Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Buy A Condo She Said

The Spousal Unit is on a roll!  Man Cub graduates from MSU in May,  he's out of the Starkville Condo by June, that unit is sold by the end of July, then, the first of August, we closed on a condo in "That Town Up North", otherwise known as Oxford.

"Its unoccupied" she says, "almost move in ready", she continues.  "Just some paint on these white walls and in we come"!  Yeah, right, okay.  Its like that cheer they say up there "Are you ready?"  My reply is " so, I guess I'm the painter?"  And you know what her next line was...".HYDR (Hell Yeah, Damn Right)!"


The day of the closing, we of course got the keys.  The Spousal Units Acura MDX was loaded to the max, including the rack on the back that had one of those mail order memory foam mattresses in a bag, for one of the beds.  After unloading everything, it was back to Brandon to prepare for a vaca week planned nine months earlier.


By this time, the Spousal Unit has had time to pick out some paint colors.  We make the stop at LOWES, and pick up Paint, brushes, door locks, digital thermostat, LED light bulbs, shower heads, ceiling fans, and enough stuff to fill up a cart and hear the cash register go cha-ching, ching, ching!!! 

Next morning, the Spousal Unit got busy washing all the new towels and sheets that were delivered courtesy of UPS.  I quickly knocked out the three new door knobs, one for the front door, one for the storage room, and one for the "owner's closet" to secure things off limits to any overnighters that use the unit.  Replacing the door knobs was far easier than calling a locksmith, $50 vs a minimum of $100 just for the service call. Next, the new shower heads were installed, and ready to go.  Man, that first hot shower with the rain shower head was wonderful!

Then the fun began.  I took the cover off the old thermostat, only to discover that the unit was a heat pump.  We swapped out one in Starkville, and it was a royal pain in the ass.  Dadgumit! And I think I bought the wrong one!  Next, two ceiling fans.  I took down one of the light fixtures, only to discover there was only a light weight rod spanning the ceiling rafters, not nearly strong enough to support our ceiling fans, double dawg dadgumit!  Off to paint!

I've been painting all my life.  we went through three buckets of paint with ease, running out on Sunday, about the time we needed to pack up and head back to home base.  I felt pretty good about all the work we had gotten done.  The Spousal Unit even got the cable going on the TV that made the trip.  Before we left, the complex manager showed up with the internet guys to install the modem.  A wireless router was already in route courtesy of Amazon Prime!


Time for more painting.  Two bedrooms are now a light shade of blue, and the living and dining are a color called "lambs ear".  The cabinets in the kitchen were stained wood, which just darkened up the place.  Painting these called for a trip to Sherwin Williams since LOWES doesn't carry oil based enamel paint.

After the Spousal Unit had done some research, it turns out that the new thermostat would work after all, yes!  This sucker was programmable and wifi enabled, so it could be monitored remotely.  Now that's what you call high tech!

The bathrooms got new curved shower rods to add more roominess to these fiberglass tubs.  I also added new tub drains that you press with you foot to open and close.  The cabinets got one coat of paint before I ran out.  Next trip with a stop at Sherwin Williams should do the trick!

I installed a wireless doorbell so that the spousal unit could hear the door if she had company knocking while she was in the back prepping.   That sucker has 35 different tone sequences, and of course we went with the first one.

The wireless router came on with no problems.  It allows you to have two "logins", one for you at higher speeds, and another at a lower speed for guests.  I wanted to name it the "geriatric luv shack" but the Spousal Unit overruled me!  Rats!

I was then able to turn on the wifi features of the new thermostat.  We can now adjust it and monitor the temperature from Brandon, or from our smart phones.  We can put the unit on 80 degrees and then adjust it down on our way up there on future trips!  Technology is awesome, once you figure it out!

