Thursday, May 14, 2015


I'm  getting ever so close to that milestone in life called 60.  Got cousins that are already there.  Got lots of friends that have hit this milestone too.  Some of us in this category have something in common:  we all have developed a case of "sometimer's disease.

This particular disease kicks in at the most awkward of times.  You are ready, you are set, and you're all about go, but then you can't  remember!

Down here in Destin Florida for a week and you would think it would be carefree and relaxation to the max!  Not so my friends!

I got ready to go out for the day, could not find my room key, had to get another one.  Another trip out the door and I could not find my favorite hat, it was under a pillow on the couch.  In conversation yesterday, I could not remember the name of an favorite restaurant.

Yesterday I walked out front of the condo, looked forward, and WTH???, where did I park?,  oh yeah, over on the side lot because the front lot was full.   This morning, I had those weird feelings come over me,  forgot to take my magic pills yesterday!

I've  caught myself a time or two in restrooms having to feel around and find nothing.  Dang it! Got my drawers on backwards again.  It used to be easier when they put the size tag on the back.  No problem this week, ain't wearing any.  Nothing but swim suits for me all week and commando when its restaurant time!

And wouldn't you know it, i forgot to put my phone on the charger.. But hey, maybe it will also kick in on Saturday and i'll forget its time to go home!

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