Welcome to Game Day. Oxford. This place is like no other on a fall Saturday afternoon when Football Saturday is in full swing. It is hard to describe all of the sights, sounds and smells that come with an event like this.
The campus is nestled up next to the town of Oxford. The town center has what is known as the Square, which can be accessed by the Lamar Street exit off of Highway 6. Might do a blog post just on "the Square" one day. As you approach the Square, you reach the intersection of University Avenue, which leads to the campus. The atmosphere here is like no other.
A picture can speak a thousand words, so here are some of the sights of this great day:

University Avenue is a major traffic feed to the campus. The Double Decker bus shuttle is a big attraction that runs from the Square to the campus prior to game time. Good luck making your way back, all on foot. You can see that the trees have begun their fall color display.
As you cross the bridge on University Avenue into "God's country" you are greeted with banners in the sky
Here is a student that has just learned the lesson about "cover it up" when bringing "adult beverages" onto campus. You can buy them their books, sent them to school, put the thinking, they have to figure out on their own! I counted at least 20 cases of beer that were stopped from entering the area, and the offending party gets to pop and pour it all out on the ground. A lesson you should only learn once!
My friend Tracey demonstrating the finer art of pouring a beer discreetly, right in front of the Popo tent. I provided my handy dandy land shark bottle opener. Girls, you've got to remember to bring the opener on certain bands. Damn Rookies!
The ticket scalpers were in full swing, yelling "who's got tickets, who needs tickets!"
The loading zone warning placard. Do not overstay and do not bring in certain items in the "Grove". I was there the weekend before these signs went up. Some nut had a cheap portable propane grill that caught on fire and almost blew up with two small cylinders of gas attached. A fire extinguisher saved the day.
A trip to the Grove is not complete without a visit to or a picture with the "Hotty Toddy Potty". In addition to the mobile potty trailers their are port-a-johns everywhere. One poor fellow could not make it, went to the side of a building, and relieved himself in the bushes. UPD was right behind him. He should have held it just a bit longer, as he got himself a free ride to the police station!
This is my buddy Peyton, enjoying one of my "Rebel Dawg Bone" cookie treats I made for the day
I did not try striking a match off of this ole gal, but I imagine she started a few fires in boys hearts before the end of the night!
One of the fancier grill contraptions. This one is on the road that circles "The Grove", so technically it is not "in" the grove.
Here is a major power source during Game Day Saturday. Generators are on the forbidden list, but are found throughout the campus in areas adjacent to "the Grove". After the incident with the grill that almost exploded, the "Gove" was wired with lighting and electrical outlets for the convenience of the fans.
Some of the Pagentry of the day. Tents, chairs,decorations, and of course, satellite dishes.
When LSU comes to town, Ole Miss fans humor themselves by tempting the unsuspecting LSU fans with the "corn dog on a string" trick. You will have to google the story about "the corndog"!
This is the beginning of the "Walk of Champions", where the football team begins its walk to the football stadium prior to game time. This experience is one of the big selling points to new recruits.
If you prefer to have your tailgate food catered, the University is more than happy to provide.
Chicken strip tray that didn't make it to the table. Doubt if the owners starved to death. Food, and drink is aplenty, you don't have to ask. Just come on in and enjoy the party!
This is the traffic lane used during the "Walk of Champions". You can literally walk though here stepping from one head to the next without missing a step. Over 60,000 people were in attendance at the game, so you can only guess how many were crammed in between the oak trees of "The Grove".

Two students from Washington State

Cousin Brenton with bookend sisters from California. One is a freshman at Ole Miss and the other attends the University of Tennessee. There is just something about the South!

Some of my "Rebellion" crew celebrating the big win!
Statue of the Confederate officer that tips his hat when a virgin walks by. He doesn't tip his has as often these days.....
Elvis was in the house, large and in charge, singing away, away Dixieland!

The Spousal Unit and her two sisters. Notice the family traits? I got the best of the bunch!

The Spousal Unit. She was "happy, happy, happy" after this win over LSU

Chevron Station near the Square that is famous for its Fried Chicken on a Stick. The line is down the street full of hungry college kids needing their cheap late night fix. Its on my bucket list, line is just too long.
This ole boy is one pooped puppy. We stayed to the end to get everything packed up. Kudos to Mike and the gang for a great time. Our car was the last one in our designated parking lot. Makes for a less hectic trip out of town. Car pulled into the drive way around 3:00 a.m. Starting to thinks its time for the next generation to take over all the prep and take down.
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