Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beach Sightings

Yesterday was Memorial Day and the beach was overflowing with sunbathers and all the stuff they bring with them.  My first thought was. "Oh crap, hope the resr of the week isn't going to be like this!

Thank goodness it wasn't.  Yes! For a typical beach afternoon.  Got everything all set up, adding one more umbrella and two more chairs for son#1 and his girly friend.

Headed back to pick up the rest of the crew and ran by the bank to deposit a check son#1 brought me.  Was gonna do an electronic deposit but there is a daily limit of $10,000 on e-deposits and this aluminum can recycling check was over the limit.  Usually they will put a deposit hold on large check from out of State, but somehow this one made it through.  The teller noticed that on June 1st I will have been a customer for 32 years.  D a m n! That's a long time.  My young buck preacher friend commented on FB that he was two when I opened my account.

While I was waiting for the bank to open, I struck up a chat with a local customer.  While in the teller line I learned that she was a teacher, making her last deposit of the school year.  Turns our Florida only issues nine month pay rates.  Takes a lot of discipline to make it on teacher income and especially over nine months!

Once we all got back to the beach, we got back into our beach mode:  spousal unit soaking up the rays, son#1 soaking up the beer, and me soaking up the bird watching!  Son's girly friend was being soaked up by the book she brought.

Lots of beach toys today.  Several kites were sighted in the sky.  They fly really good with a nice breeze coming off the gulf.  Balls of every kind were skipping off the water.  Footballs and Frisbees were landing everywhere but in people's hands.  There were several games of paddle ball going on.  Strange that you never see this particular game anywhere but at the beach.

Yesterday was lots of sightings of burly hairy sunburnt men.  Today it was all about man boobs.  Good lord fellas, cover them up!  It reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Kramer invented the man bra that he called "the bro"!  If women ever give up their milk glands for good, I saw several candidates for replacements.

Got to see our first thing of the trip.  I must say she wore that thank quite nicely!  Even son#1 agreed.  Then there was the pregnant lady in the bikini.  She already had two children, but I wasn't looking for stretch marks, I was looking for her to cover it up!  (Sorry, ain't posting no picture of no pregnant woman).

Then there were the beauty queen wantabees.  They all had my vote.  They all wanted their picture taken.  Finally son#1 volunteered to snap a group photo of them.  Several of the young lasses even called him " Sir", at the ripe old age of 27.    That really got to him, especially after being carded at the restaurant.

A gust of wind came up, and an umbrella went flying.  Yep, one of mine.  No harm, no foul.  The top came loose from the pole.  Ain't figured that one out yet!.

As you gaze the waterline you can always pick out the wheezers.  They are the ones that are standing in the same spot for far too long, usually with their backs to the beach.  Stay away from yellow slicks omn the water.

The spousal unit made the remark that she had not seen any gulls all day.  Son#1 said watch this.  He stood up, with his arm stretched out high, with a potato chip between his fingers.  Within a minute the sky had ten gulls in persuit of that tater chip.

4:00 came awlful early today.  We packed up and headed to the condo pool.  A pork shoulder has been warming all day after an overnight cooking.  We will be eating fine in a few hours.  No restaurant will get my money on this night!

Be good, good night, and God bless y'all for reading my ramblings.  Life is good, all the time!

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