Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Well, guess what!  Its been a little over a year since I started this blog of mine.  With you get some interestimg statistics.

This post makes number 179.  Quite a few topics, but mostly related to trips I've taken with the Spousal Unit.  Gotten some feedback, but not a lot.  The funniest thing has been questions about "how come.....".  I then have to remind these folks that the blog is named " The World Through My Eyes"!

I post links thru Facebook and Google+  The total number of reads has been over 18,300 thru yesterday.  That averages to around 100 reads per post.  One post got over 700 reads, "Things Your Momma Might Say, Or Maybe Not!". Not sure how that happened.

Here are some surprising numbers:  32% of the readers use their IPhone, 19% use their IPad, 29% use their windows based laptop, and only 13% come from the Android.  Go figure...

Readers come from over 20 countries, mostly from the U.S., Canada, and Russia.  I'm guessing the foreign readers find it in Google+.  Figured I'd have more from those sexy women countries like France and Italy.  Must be the language barrier!

My parents have received a lot of feedback.  " where did he get his humor from?". "I don't remember him being this funny when he was growing up". The mother in law even commented that she didn't know I could write!  Me either fmuchhat matter!  I'm just pleased to find that most people enjoy it!

I sometimes worry that I will run out of things to write about, but then I will see something, experience something, or just have a run of the mill conversation with somebody, and the next thing you know, there is another blog posting.

Sometimes I have these little chats with my lady friends that go down odd roads.  They begin telling me these stories, then will interrupt themselves mid sentence and say " now don't put this on Facebook or your blog".  They eventually finish their tale, and so far I have honored their requests.  Thankfully no one has asked me to put one on here!

To those of you that help initiate a story, thank you very much!  Occasionally I take "literary license" to spice it up some, but for the most part, the versions of events are as I remember them.

As long as somebody is reading, I'll keep posting.  Thanks for the readership!

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