I got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S4 yesterday, and a new battery backup for blogging at the beach. Hopefully there won't be anymore "dead battery" issues this trip. It was quite an experience moving all my stuff over to the new phone. Blue tooth was wonderful, and only took an hour to get it all transferred over. Sim card had to be activated, and I patted myself on the back for figuring out that one. I am, however, having a time trying to figure out how to turn off stuff that drains the battery though.
I was in Dick's sporting goods yesterday getting a new bra strap for my sunglasses. While I was in there looking around, I found a new toy that absolutely had me "intrigued".
This is the "beachcomber wagon" by Max Sports.
It has four inch tires, and with the double trike wheel on the front, it has got to be made for the sand!
The car will have the rack on the back for hauling all of the beach toys: two umbrellas, two chairs, beach cart, cup spikes, coolers, etc. Gotta make sure there is room inside the car for the margarita machine and the spousal unit!
Got some friends coming down to spend part of the week with us. The woman was scared to death that I was gonna blog her. Told her to fear not, umbrella company is excluded, unless of course, something exceptional happens, like a swimsuit blowout, then the sky's the limit. I don't think its gonna get too rowdy, since all of the young'ns are back in school (too bad, so sad!).
I called ahead, and dang it, no grilling. Already into plan "B": Boston butt cooked, deboned, and frozen, turkey to be cooked in the oven, spiral sliced ham to be ready for tailgating at the beach for the Ole Miss vs Vandy game on Thursday, and lots of snack goodies in between.
Weather looks to be clear for the week. Hoping for some fun beach stuff to write about, otherwise I'll be reading the new book by Steve Yarbrough, "the Realm of last chances". Fancy title.
If you are in the area, stop by, eat some butt and drink a margarita!
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