Friday, July 4, 2014

Road Trip Atlanta-Orient Express

Every road trip to Atlanta has a stop at one of our favorite places to Eat, the Orient Express, in Vinings, not far off the interstate on Paces Ferry Road.

The restaurant is built around an old dining railroad car.  They have three themes:  sushi, Chinese, and hibachi grill.  Each section is uniquely different.  Most of the time its all about thefood, but here, What makes the place so special to us is one waiter in particular.

When We met this guy about ten years ago, he went by the name "Herman".  He has such great interaction with his customers.  He and I hit it off immediately.  Every trip to Atlanta since, i call ahead to see if he is working.  when son #1 turned 21, there was no question where we would be going!

One trip Herman let us know his real name " Hirmato".  I called today to make sure he was working.  I asked if Hirmato was working tonight.  The lady answering the phone said "no Hirmato here".  I said well, he goes by the name Herman.  She said " oh yes, Herman will be here!". I said tell him his friends from Jackson, Mississippi are coming for dinner!

We arrive at the restaurant and immediately I spot Herman waiting on some tables outside.  We spot each other and we both light up in anticipation for what is to come.

I told him about the phone call earlier.  He grinned, and said,  "no Herman here, I now go by Zero".  I reply, " well, if that's your new waiter name, then that is the size your tip is gonna be!  All hell broke loose after that!

Son #2 was with us, and son #1 was inbound later, coming in from Nashville.  Son #1's 21st birthday included an introduction to a sake bomb.  A shot of warm sake is dropped into a glass of Japanese beer, and the Chugalug begins.  Son#2 turned 21 in January of this year, and I wasn't about to miss this opportunity!

Down it went!  Morgan commented, "Wow!  It goes down so smooth you don't realize you are drinking it, til it hits rock bottom!". After two of these, we were primed and ready for some sushi!

We dug in with chop sticks flying!

If you are in the Atlanta area, stop by Orient Express.  And ask for Hirmato, or Herman, or Zero, or who knows what name he will be using next.

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