Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tis the season for gift giving

Yes!  Its that time of the year where you should be wrapping up your gift buying,  getting it all wrapped and tagged and delivered.

At least that's the way it used to be.  Used to be, you would get some clothes that were the wrong size, wrong color, or God forbid, the wrong style!  Day after Christmas, those that were off work would load up and head to the exchange it line.  Walmart has been famous for having several reqisters dedicated for just the returned items coming back.  The line would be out the door!

The Weems family used to gather once a year and exchange stories and do a gift exchange.  That got old since we only saw each other once a year for the benefit of the grand parents.  After they had passed, we tried to continue the tradition, but we only grew further apart.  Somebody suggested that we do a "dirty Santa" gift.  One aunt blew up on that idea, and all us cousins got a kick out of that!

One year, the same Aunt decided that the "children" needed  more religion in their lives, so she "decided" that the children would read the Christmas story from the Bible.   All went well, until the reader kept going and started reading the passages "and then he was circumcised! "  That was the end of that!

Nowadays things are different.  Older Kids don't play with toys.  Its all about computer games, gift cards, and money.  You can almost just throw a bunch of gift cards into a pile and say pick one.  The lines at the stores aren't for returns anymore, its gift card redemption.

This year I made an effort to make each niece and nephew some cross stitched Christmas Ornaments for them to remember me by as they begin their traditions their future spouses and their famlies.  Best part, these aren't breakable so they should last several lifetimes.

All this to say, its ok to give money and gift cards, but try to include something personal to them and you.  You'll be glad you did!


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