Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Live Oaks Live On

Katrina.  What a powerful storm you were.  What mankind builds, Mother nature can take away in an instant.  The days following the storm have long past, but the effects of her rage still linger.

Riding Highway 90 this morning has left quite an impression on me.  The Biloxi Lighthouse, the solitary soldier that stood guard during the storm still stands.

Gone are the stately houses that once lined this once grand boulevard.  Lots of for sale signs on the spaces where those houses stood. But, as you look at the empty spaces, you realize they are not empty at all.  Those mighty live oaks have not gone anywhere.  They have stood the test of time.  The survived Camille in the 1960's and they have survived Katrina.

In the devastation that remained after the storm, some have found beauty.  Some of those mighty live oak trees did not survive the storm rage and will never put on their beautiful green colors.  Instead, they have been transformed into artful reminders of the beauties of this part of the state.

Here are some pictures of what remains of these once graceful oaks:

The area is still, slowly coming back.  The casinos are in full swing.  Restaurants are being built in the vacant spaces, but are now up on stilts, man's attempt at teasing Mother Nature.  We will see.  But those grand live oak trees are here to stay, just you wait and see........

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