The Chevron station is located near the Square, at the intersection of Lamar and University Avenue. Abners is located across the street. Stopping there in the middle of the day is not an option. The experience has to be late at night on game day. Students, for years, have been stopping by here before venturing deeper into the nightlife further into the happenings in and around the Square. Always short of cash, its a quick, cheap fried treat all college students enjoy before blowing the rest of their weekend budget in one of the many watering holes that line the square.
Sometime this year, I put together a short informal bucket list for the remainder of the year. At the top of the list was this Chicken on a stick experience. Been to Oxford several times this year already, and it was either way too late in the night, or the line was out the door. On this day, we called it early, leaving with just a few minutes left in the third quarter, and the outcome of the game was a certainty.
With all out tailgate stuff packed up and stuffed in the KIA, it was time. I figured with the game still in play and the students already enjoying the Homecoming festivities at the Frat houses and off campus, surely the line would not be long.
The anticipation was building. It only got worse when the flashlight cop stopped my progress at an intersection. It was almost like he knew that I was on a mission, and he did everything in his power to delay my destiny! Students and fans were allowed to pass in all directions, taking their time, slowing crossing the intersection, and encouraging others to follow. Then cars in all the other lanes were allowed to pass. I kept busy by flexing my foot and ankle like I was revving up the engine waiting for the green flag to go!
Finally! We arrived, and YES! a short line! I pulled into one of the gas pumps closest to Lamar. I walked into the Chevron and was immediately was aroused by the smell of that aroma coming out of the food counter. They had chicken strips, chicken nuggets, jojo taters, and the one item that has been on my want list all season, the chicken on a stick!

While in line, I did a quick look around. I noticed a sign outside announcing the newly installed "Beer Cave" with the coldest beer in town. This is a new novelty in Oxford. They have had beer for sale for years, but except for restaurants, it had always been sold hot. But not anymore! The order of the day was an ice cold 6-12 pack of your favorite brand and something fried out of the food counter. The young feller in front of me had his beer in hand. Clerk rang up the purchase and only asked for his birth date. Must have been a trick question because the clerk didn't look like too much of a math whiz to figure it out!
Got my order, back in the car, and off we went. To my delight, the treat was all fried chicken and stick! None of that filler of onion, pickle and tater. This treat was not a disappointment. Best fried chicken late night treat I'd had in years! Too bad I was driving, a beer to wash it down would have made it even better!
Next time you are in Oxford for a Football Saturday night game, stop by and give it a try. Another item off my list!
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