Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Traditions

Lots of Christmas traditions in this house, bet you have yours too!

Tree Lights:  When we went to a pre-lit artificial tree 10 years ago, we have had clear lights glowing.  After most of the strands burned out, we stripped the tree and started over.  Since we had quite a collection of colored lights from years past, color it is.  Turned out nice.

Trees:  For years we would load up and go to the fairgrounds to get out Christmas tree.  Our preference was a Frasier Fur, because of the shape and they didn't drop many needles.  I grew up with Scotch Pines, and they were a nightmare to keep them standing, and the shedding needles were a real pain at disposal time.  The trees would get donated to a local fisherman that would add a cement block and sink them in the Rez for bedding fish.  Finally switched to a pre-lit artificial that has paid for itself in just a few short years.

Ornaments:  We have quite a collection.  We have a set of "dough boy" ornaments that the boys will eventually inherit.    We have a set of hand stitched cross stitched ornaments that we made before the boys were born.  Some of our favorites are a series of ceramic ornaments made by Gail Pittman.  The ceramic ones are on the tree this year.

Luminaries:  When we moved into out current home, we brought a tradition from Inverness to the neighborhood.  On Christmas Eve, we would set out paper bags with sand in the bottom, and add a lit candle to welcome Santa to the neighborhood.  As the kids got older, this one has kinda gone by the way side.

When to Open:  Every family has its preference, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  The spousal unit gave into the boys years ago and allows them to open one present on Christmas Eve, then the rest are ripped apart the next morning.  We would then eat a quick breakfast, then load up and head to the Delta for the rest of the Day.  With the spousal unit having hip surgery this year, we will not be making the trek "North".  Kinda looking forward to it.

Candy Making time:  For the last 20 years or so, my Sister up in the Delta spends her free time baking Christmas candy treats.  Her customer list has grown each year.  Her most popular items are: pralines, divinity, fudge, coconut date skillet cookies and turtles.   A special batch of turtles are made for my Dad, the diabetic.  These are made with sugar free caramels.

Other Desserts:  Our favorite is coconut cake, caramel cake, an my Dad's specialty Ambrosia.  I usually make a batch of Ambrosia with coconut, pineapple and navel oranges.  A ladle full on a piece of coconut cake is to die for!

Yard Art:  My Dad is the King of yard art.  He doesn't go "ape crazy" but he still puts out quite an assortment.  He puts all kind of lights on the bushes.  I gave him a herd of white reindeer that usually ends up grazing in the turnip green patch.  This year we/he added a stable and manger scene.  His best trick is with Mr. & Mrs. Claus.  He sets them out on a bench, then at day night on Christmas Day he goes out and sends the Claus's on there merry way until next year.

Yard lights:  when the boys were young, we would pick a night and tour the neighborhoods to see the lighting decorations.  The white lights added such a sparkle that you could pretend that it was snow all aglow.  Then occasionally you would turn the corner and find a house that had put out those "colored ones".  I gave a neighbor so much grief about her colored lights that she retired them after the first year.  Joke's on me, the coloreds are making a comeback.

Meal time:  Some traditions eventually go by the wayside,  Once you get married and have children you have to decide what stays and what goes.  Dinner with my family is a very large deal.  All the aunts, uncles, and cousins gather at one house.  The only problem, there are so many women, and so little "mirror space".  Lunch had gradually stretched to a start time, in some years, to past 2 pm.  That began to cut into time with the other "side".  Now that the boys are adults, we let them pick where we go first.  With the encroachment of girl friends, all that is about to change one more time.    Starting to thinks about a destination holiday retreat.

I would love to hear of your traditions.  Leave a post, if you'd like.

Merry Christmas to All!

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