Went to the Polo Outlet last night and found a $125 Hawaiian shirt on the clearance rack for $25. I get up to the checkout and the clerk says "this is a really nice shirt". At this point, where is this conversation going? I say "yes it is, I couldn't resist the price". Clerk says "we have a hat and swim trunks in the same pattern, if you want to go all out". All I could come up with at this point was "can't go there, that's got tourist written all over it"! Man behind me chuckles and says "I think it would look good on you". Paid and got out of there quick. Thank God the spousal unit had the car running!
We get back to the Condo, and I was getting a couple of loads of laundry done on another floor, since this complex doesn't have the machines in the units. I decided to multitask, and took two plastic bags with me to raid the ice machine for the margaritas for the next day. I doubled the bags, filled it with ice, placed it in the laundry basket and then I remember that I left the Ziploc bags in the car. As I am waiting on the elevator, the door opens, and there stands four older ladies all dressed up, on their way to paint the town red. They invite me to come on into the elevator. One of the ladies notices the ice in the laundry basket, and says "looks like he is headed to a party girls". I then tell them the story about the margaritas today and that I'm making a new batch for tomorrow. Something tells me I just might have four more party guests at the beach!
I had a full bag of frozen treats for today, but neither the Rita Girls or the Everclear wonders, or the elevator Queens made it to our spot on the beach.
I have gotten quite a few comments about our umbrellas this week. They are quite the odd couple, the one labeled "Ole Miss" and the other labeled with the Michigan "M". We have gotten numerous "Hotty Toddy's" and several passerby hellos from Michigan fans. Last fall I was looking for a sport-brella umbrella for the spousal units Christmas present. I am an addicted internet shopper, and in my searches, I found that Amazon.com had two of these suckers originally priced at $69 marked down to $19.99 and they had the "Ole Miss" logo. Can't resist a bargain, so I ordered both of these bad boys. A day or two later, I get an email from Amazon informing me that the product was no longer available and the order was cancelled. Well, a few days later, a package arrives from Amazon.com. To my surprise I discover that it is two umbrellas! I pull one of them out, open it up, looks good, so back in the bag it went. Christmas morning, the spousal unit opens the package, and the first one she pulls out was the Michigan one! Words cannot describe the look on her face and mine! I later look on my Amazon.com order history, and guess what, these were shipped out as "last of the stock items" and were never invoiced. I display my Michigan "M" umbrella proudly!
About an hour later, Granddaddy decides he wants to take a nap under that umbrella, so he got busy:
The kids got busy with their sand shovels and pails building sand art:
the tide never got to this one, but time and feet took their toll.
future engineers and architects at work

This kid's sister turned him into a mermaid, tail, boobs and all!
There was one little girl that just stood there and cried for about 45 minutes. Don't know if she was tired, hungry, mad or all three. I'm just glad she was the choir director and not a whole chorus!
I didn't see a whole lot of folks using suntan lotion. All I saw were these aerosol cans. Coconut must the favorite flavoring for these cans because I've been getting whiffs of that particular smell all week!
Throughout the week we were always spotting something humorous or strange. Saw two elderly men in their speedos, saw bikini sizes that should have never left the store, saw hairy backed men all covered in sand, and some cover-ups that weren't quite doing their job:
Today was even PBR promo day. Beer and koozies were being given out by the handfuls. I had never actually tasted on of these, but I was up to the challenge:
The promo tent is in the background of this picture. I was surprised at the number of "stale" brands that this group markets. I took several swallows of my PBR, and I swear, I think I have grown six more chest hairs since we got back to the Condo. I talked a bit with the head marketing rep. He asked the usual question "where are you from"? I replied "Jackson". He said "Oh, we had the Jackson distributor here earlier today". I think I met his wife yesterday (remember the sun worshipper and the tall boys?).
This pretty much concludes this adventure for the spousal unit and myself. Time for dinner, packing, "Another Broken Egg" in the morning, then a 6-9 hour ride back to Rankin County and ole Oscar Dog. Hope you have had as much fun reading this as we have had experiencing it. Life is Good :-).
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your crazy life with us!! I always get a good laugh or two!
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