Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Baby's Coming

With all the brewhaha this week about that royal baby over there in England, we have one of our own!

The spousal unit's baby sister is scheduled to deliver her second child by C-section on Tuesday.  A good chunk of the baby momma's family are planning to be there for this wonderful event. The baby daddy's family will be along a week later, when the bulk of all the oowing and aweing done happened.

The sex of the baby has been known for months, gonna be a boy.  The baby momma and daddy have been tight lipped on what they have picked out for a name.  The biggest possibility, is that he will be named after the baby daddy, who is the "IV".  This would make him  the number "V".

The Grandmaw, Nanny, and I have been having a ball with this one.  I came up with "Fifth of Whiskey", or "JD" for Jack Daniels.  Nanny came up with the best one "Half pint", since it will take him a little time to grow into a whole fifth!

Stay tuned.  They journey begins  Sunday,  The car will be packed to the ceiling with all the baby stuff the spousal unit will be taking for both the "Grandbaby Nephew" and the "Grandbaby Niece" that is 18 months old.  Can't wait to see the maneuvering for holding time with the new one and playtime with the other, between a Grandmother and two aunts!  Battle Royale, no holds barred!

1 comment:

Donna Collins said...

Congrats to everyone on the new baby!! Praying that mommy and baby come through the birth healthy!!