Nice subject. But this is not a joke in my house. There is only one brand that comes through the door. Ever since Mr. Whipple has been squeezing it, we have been buying nothing but Charmin!
Charmin is such a coveted commodity with us, the boys go to extremes to keep their roomates away from their supply. Son number 2, as a freshman, had his in a footlocker under lock and key in his dorm room. Son #1 would sneak a fresh roll out from the trunk of his car.
There is absolutely nothing worse than that feeling when your finger has that "break through" moment. It only has to happen once for you to become a true believer in multiply. At Baptist Hospital, they supplied each room with plenty, but it was that single ply sheet from the wholesale paper product supplier. Sandpaper, pure sandpaper!
From "The Baptist"
This commodity is considered so valuable at Northwest Community College that it is kept under lock and key:
There also is the long standing controversy of whether to install the next roll either "over" or "under". My personal preference has always been "over". I, however, gave up the fight a long time ago. Spousal unit puts it on backwards so I just set the next roll on top!
We how have a self standing dispenser in the guest bathroom for "certain" overnight guests that have knocked off not one but two wall mounted dispensers.
So, regardless of your preference of single ply vs multiple ply, soft vs sandpaper, or over vs under, you now know my preferences on the subject. May your paper always hold and disappear under a single flush, which is another topic in itself!
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