I just love those times when you have those special moments of discovery in your lives where you go "ah ha!", or worse " rut row"
When Matthew was small he got a electric four wheeler for Christmas. He sat on it big and proud with a big ole smile. When I suggested that he push the gas and he looks up at me with those eyes and says "Dad, you have to charge it first!". Then he accidentally touched the peddle and he almost falls off!
When you have one of those talks about how those college girls can take advantage of you and your son says, " not to worry Dad, she has an implant!"
Son asks you to build him a bike ramp for jumping. You ask how high. He shows you around 18 inches high. First jump, son doesn't realized you are supposed to use your knees to absorb the landing. Poor kids privates went right through his eye sockets!
Son brings home a new girl friend. You sit around the fire pit, enjoying your favorite beverage. Glass tips over and ice spills out on the ground. You pick up the dirty ice and toss them into the fire. Latest girl friend gasps, and says "OMG, that's not gonna explode or anything?!"
Sitting on the front porch with neighbors, enjoying conversation and a few adult beverages, with a oscillating fan blowing a breeze. One guy adjusts his chair, not realizing the leg is on the cord. That reaction when the chair leg cuts through the protective layer of rubber and he gets zapped by a jolt of electricity. Thank God for GFI plugs!
That moment when you find out that your worst nightmare is it best thing to ever happen to you. Had not smiled in years. Now I go to bed and wake up with a smile one my face every day. Two and a half years and counting.....
Preacher's wife bought one of my coolers as a gift for her husband. Later, Preacher says "I've got an engineering question for you. After you have drained the water out of the cooler, how are you supposed to get the remaining one inch of water out of it?". My reply, " tip it over just a bit". He then says, "I thought so, just checking". Good recovery there Preacher!
Your wife wakes you up in the middle of the night and says " did you hear that noise?". I reply "no, but if you hear it again, I'll get up and check". Next morning I discover a cat in the garage that had knocked over a 2x4 that was leaning on the wall.
That moment when the young cousins learn your secret about "playing possum" at family gatherings when "Mr. know-it-all" walks into the room. Now they all want in on the act. Before long the whole house will be pretending to be taking a nap except for you know who.....!
Neighbor stops borrowing your truck when they figure out that's the only time the gas needle is on empty. Hee, hee.
Your wife wakes you up at 3 in the morning to tell you you youngest teenage son has been caught with not one but two girls in his room. Atta boy!
Your neighbor invites everyone over for a cookout, including homemade ice cream. The machine runs for over two hours before the light bulb goes off to open it up and look inside to see what's up with that. No dasher in the bucket, just a two hour spin!
Different neighbor decides to make butter pecan ice cream. The look on the face of one of the girls taking the first bite, and discovers its full of salt! First thought, it was the pecans, nope. Turns out the neighbor had stopped up the drain hole, didn't want salt water spilling into his sink!
Neighbor asks you for advice on how too smoke a turkey. An hoiur into him getting started, you see smoke bellowing out of the smoker. You ask how many wood blocks did you put in the smoker? He filled it up! Turkey already black from all the smoke. Latter he says "did you know there was a turkey neck out in the cavity of that thing???? I ask, " what about the sack of turkey inards"? Yep, cooked well done, to a crisp, still in the bag!
Son's girlfriend's car need a new headlight. He comes back into the house with that look. She had told him to get his useless butt back into the house, he was just in the way!
Got lots more. Saving them for later. Let me know some of yours!
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