with the biggest piece of grilled beef fat on the side. My Pops would be envious!
Steak was a bit overdone, but still, very tasty. Spousal unit dipped her bites into two sauces on the table, one being that flavor killer called Heinz 57. Done, off to the hotel we went.
Hampton Inn:
Just love being a Hilton Gold Card member, comes from that timeshare purchase years ago. Membership gets you free internet, a snack and a drink at check in. Good bed, hot shower and of course that complementary breakfast in the morning.
Went for a quick bite before dropping the spousal unit off at her seminar site. Finished eating my cereal, when the kitchen lady approached our table and said "I'll take your bawl" if you're done with it. I was like, huh, then she said "bowl"! Got a good laugh out of that. They sure do speak a different language up here in NE Mississippi!
Friend Debbie at the next table mentioned a place called "Babe's that had famous biscuits. She quickly corrected me and said it was Abe's. I was already hooked, had to go there next!
Super KMart:
Last KMart I was in was I Gulfport and it was in the last stages of closure. This one was hot for the picking! Picked up two Halloween costumes 70% off for me and my buddy Kelly. Kelly has a preacher permit, and we figured that with the two Monk priest outfits I got for $6, we could set up a storage she'll behind St. Marks and start their 4th ministry, flip flops required for admission!
Abe's Grill:
Abe's is one of those places you would find on "Diners, Drive ins and Dives". The outside is covered in so Mich memorabilia, it just invites you to come I'm. Its a small place with counter seating and a one seater unisex bathroom. The door at the end of the counter leads to the walk on cooler, where everything is stored. The grill probably had am inch of baked on grease on it that gives everything its unique grilled on flavor.
Abe asked me what'll I have? Said I wanted one of his world famous biscuits. He said, with his back to me "no, two!" While holding up two fingers! "Whatcha want on it"? I hesitated, he said "OK, ham it will be". Lady asked "whatcha drinking"? I said water. She gave me iced tea! I have officially fallen in love with the place!
Next customer asked for a breakfast plate. Abe says "I'm done with breakfast, pick something else. They decide on a BBQ sammich. Next customer comes in and gets a breakfast plate. Abe says they phoned their order in from Memphis. Still not sure there was actually a phone in there. Boy, felt lucky to get my biscuit(s) (plus ham and sweet tea!)
Wood Carver:
While riding up and down hwy 72 looking for some distraction, I came across a shed labeled "Wood Carvings". There were all sizes of tree trunks scattered on the grounds. A work in progress was a bear, standing, with a cub at its side. I couldn't help but think it was gonna be a statue for "the school up north_ in honor of their new team mascot, the Black Bear!
They always say, when in a new town, eat what the
Locals eat. The spousal unit had mentioned the local food item was a "slugburger" and there was even a festival named after it. Before hitting the sack, i did my research, using that free internet. It is supposed to be ground beef, with a filler, that is deep fried.
While riding around, I found the "Slugburger Cafe". I entered the building and immediately was in a stare down with three of the wait staff. Guessing they smelled Abe's Grill on me. I sat down and said "I'm here for a slugburger". Waitress says, "OK, comes with mustard, pickle and onion". Said OK, but drop the pickle, add cheese, fries and a diet coke. Felt like I was taking the order. Again, must a been the smell from Abe's!
Slugburger is nothing to write home about, 99% fried filler. Funny thing is, everyone that walked thru the door was ordering them. And you guessed it, they got the friendly smile treatment that somehow I had missed out on-Abe's!
While I struggled to get that slugburger down with my canned diet coke, I began to listen. One feller mentioned that the plant had just finished putting in an electric fence. Said "them boys that drink beer after work on the back lot got a rude awakening coming". Visual: Bubba peeing over in the corner, accidentally hitting that electric fence!
