Every now and again I will be an unsolicited friend request on facebook from a total stranger. I'll look at their page to see what the connection could be, and I figure out that its a brand new account, and someone is "catfishing", that is, pretending to be someone else, and using profile pictures and information from some unlucky person that is real.
I decided to take it a step further with one of these "catfishers" and see what I could get out of them. I doubt very seriously that "Jessica Long" is a real person, and may not even be female.
You decide:
Jessica Long
Its not blank, you got to be on my friend list to see my page
Jessica Long
No you do not know me, I came across your profile while randomly browsing through AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens page and you had liked a post on there so I decided to send you a friend request. Hope you don't mind being friends with me? I am pleased and honored to be friends with you. How old are you and what do you do for a living?
Bill Weems
56, and retired. Life of Hawaiian shirts, shorts and flip flops!
Jessica Long
Hows life treating you and how about your wife and kids?
Wonderful. Got a 26 yr. old rock star wanta be and a 20 yr. old electrical engineering student.

Jessica Long
Well, I'm a quiet girl, who puts a lot of effort and interest in her work. I consider myself intelligent, but not eager for recognition, I play honestly, I really dislike to be in the spot, but I'm careful enough to stay competitive. Professionally I feel great, I'm in a good position, I have a lot of satisfaction and wish to share. I like a lot to keep myself in a good shape, physical and spiritual so I pay attention for both. Enjoy good movies, arts, classic music, generally what seems to be for me authentic...and I love being in nature/ My friends tell me that I am easy to look at (and I do manage to turn a few heads)., I enjoy golf, hiking, and visiting a park. I would not consider myself a gourmet chef by any means, but I am pretty handy in the kitchen and do enjoy fine dining. Less I forget these are more activities I love doing..
for fun:
The things that I like to do are practice swimming and watch the Patriots and the Sox. I also like to watch NASCAR especially when DALE JR is leading
my religion:
I was born and raised Catholic, but have not attended church since I was a teenager (other than the occasional wedding or funeral) .
my education:
I attended Lakeview Elementary School in Bloomington and Bloomington High School South 1965 S Walnut St, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 and The University of Texas School of Nursing in Houston , where I got my most precious education. I've always desired to play the keyboard, Piano and Organ, but never practice any of it since I left down here on this assignment
favorite hot spots:
Even though I stink at it, I would love to go dancing (as long as you don't laugh!). I would also love to enjoy a pint at favorite Irish pub. Going to Boston would be fun as well. I would love to explore Europe some day hopefully in the future.
favorite things:
I like watching movies. I like an occasional meeting good people and enjoy a glass of wine before bed. I like to laugh and I like to be physically active. I like sitting by my fireplace. I like to play video games.
last read:
The last thing I read was the entire Harry Potter series. I like to read the Boston Globe and Herald.
All I am looking for is "True Love," no Games, no Playing around, just want to find my soul mate in life...the one man I connect with in every way... I do not know very much about you cos I believe there are still some few things to learn about you for real when we meet in person soon, yet any woman that does not treat you with respect, true love, genuine kindness and caring is absolutely a fool. True Love can be given without being shared, but a shared Love still allows for your special loved one to grow.
To me, there is nothing more special than a shared Love. One that delights in our loved one's achievements, and growth as a person. One that has no jealousy, anger or mistrust. I believe we will
believe so completely in each other, and Love each other so completely, that we will trust without hesitation as well....You should know that I feel like we could make it, I mean really work! Of course there will be our ups and downs before meeting each other but we’ll always make it through....I truly believe in the communication factor. It’s always been the answer to a healthy and successful relationship because communication is very important on date..
I am a lovingly touchy person. I like to hold hands, hug and kiss when appropriate... I like open affection, but in good taste, not for affection sake. I love to look into my loved one's eyes, and often get accused of starring... But I stare at flowers too, they never complain that I could look at them from when the blossom until they fade away... I like being touched too. Held and having my hair played with... I like simple things, not complications and overbearing...
I want my soul mate to be my best friend, so I can always talk with him, and my other friends all accept and love him too, that he can accept and love them back. Life is so short, why do people
make it so complicated by wanting everything they see...and forgetting that we are here to Love one another, not "bed as many as we can" and have nothing true and genuine when our time comes... I believe it takes "a lot of time" to know someone, and when an actual "relationship" does start ...
Note: I have now "befriended" this person, nor do I intend to. Once they are "befriended" they either get into your confidence and scam you out of your heart and money, or they go after some of your friends. Beware, as you can see, they have a way with words, and before you know it.........
1 comment:
WOW!!! You just got propositioned on Facebook!! LOL
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