Day One:
Had to try out my new beach toy, fancy smancy cup holder, Just push that sucker into the sand and presto! Cup Holder, minus the sand.....

First Hour:
Can't make this stuff up. Black girl feeds a bird some chips. Where there is one bird, there a 100. Girl, in a panic is running down the beach screaming, with birds in tow! Lol!
Second Hour:
Woman walks into the gulf waters with her IPad to take some pictures of family members having fun in the surf. Flags have been yellow all day. Big wave comes along, knocks the woman down, IPad long gone. Been laughing for five minutes! Think, peoples, THINK!
Day Two:
First Hour:
Ah, the sights to see at the public beach. Cool man Luke goes to put the beach umbrella into the sand. He has it all put together, then with one mighty shove, the whole thing collapses into the bottom pole. Cool man Luke is now covered in sand!
Second Hour:
More public beach sightings: tattoo of a swan that has now stretched out into an ostrich. The only kids playing with water guns are those from the hood. The man clan together by spreading the chairs out. The hen group clicks by pulling all the chairs back into the small circle. The man in the parking lot that now wishes he had paid that $5 to park vs that ticket he just got.
Third Hour:
More beach updates: guy in front of me learned not to look up at a group of birds overhead. Yep, got him dead center on the nose!. Then there is the female rituals. Spread the blanket out perfectly. Then up the hair into ponytails in unison. Then, oh dear, the line up for the lotion application. Looked like a cross between Ester Williams and a row of dominoes!
Fourth Hour:
Last beach update for the day: lifeguard brings a lost kid up to a family. There are already 8 little ones. Life guard asks if this one belongs to them. Momma looks up, guess so. Lifeguard reminds the mom to watch out for her young ones. Momma says, "Do you see how many babies I got?". "I can't keep up with all these, that's why I done brought them to the beach!"
This was just a day and a half trip. Leaving in the morning for a week in the sun, having fun, with my flipper on my feet, a towel over my shoulder, and a frozen margarita or two in the ice chest. Stay tuned, I'm sure the will be a story or two that will come outa seven days at the beach!
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