On the other side was a lady talking about receiving a debit card for her to get to fer 401k retirement. Said she gets charged $2 on every transaction, and when she called customer service, the representative one the lone didn't speak English! All she wanted was to put cash into her checking account, but the card kept rejecting every time she tried to transfer the money. She had me cracking up with every sentence. I kept my composure, but was real tempted to ask her if she had signed up for Obummercare!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Gonna Need a Bigger Trap
The last week or so we have been hearing "those noises". You don't typically hear them during the day or early at night. After you have gone to bed, and have fallen into a nice deep sleep. Then all of a sudden you hear a noise coming from the kitchen, but its too dark to see. What if its something bigger than you want to handle in the wee hours of the night???
For a little while, I thought it might be Oscar, doing his nightly roam about the house, getting a snack, sip of water, and of course, leaving a prize. While cleaning out the laundry room, the spousal unit came across one of those noise makers. Fortunate for her, (and me!) this one was DOA. After getting a closer look, it was either a mouse on steroids or a field rat. Posted a picture of FB, and the consensus was all R A T!
Early this morning I heard those noises again! Got up, went into the kitchen without turning on the light. I sat down in my recliner (with feet up!) and waited in the dark for the next sound. It wasn't long before I heard it again! Room was still dark, and my intuition was telling me to wait for sunrise, after all, vampires always disappear before the sun comes up, maybe it works on mice and rats!
The sun finally came up. Whew! I sat there a while longer, then out of the corner of my eye, scooting across the floor was one of those little noise makers! After seeing that it wasn't a full fledged rat sized critter, I was determined to get the traps, that I had bought yesterday, set and laid out in hopes of hitting them wham, bam, thank you ma'am!
I put one under the sink, one in the cabinet, one near the dog food storage bin, and one in the laundry room. It wasn't long before one of the traps snapped. No mouse, so I figured that Oscar must have gotten curious and set it off. I knew it wouldn't hurt him too bad after having one go off on my finger.
About an hour later, I hear the one go off under the sink. The trap when Bam, with no flipping and no flopping. I opened the door to find the trap laying to one side, and a large mouse laying about six inches away from the trap. I saw a little movement in his feet, and quickly went for the hand grabbers and grabbed him up! The trap apparently knocked him out cold. Got him outside, and I knock him out permanently!
I have seen videos on Facebook showing super mice, doing strength training with rat traps and thought the videos were really funny. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever dream that one day they would invade my house!
Time for a bigger mouse trap!.......
one of three rat traps
For a little while, I thought it might be Oscar, doing his nightly roam about the house, getting a snack, sip of water, and of course, leaving a prize. While cleaning out the laundry room, the spousal unit came across one of those noise makers. Fortunate for her, (and me!) this one was DOA. After getting a closer look, it was either a mouse on steroids or a field rat. Posted a picture of FB, and the consensus was all R A T!
Early this morning I heard those noises again! Got up, went into the kitchen without turning on the light. I sat down in my recliner (with feet up!) and waited in the dark for the next sound. It wasn't long before I heard it again! Room was still dark, and my intuition was telling me to wait for sunrise, after all, vampires always disappear before the sun comes up, maybe it works on mice and rats!
The sun finally came up. Whew! I sat there a while longer, then out of the corner of my eye, scooting across the floor was one of those little noise makers! After seeing that it wasn't a full fledged rat sized critter, I was determined to get the traps, that I had bought yesterday, set and laid out in hopes of hitting them wham, bam, thank you ma'am!
![]() |
Three of four mouse traps |
I put one under the sink, one in the cabinet, one near the dog food storage bin, and one in the laundry room. It wasn't long before one of the traps snapped. No mouse, so I figured that Oscar must have gotten curious and set it off. I knew it wouldn't hurt him too bad after having one go off on my finger.
About an hour later, I hear the one go off under the sink. The trap when Bam, with no flipping and no flopping. I opened the door to find the trap laying to one side, and a large mouse laying about six inches away from the trap. I saw a little movement in his feet, and quickly went for the hand grabbers and grabbed him up! The trap apparently knocked him out cold. Got him outside, and I knock him out permanently!
