Lots of electronic toys and software applications have been brought to the market over the years. Gaming machines have changed the way our children entertain themselves. Computers and the internet have connected all age generations together, especially social media applications. Even my parents, approaching 80 years of age are now on Facebook.
Several years ago I gave Mom and Pop a TomTom GPS. They have worn out many a road atlas over the years. Got a call from them that someone in their community was breaking into cars and their GPS that I had given them had come up missing. They have since replaced it.
I gave both my boys GPS's for them to use in their travels. Both of them have abandoned them and now use Google Maps on their smart ass phones.
The spousal units last car purchase came with OnStar and a GPS system. In most cases I will type in the address before we depart on a trip. Works great. Sometimes not so good. The system is too smart and will sometime prefill the selections that are no where near the mark. No problem,we just call OnStar and they download the directions straight to the GPS.
Other times we are in a city that we are unfamiliar with and need directions to an unplanned venue or restaurant. Never fear, OnStar is here.
Its funny for the system to announce "you have arrived at your destination". Then, you begin to look around to find our where the hell it is!
Son #2 has been driving us around Atlanta the past two days. Son #1 said " hell no!", I ain't dealing with three backseat drivers! It has been quite an adventure. Son#2 has been blaming the GPS for him missing or taking a wrong exit. To save him from some road rage, I had him exit the interstate and exit early as we approached Turner Field. The interstate traffic was backed up in front of us, and I knew he would get into trouble up ahead. Then we got to play bumper cars the rest of the way on the inner city streets, bit we made it to our assigned parking lot with no damage, but both sons were in bad need for a beer.
With OnStar and our GPS we were able to find all of our destinations safely, on time, and back to the hotel. The spousal unit tried to find us a drive through ice cream store along the way, and we ended up at Lenox Mall. It was in the food court, and the clock had just hit 9 pm local time. We all had a good laugh at that!
Occasionally you end up in the high rise district or come out of a parking garage, and you have lost your GPS signal. Its like "oh shit!", do we go straight, turn left, or turn right???? Eventually we get the signal back and all is well.
I have to confess, that having a GPS has saved my marriage! Before having a GPS, we would get lost, or somebody would forget to say " turn up ahead" and blood pressures would rise. Never fear with a GPS, that ole gal just starts saying "recalculating". The spousal unit even got jealous one time and said " you never get mad at her!"
All I can say is THANK YOU OnStar and GPS!
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