Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Da Pecking Order

Been married to the spousal unit for over 30 years. She is my best friend, the love of my life, and the best mother two boys could ever ask for.  She wasn't built for speed, but she can outlast the best of you and me when it comes to dancing, riding roller coasters, and staying till the very last second of every Ole Miss game that she has attended.  We were both in homes of modest incomes and have always tried to give our boys way more than we ever got.

Her body has not been able to keep pace with her throughout the years.  During the birthing years, seems like everybody was pregnant at the same time.  She, being the "Head Nurse In Charge" had to be there at the hospital with them, even while pregnant herself.  The Doctor finally had to put his foot down, and put her in the bed during the last trimester of Matthew's birth.

This ole gal even played rec volley ball at the church.  She ended up blowing out her knee on the court, and those fine church goers called me to come get her off the court!  With all the stresses of work and home life, we had not been very successful at producing kid number two.  Well, while she is at home recovering from knee surgery, she gets pregnant with son number two.  We accused the knee surgeon of being a fertility doctor too!

Most recently her hip finally gave out.  After that surgery, I've referred to her as the bionic woman.  They have rebuilt her with another drive shaft that should last her for another 100,000 miles.   Now the other hip is showing signs of wear and tear, so the clock is ticking on that one.

But what has really had me perplexed recently is this phenomenon called the "sisterhood pecking order".  The spousal unit has been a "take charge" kinda gal from the first day I met her.  That, and her smile, were the two things that most attracted me to her. 

We are over in Atlanta for a blessed event, the birthing of the Grandbaby Nephew.  Work had kept me away from the birthing of the Grandbaby Niece.  All of a sudden, "Miss I'll take charge", is sitting back taking orders from the oldest of the sisterhood pecking.  At first, I thought she was having one of those "female moments" that always have us menfolk puzzled.

 This phenomenon must be viral because I think I've caught it. Even though there are plenty of vehicles in the parking lot,  I'm now taking orders to Taxi "da family" through Atlanta traffic!  I had several Stella Artois at the "Tilted Kilt" last night.  Hopefully the Stella, the boobs, and the kilt infusion will have me back to normal.

So to you men out there, that run into this phenomenon down the road, let it slide, take two Stellas, and call me in the morning!


Denise Wall said...

Bill Weems, my recent posts on FB have been brutally honest, so I shall continue in that vein. LaNelle Leggett Weems is truly one of the very best women I have ever had the honor of calling my friend. Smart, witty, loving and quite capable of handling you - a feat not easily accomplished. Obviously, it is hard to keep a great woman down! And, I hope it goes without saying, you are pretty phenomenal yourself. Proud to call you my friend, as well. Great post! Keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

Spousal Unit is one of a kind we all love her. If she blows second hip get another, the more bionic the better. I grew up with you and your brothers or maybe some where cousins in school it was never clear but you have aged like wine so as I read your blog our teachers would be so proud you get A+for all

A Recovering Southern Belle Drug Addict said...

Bill, it was so wonderful to see you and LaNelle at the AJL Family Reunion last weekend...especially LaNelle! LOL! I am always so very glad to see you, too, my friend. Enjoying the blog so much! I may not always comment, but I read every entry. Great work!