I have seen videos on Facebook showing super mice, doing strength training with rat traps and thought the videos were really funny. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever dream that one day they would invade my house!
Time for a bigger mouse trap!.......
one of three rat traps
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Living next to a wooded area has some bonuses that are not found in more suburban areas. Through the years we have seen our share of animals come out of the woods for one reason or another. We have had our share of deer running through the yard, turkeys doing their strut, foxes on the hunt, and even a hawk or two trying to make a meal out of one of the neighborhood pups!
As the neighborhood has grown, a series of fences were put up, mostly for privacy. Now almost every yard is surrounded by fencing. Sightings of natures animals have become fewer and fewer. Now, instead of seeing the graceful run of the deer and such, we get the night critters and other varmints.
I have had fish ponds that I have attempted to raise Koi and goldfish. The fish have come and gone, mostly from visits from the "night critters". Occasionally, I get my fare share of tadpoles. Some of these actually make it to the frog stage. After dark, these frogs get to singing, and at times loudly.
Ole Henry Dog is a curious fellow. He loves to chase anything that moves. Spiders, lizards, birds, and squirrels. One day he discovered something moving in the flower beds near the fish ponds. Low and behold, Henry has found my resident bullfrog. Henry got to digging, and sniffing, until he finally cornered that frog. Henry got him by the hind leg and drug him out into the open. Playtime! That frog never had a chance! Henry would grab him, then sling him up into the air, and then give chase!

A bullfrog is one of the hardest critters to actually kill. Been frogging a few times in my youth, with gigs and 22 rifles. End up catching a bunch, and they would all be alive till the very end of giving up their hind quarters. Somehow Ole Henry Dog was able to put this one out of his misery pretty quickly. The frog's revenge was making Henry foam at the mouth. After seeing this ole dog foam, I just about fell onto the ground from my uncontrolled laughter!
If you live near some woods and you like to feed the birds, then more than likely you will have a run in with your share of squirrels. I had a family take up residence in my attic. They are determined little varmints, and they will find a way. I was determined to rid myself of these pesky critters!
On a shopping trip to Harbor Freight, I came across some varmint traps. Not wanting to spend a lot of money, I bought two of the small ones for about $15. I figured once a squirrel got into to one that he would be too dumb to figure out how to get out. Wrong! After a couple of weeks, all my bait was gone and no squirrels. I then had the idea to add another spring to the trap door, surely that would hold a trapped squirrel.
The next morning, I took Ole Henry Dog out for our morning ritual of finding a bush for him and me. I work my way over to side of the yard where I had set the trap. I'll be dang, the trap had a squirrel in it! I called for Henry and he came a running. We stood there, staring at each other, me and Henry looking at the squirrel, and the squirrel looking back at us. It was like a standoff in the old west, who would make the first move? All of a sudden, that pesky ole squirrel charged the trap door to the cage. The door busted open, and the squirrel literally took flight, landing on a nearby crepe myrtle, and up the tree, and over the fence he went. He left Ole Henry Dog and me just standing there, looking at each other, trying to figure out what just happened! Henry gave me that look of "well, I guess you better get a bigger trap". I started laughing, and I think Henry did too!

Eventually I did go and get me a bigger trap. Me, Henry and Oscar had quite a summer of trapping squirrels, about 15 in all. I had even more fund watching those squirrels haul ass when I released them!
I have a love for most of God's creatures, but sorry, a cat is not on my list.
