Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog

It was 3:30 in the morning.  I was in a dead sleep.  The spousal unit was shaking me, in a flustered panic.  I slowly opened one eye at a time, to focus in on a woman that was red with rage.   I did a quick flashback to try and remember what I might have done to her in the past 24 hours.  Coming up empty, I said "Yes?"

She was in the bed, on her knees, leaning toward me.  She said, in a very emotional state of mind, "Do you know what your son has been up to for the last 2 hours???"  I mumbled, "no, but I guess I'm about to find out."  And then she began:

"I was in the middle of one of my dreams, and Oscar woke me with his barking.  I looked around the room, and he wasn't in here.  I get up, go into the living room, and there is Morgan, trying to bribe him with your dog treats.  Oscar wasn't interested in any treats, just kept barking.  I sat on the couch, trying to calm Oscar down, but to no avail.  I suggested to Morgan that he look outside, to see if there was something out there that might have stirred this dog up.   Morgan went to the door, looked outside, and said "nothing there".  He calmly shut the door, which, by the way, always sticks.  Problem is, I never heard him open the door.  Hummm. Morgan then proceeded to go to his bedroom, with Oscar now in tow, still barking.

Morgan shut his door, not allowing Oscar to come in.  I told him to let Oscar in, maybe that would calm him down,  I walked to the door, opened it, and in rushed Oscar, who began sniffing at the closet door.  Morgan was sitting on his bed, a futon.  I took one look at him, saw the closet door was closed, and knew immediately, that something was up.  I said, ok bucko, what is going on!  Morgan, with his legs all folded up, looked down into his lap, and said "girls".

I rushed to the door, jerked it open, and in the closet floor, in the fetal position, were two young girls!  I read them the riot act and threatened to call somebody!  They had gotten bored, called Morgan, then decided to walk two miles and come for a visit.  BUSTED!

They left, I had a good talking with your son.  Now, what are you going to do!?????"

By now, I am fully awake.  I have taken this all in, and I now have my pillow stuffed in my mouth to control my laughter, but it ain't working.  She then yells "what's so damn funny?"

I reply, "well, do you know what this makes Oscar?"  She said "what?"  In my most serious facial expression that I can come up with, I say, "He's an official cock hound"!  With that, we both have a good laugh!

To this day Oscar dog gets all the dog treats he wants, because you never know when there will be two girls in MY CLOSET!

1 comment:

Tangelo said...

LOL! You aren't right!