Henry got here around 11:00 last night. Soon as the door opened, he hit the ground running! Right off the bat he was jumping and shaking and giving love. Oscar dog wasn't having any of this. His hair was standing up on his backside and the growling and barking began. Wasn't long before he was begging for treats!

I had almost forgotten what an Ole Henry Dog visit was like since it has been over six months since his move to Nashville. Ole Henry Dog didn't forget!
About 6:00 this morning, here he comes! Jumping into my bed, barking and licking, wanting me to get my butt up! Oscar got into the act, barking and carrying on. Up we go.
First thing, outside we go. First day of frost and of course he wants me out there too! Burrrrr. First thing, Henry is running around, into the bushes looking. He has not forgotten about the squirrels and the trap. Get back inside, and its like, OK, where are the treats? Oscar is not about to miss out on anything and he is now along side Henry, begging and waiting.
Henry does his tricks for his treats, Oscar just gives me that look. I give them both some of my homemade dog treats, but they aren't satisfied. I had cooked down some beef bacon for more treats and they both are digging this special treat.
As I am making up some treats for a customer, there they both are, waiting for the leftover dog treat dough. Their diligence was rewarded.
Henry went back outside to say hello to all the neighbor dogs. They gather at the back fence and bark and growl at each other to the point where it sounds like a major dog fight going on! Wonder what would happen if the fence fell down.
Dog boys have settled in for a nap. Oscar in his dog bed, and Ole Henry Dog at his appointed watch station, on the back of the chair by the window.
Guess I'll get back to making more dog treats in the calm. May have to make a run to the ice cream store for these boys later.
Welcome back Henry!
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