We've been noticing this cat that didn't belong in our part of the neighborhood. Guess he was taking up residence somewhere. One day I walked into the garage, open the door, and then see that damn cat take off. He has taken up residence in MY garage. One morning, Oscar decided to be sneaky and run out the door to the garage. Fortunately I had not opened the garage door yet. Oscar was running with a full head of steam toward the street before he realized the door was still down. Bam! He slid right into the door, since his little feet couldn't slow him down on the slick concrete. Of course I had to laugh at him. He looks up at me and gives me that look, "I smell something!" Oscar begins to follow his nose throughout the garage, till he has picked up that scent of that damn cat! I raise the garage door thinking that the cat would make a run for it. Oscar had him cornered and he wasn't going anywhere. I grab the water hose and work my way over to Oscar. Between Oscar and the water, the cat was losing the battle. Soaking wet, that cat finally made a run for it to the street with Oscar right behind!
We haven't seen that cat since!
Big Mouse or Rat?
Living next to the woods, we have had our fare share of field mice come wandering in. This week we got something a little bit bigger. I was sitting in my chair typing away, when I saw something scoot across the floor. It seems to be bigger than your average field mouse, but didn't see him again. The spousal unit began noticing some "trailings", but she said, "you know, these look bigger that what I'm used to seeing". Dog food started coming up missing, so we put the bowl on the counter. The next morning some of the dog food was in a small pile next to the bowl. It wasn't me, it wasn't the spousal unit, and it sure wasn't Oscar! Time for some traps! I decided to give small mouse traps a try. Before I could even set one out, the Spousal unit found a surprise in the laundry room. Fortunately for her, the critter wasn't moving. Posted this picture on Facebook, everybody agreed that we had ourselves a rat!

I'm hoping that he died from natural causes. I'd hate to think it was from the dog food, or worse my cooking! Mr. Rat has since taken a road trip with the trash. Hopefully none of his relatives stayed behind!
Seems like just as soon as we get rid of one kind of critter, another one shows up. The spousal unit went to put the trash into the garbage can, which was empty, and she looked into the bottom of the can and found this:

This was one nasty looking possum! I'm guessing he climbed in during the night and got stuck. Every time we would look in he would start to hissing! Kinda felt bad for him, so I decided to give him a free pass. I rolled the can over to the woods, and leaned it over. Mr. Possum wasn't ready to come out! I finally dumped it over, the possum started walking to the woods, then he turned around, took one look at me, then let out this huge hiss! I think he just cussed at me! Free pass today my friend. Next visit, we play a game of baseball!
I have now sent up my prayers to God that the next critter he sends my way be edible!
As the neighborhood has grown, a series of fences were put up, mostly for privacy. Now almost every yard is surrounded by fencing. Sightings of natures animals have become fewer and fewer. Now, instead of seeing the graceful run of the deer and such, we get the night critters and other varmints.
I have had fish ponds that I have attempted to raise Koi and goldfish. The fish have come and gone, mostly from visits from the "night critters". Occasionally, I get my fare share of tadpoles. Some of these actually make it to the frog stage. After dark, these frogs get to singing, and at times loudly.
Ole Henry Dog is a curious fellow. He loves to chase anything that moves. Spiders, lizards, birds, and squirrels. One day he discovered something moving in the flower beds near the fish ponds. Low and behold, Henry has found my resident bullfrog. Henry got to digging, and sniffing, until he finally cornered that frog. Henry got him by the hind leg and drug him out into the open. Playtime! That frog never had a chance! Henry would grab him, then sling him up into the air, and then give chase!

A bullfrog is one of the hardest critters to actually kill. Been frogging a few times in my youth, with gigs and 22 rifles. End up catching a bunch, and they would all be alive till the very end of giving up their hind quarters. Somehow Ole Henry Dog was able to put this one out of his misery pretty quickly. The frog's revenge was making Henry foam at the mouth. After seeing this ole dog foam, I just about fell onto the ground from my uncontrolled laughter!
If you live near some woods and you like to feed the birds, then more than likely you will have a run in with your share of squirrels. I had a family take up residence in my attic. They are determined little varmints, and they will find a way. I was determined to rid myself of these pesky critters!