The ceiling fans by far were the worst project of all.  I put the fans together, ready to be hung.  I then removed the old light fixture.  There is now a four inch hole for me to work with.  I pushed the small rods enough so I could pull them apart, then bent them to one side.  I then installed a much bigger rod through that four inch hole.  This rod is held in place by tension between the rafters.  Three hours later we had two operational ceiling fans! 

While working on the last one, there was a knock on the door.  The upstairs neighbor had worked late last night had was having trouble sleeping with me banging in the ceiling and Oscar & Otis barking at every little odd noise.  he wanted to know when we would be done with our renovation projects.  That pretty much tells you that there is no insulation between floors.  I started laughing, and the Spousal Unit said "what????"  My comment back was "I can't wait till he has some spend the night company and the ceiling begins to talk to US!!!"  I'll probably take him some cookies on the next trip as a peace offering :-).

During the trip, we also acquired a bigger TV, one of those "smart TV's".  It took that sucker almost an hour to complete its search and destroy mission to load all the channels that weren't scrambled.  Basic and expanded basic service along with the internet are included in our month HOA fees.  We decided to wait on the digital signal upgrade "for a fee" for now.

Finally all of my "almost move in ready"chores are almost done.  I only have one more coat of paint on the bathroom cabinets to go for our next trip, which will be the first home football game.  The Spousal Unit takes over with adding décor and additional furnishings.  We have a queen, a double, and a set of bunk beds at the ready for sleepovers.  After the painting, my only chores will be grilling on the patio or driving to one of the eateries for my foodie addiction.

And she said, "its almost move in ready......."

Sunday, August 7, 2016

GPS Crazy Chick

When we got our first Garmin years ago, it literally saved our marriage.  Before, we would try to find our way using a paper map, or worse, some hand written instructions, and of course, we would end up missing a turn, taking a wrong turn, and end up being mad at each other.

Enter the GPS gal to save the day!  The spousal unit did not appreciate my love affair with the Garvin chick.  She would say "you never get mad or yell at her!"  I'd just look a her and say "well at least with her, if I miss a turn, she says "recalculating"!"

Our GPS with our Chevy Traverse was wonderful.  If you couldn't load or find the location in the GPS, you simply called the OnStar folks and they would send you the directions via satellite, and off you go!

Well, the old Traverse got a few too many miles on her, and repairs were becoming a nagging issue, so time for a new ride.  The Spousal unit decided on an Acura MDX.

The Acura has a "state of the art" new high end, high tech, GPS system.  It mostly works off of voice commands.  That works great except that she will only listen to the driver, ignoring all other passengers.  The process works great, as long as you are speaking the Acura version of the English language.  If you are an ole southern Redneck like me, your patience will eventually run thin.

The backup plan would be to hit the "Acura link " button and ask for the directions to be downloaded, just like OnStar.  Only problem, they want $300 up front just to turn on that feature!  Being an independently minded feller, I ain't go time for that!

Normally, when heading to a new dot on the map, I'll take the time to load the coordinates before we leave the driveway.  This trip, I knew where I was going and how to get there.  The trip was gonna take around six hours, and about halfway, I got board, so what the hell, let's play Captain Kirk and voice command!

The Acura chick prefers you to give her city and State first, to narrow down the search.  I told her "Miramar Florida".  I admit, I spoke it in Southerneze, dragging out F-l-o-r-i-d-a!  She comes back with some place in Oregon!  WTH???  It got a little better once I tried "Destin", with a quick reference to "Florida".  But, the more I tried voice prompting the exact location, the more frustrated I became.

I looked over at the Spousal unit, who was laughing at me, so much that she was about to wet her pants.  I asked "what???"  She replied "you are yelling at her like you used to yell at me!!!  I guess the honeymoon with you two is over"!  Busted!  She had my number!  We were now both laughing our heads off!

Finally I just hit the cancel button on the Acura chick, hit goggle maps on my smartass phone, typed in the desired location, and bam!  Instant directions!  Strike up a win for Google!

I'm not done with the Acura chick yet.  There are many more battles with her coming before I throw in the towel!