Sunday, June 28, 2015

Let's get physical!

Went in for my latest wellness visit this past week.  I am always uneasy when it comes time for the dreaded finger stick, and I'm not talking about a needle!

In walks somebody called a physician's assistant,  in training.  A woman, oh boy.  Thoughts of dropping my drawers for her for that God awful finger probe flow into mind.  Ok, there has to be a hidden camera somewhere,  and somebody is gonna jump out and say gotcha!

She tells me she wants to go over my medical history and do a brief exam before the doctor comes in to summarize.   Oooookayyyy.  She starts down her list of questions, any issues with this and that,  etc...  She gets to the one where she asks about shortness of breath.

Something goes off in my head, kinda like that little red devil that sits on your shoulder, waiting for the right moment.  Then it just comes out of my mouth: "shortness of breath?  Only when I'm around naked women!"

Well, that caught her off guard!  She stepped back, took a breath, collected her composure, and said, "you know, I married one just like you.  I can't  wait to see how this ends!"  Suddenly she had me!  Thought of that finger stick rushed into my head!

The rest of her questioning went off without a hitch, and then she told me to lay on the table.  Oh crap, what's  next???  Thankfully it was routine stuff I'd  done countless times before!  But still, I kept wondering, when's it coming.......

She finished with her exam, and my heart rate  started going back to normal.  Now, lab work, she said.  Whew!  Safe for now!

Everything on the lab results were in tolerable limits, thanks to the medications I've been taking for the past 10 years.  Blood sugar, however, has been creeping up.  My weight has also been creeping up.

Doctor came in and went over briefly what I had experienced over the last 20 minutes.  Seems there is a new blood test they will do next visit that looks at blood sugar.  The test will determine if you are a good candidate for their little magic pill that helps to lower your sugar levels.  And, I got out of their with just the PSA test reading, and no FINGER!!

I made up my mind on the way to the parking lot that some things have to change.  Sugar and carbs have got to go!   Some of this is easy,  as I already gave up sweet tea and sweetened colas long ago.  I have also cut back on the volume of fried foods, but even less will be better.   The hard part is the carbs from bread, taters, rice, etc....  hell, I've gotta be part oriental with as much rice as I consume!

So, the challenge is on.  The only loser can be me, and the winner, regardless, will be my overall health.  Gotta start somewhere, at sometime.  Might as well be now!  Fingers crossed....

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