On a shopping trip to Harbor Freight, I came across some varmint traps. Not wanting to spend a lot of money, I bought two of the small ones for about $15. I figured once a squirrel got into to one that he would be too dumb to figure out how to get out. Wrong! After a couple of weeks, all my bait was gone and no squirrels. I then had the idea to add another spring to the trap door, surely that would hold a trapped squirrel.
The next morning, I took Ole Henry Dog out for our morning ritual of finding a bush for him and me. I work my way over to side of the yard where I had set the trap. I'll be dang, the trap had a squirrel in it! I called for Henry and he came a running. We stood there, staring at each other, me and Henry looking at the squirrel, and the squirrel looking back at us. It was like a standoff in the old west, who would make the first move? All of a sudden, that pesky ole squirrel charged the trap door to the cage. The door busted open, and the squirrel literally took flight, landing on a nearby crepe myrtle, and up the tree, and over the fence he went. He left Ole Henry Dog and me just standing there, looking at each other, trying to figure out what just happened! Henry gave me that look of "well, I guess you better get a bigger trap". I started laughing, and I think Henry did too!

Eventually I did go and get me a bigger trap. Me, Henry and Oscar had quite a summer of trapping squirrels, about 15 in all. I had even more fund watching those squirrels haul ass when I released them!
I have a love for most of God's creatures, but sorry, a cat is not on my list.
We've been noticing this cat that didn't belong in our part of the neighborhood. Guess he was taking up residence somewhere. One day I walked into the garage, open the door, and then see that damn cat take off. He has taken up residence in MY garage. One morning, Oscar decided to be sneaky and run out the door to the garage. Fortunately I had not opened the garage door yet. Oscar was running with a full head of steam toward the street before he realized the door was still down. Bam! He slid right into the door, since his little feet couldn't slow him down on the slick concrete. Of course I had to laugh at him. He looks up at me and gives me that look, "I smell something!" Oscar begins to follow his nose throughout the garage, till he has picked up that scent of that damn cat! I raise the garage door thinking that the cat would make a run for it. Oscar had him cornered and he wasn't going anywhere. I grab the water hose and work my way over to Oscar. Between Oscar and the water, the cat was losing the battle. Soaking wet, that cat finally made a run for it to the street with Oscar right behind!
We haven't seen that cat since!
Big Mouse or Rat?
Living next to the woods, we have had our fare share of field mice come wandering in. This week we got something a little bit bigger. I was sitting in my chair typing away, when I saw something scoot across the floor. It seems to be bigger than your average field mouse, but didn't see him again. The spousal unit began noticing some "trailings", but she said, "you know, these look bigger that what I'm used to seeing". Dog food started coming up missing, so we put the bowl on the counter. The next morning some of the dog food was in a small pile next to the bowl. It wasn't me, it wasn't the spousal unit, and it sure wasn't Oscar! Time for some traps! I decided to give small mouse traps a try. Before I could even set one out, the Spousal unit found a surprise in the laundry room. Fortunately for her, the critter wasn't moving. Posted this picture on Facebook, everybody agreed that we had ourselves a rat!

I'm hoping that he died from natural causes. I'd hate to think it was from the dog food, or worse my cooking! Mr. Rat has since taken a road trip with the trash. Hopefully none of his relatives stayed behind!
Seems like just as soon as we get rid of one kind of critter, another one shows up. The spousal unit went to put the trash into the garbage can, which was empty, and she looked into the bottom of the can and found this:

This was one nasty looking possum! I'm guessing he climbed in during the night and got stuck. Every time we would look in he would start to hissing! Kinda felt bad for him, so I decided to give him a free pass. I rolled the can over to the woods, and leaned it over. Mr. Possum wasn't ready to come out! I finally dumped it over, the possum started walking to the woods, then he turned around, took one look at me, then let out this huge hiss! I think he just cussed at me! Free pass today my friend. Next visit, we play a game of baseball!
I have now sent up my prayers to God that the next critter he sends my way be edible!
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