Sunday, January 19, 2014

Remember When

My youngest just celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday.  My, how quickly time passes.

I remember when the rabbit died.
I remember the first time I saw you.
I remember changing your diaper.
I remember your first t-ball game,
I remember your first soccer game at age four.
I remember your first day of school.
I remember you getting hit with a baseball and saying "no more".
I remember your first roller coaster ride.
I remember having to order tons of books online for your AR points.
I remember you wanting to take your lunch to school because you hated being last in line.
I remember you saying "I want to play the saxophone in middle school"
I remember your first cross country race
I remember all those select soccer practices and road trips
I remember when you said "I want to go to MSMS".
I remember moving you into the dorm at MSMS and having to leave you there.
I remember your graduation from MSMS.
I remember when you said I want to go to MSU and study to be an engineer.
I remember every hug you ever gave me.

So proud of you and what you have become.  Love ya, Dad.

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